Although Su Prison Xing did not speak, he entered the Divine Sword Sect of the Sanpin Sect.

And the contemporary sect of the Divine Sword Sect ranks second on the list of gods.

Something, needless to say, already says it all.

"I don't believe that Gu Xuan has fallen..."

Su Jianxing suddenly spoke, and Zhou Canglan and Chao Yan were stunned.

Su Prison said coldly: "How can a person who can use my sword path as nourishment, how can he easily be oblivious to everyone." And..."

Su Jiaoxing looked up at the Divine Appearance List, narrowed his eyes, and said in a low voice: "I have seen the Divine Sword Sect Sect Sect come out with a sword. His knife is stronger than Gu Xuan. But...

It's not as amazing as Gu Xuan!"

Zhou Canglan and Chao Yan's bodies shook slightly, their expressions were complicated, and they didn't know what to say.

Also on the other side of Tianyun City, Ji Lingsheng, who was like a god, was also looking at the god list.

When he searched all over the god list and didn't find the familiar name, his brows couldn't help frowning a little.

"Gu Xuan, it's been almost a year, haven't you even gone up to the god list?"

Ji Lingsheng whispered to himself, "If that's the case, then you're too disappointed for me."

Ji Lingsheng shook his head and turned to leave.


The martial arts tea party is about to begin, and the geniuses of the entire Zhongzhou Divine Appearance Realm are gathered here.

Every day, a large number of warriors arrive, some of them are unknown, and some of them can cause a great sensation as soon as they appear.

Finally, on this day, the sky above Tianyun City suddenly bloomed, blooming with thousands of miles of glow.

Under the great power of the general trend of heaven and earth, the golden dragons of fortune are embodied and can be captured by the naked eye.

In an instant, in the sky above Heavenly Fortune City, hundreds of golden dragons roared and circled, emitting a heaven-shattering roar.

The majesty of this vision caused the martial artists in the entire Heavenly Fortune City to come out one after another.

And many Tianjiao martial artists were also sensitive, and they all rushed to the center of Tianyun City.

In the center of Tianyun City, under the ancient monument of the god list, it was already full of warriors who came to watch this prosperous era.


Several figures stepped into the air.

This person has a golden robe and a golden crown, and his appearance is handsome, just like the prince of the world, and his body exudes a noble atmosphere.

Behind this person, a young man bathed in red golden flames also stepped into the air.

There are also cold knife-wielding young people, peerless beauties with graceful postures, fair-skinned and handsome bald youths, and so on.

Onlookers recognized the identities of the men and exclaimed.

"The Eastern Celestials are here!"

"The leader should be the son of King Xi, the prince of Shenxi!

"The second prince of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, the soul of the Splitting Sky Knife, the second holy son of the White Elephant Holy Land, the contemporary witch of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Qin Qingmiao... All of them are well-known beings on the god list. "

"What a Qin Qingmiao, it's really charming to the bones. If there is a stunning list, this woman will definitely be in the top three!"

In the midst of admiration, another group of people roared.

The group was led by a young man in black.

The eyebrows of the black-clothed young man flew diagonally into his sideburns, and his body exuded an incomparable earth-shattering sword aura, and wherever he passed, the air parted.

Many warriors below, those with swords and blades, all buzzed and vibrated endlessly, and the atmosphere was amazing.

"It's the leader of Southern Tianjiao, the son of the Divine Sword Sect!"

"As soon as it appeared on the stage, it attracted thousands of swords to shock, the contemporary sect of the Divine Sword Sect is worthy of being the sword wizard of the Divine Sword Sect for thousands of years, this momentum is too terrifying!"

"Just kidding, there are countless Tianjiao in the south, and there are two holy places in one product. The ability of the Divine Sword Sect Sect is the second and third in the Holy Land of the Divine Sword Sect, and the second and third Holy Sons have become the leaders of the south, ranking second on the Divine Ranks, and their strength can be seen. "

On the eastern side, Duan Soul's face was solemn.

When the Divine Sword Sect Sect appeared, even the long knife in his hand couldn't contain it and trembled violently.

It shows that the other party's sword attainments are far away from him.

"I don't know who is stronger or weaker than that person, compared to the Divine Sword Sect?"

Duan Soul thought secretly in his heart.

Immediately afterward, another group of people crossed over.

This time, the leader is a beautiful woman in a white dress.

The woman is peerless, beautiful and charming, and exudes an awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament.

As soon as she appeared, she took away the light of all the female cultivators in the field, and only Qin Qingmiao of the Heavenly Demon Sect could fight against her.

One east and one west, the two beauties form two beautiful landscapes, which dazzle countless warriors.

"The third saint of the Yaotai Holy Land wishes purple smoke!"

"No. 3 on the list of gods. I wish Ziyan can become the leader of the western group as a woman, it is really amazing!"

"The three holy maidens of the Yaotai Holy Land, the first saint has already set foot on the road of fighting for the king, and the third saint wishes purple smoke, who is the second saint?

"I don't know, it is said that the second saintess of the Yaotai Holy Land has not yet fully grown up, but she is extremely talented, and she has a very high degree of compatibility with the supreme inheritance of the Yaotai Holy Land, and she has been secretly cultivating. Maybe I don't know when it will surprise Zhongzhou. "

"Oh oh..."

The three Tianjiao of the southeast and west are all entered, and only the north is left in the future.

In anticipation, a figure slowly flew in.

When this man arrived, the northern sky seemed to be dark.

Everyone on the field, including several Tianjiao leaders, all looked in one direction.

I saw an ordinary-looking man with eyes as bright as stars stepping into the air.

The man looks very ordinary, but he is extremely extraordinary.

The corners of his mouth were smiling, and one person seemed to represent one.

When he arrived, even the heavens were darkened.

"It's him!"

"He's gotten more terrifying.."

Prince Shenxi and the others, when they saw this person, their eyes all showed a deep look of jealousy, and their expressions were serious.

"No. 1 in the Divine Appearance List...."

"Xu Ye!"

When it comes to the name Xu Ye, many people have complicated expressions.

Xu Ye is a legend of the younger generation in Zhongzhou.

No one knows where he came from or where he came from.

When this person appeared, he was like a comet hitting the moon, rising strongly, and rushed to the first place on the god list in one fell swoop.

Many first- and second-grade holy places in the north, and the descendants of the third-grade sects, have almost all been beaten by him.

With the power of one person, the young generation in the entire northern part of Zhongzhou was overwhelmed.

This person is Xu Ye!

When Xu Ye appeared, there were many powerful Tianjiao coming one after another.

For example, the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect.

This is a demonic man, wild and vigorous.

Where he stood, there was a large open space next to him, and no one dared to approach it at all.

Because the qi and blood emanating from the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect was too strong, getting close to him was like approaching a 10,000-degree furnace.

Almost all the geniuses of the Zhongzhou Divine Realm entered.

The golden dragons of fortune above the heads of countless Tianjiao confronted each other and roared incessantly.

Looking closely, everyone found a point.

The many Heavenly Glory Golden Dragons in the east seem to be the weakest.

For example, the leader of the first section, the son of the Divine Sword Sect, the third saint of the Yaotai Holy Land Zhu Ziyan and others.

The luck golden dragon is more than eighty zhang strong, and the luck golden dragon of Xu Ye, the first person in the god phase, is more than ninety zhang.

And the Prince of Divine Breath, who is the leading figure in the east.

It's only more than seventy zhang?!

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