It is only about the same as the Tianjiao of the second rank of the other department, and even the luck of the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, who is fifth on the god list.

And the second prince of Jinwu, Duan Soul and others, their luck is even lower.

"What's going on, why is Eastern Tianjiao's luck so sluggish?"

"Although the overall strength of the east is weak, this is too weak!"

"This time the god list is re-ranked, and I can't get into the top five!"

Everyone below was talking, and many Eastern Tianjiao looked slightly embarrassed.

Only they themselves know the real reason for the sluggish luck of many heavenly arrogance in the east.


They were all defeated by one man.

And they didn't even know the real identity of that person.

"I saw the shadow of Xu Ye in that person, all of them rose so suddenly, Gaia's generation, both mysterious and powerful..."

Prince Shenzhi sighed secretly in his heart: "Great world, it really deserves to be a great world. The king's bloodline is not enough to be my reliance..."

And at this moment, Gu Xuan, who was hiding in the crowd, was staring intently at a person.

Xu Ye!

"The light of chance! the golden light of chance! and it is very rich, as if there is more than one."

The light in Gu Xuan's eyes flowed.

He saw that Xu Ye had several golden rays of light on his body.

One connected to the god list, and the other connected to an ancient ring on his hand.


Can't see clearly.

No matter what, Xu Ye is a fragrant bait.

Gu Xuan's fragrant gluttony.

The sky is full of pride, hundreds of luck golden dragons are entrenched in the sky, that scene, I am afraid that many people have never seen it in their lives.

Many people looked excited, looking forward to the official start of the next martial arts tea party.

"This is an unprecedented world, after coming to Zhongzhou, I know that the world is big, and I am small."

Zhou Canglan said with emotion: "Those of us who were born in the Southern Regions, only Ji Lingsheng barely caught up with this step, and even Gu Xuan didn't catch up, and I don't know if there will be a chance in the future.. Hey.."

Chao Yan and Su Jiaoxing's eyes flashed, and their expressions were complicated.

"I don't know if that kid is here?"

A handsome young man with a temperament like the bright moon scanned the audience, and his eyes flashed with a breathtaking coldness.

"Now that I have achieved great results, I have the strength to hit the top 30 of the god list. If that little boy stands before me, I will kill him!"

The young man's face was cold and murderous.

If Gu Xuan was here, he should be able to recognize this person as the prince of the Extreme Dao Immortal League who was slashed by him in the secret realm, Xi Mutian!

Just when everyone was waiting, the god list suddenly changed.

I saw that on the ancient monument of the Divine Appearance List, all the ranking names disappeared in an instant, and turned into chaos.

In the chaos, the golden light surged, gradually forming a text.

"Heaven gives tea.

The first cup, the light of divine wisdom!"

Heaven gives tea, and leads to the light of divine wisdom?!

The golden words appeared, and the audience shook!

Someone's eyes lit up, and he shouted in surprise: "This martial arts tea party is indeed presided over by the general trend of heaven and earth! Heaven gives tea, this is a supreme opportunity for everyone to share!"

Many people also reacted and were ecstatic.

"This first cup of tea, receiving the light of divine wisdom, refers to the legendary light of ancient divine wisdom?!"

"Legend has it that in ancient times, the light of divine wisdom fell from the sky.

Whoever gets the light will be self-clear and self-explanatory.

Rotten wood can open up, and no matter how stupid and stupid a fool is, he can become a first-class smart person in the world.

For martial artists, it can improve their comprehension and understanding of martial arts many times in an instant.

It's a great opportunity I've always dreamed of!"

Someone said excitedly.

"Then this level can't just be a good thing, right, there must be a high and low?"

Someone asked suspiciously.

Generally speaking, the higher the understanding, the more intelligent the person, the more light of divine wisdom can be attracted.

I think that the first level of the god list should be tested by everyone's understanding.

Heaven gives tea, and it also depends on whether you have the ability to drink it.

The greater the ability, the more tea you will drink, the more fragrant and mellow it will be!"

Someone explained.

Everyone was stunned.

Hearing the explanation, the eyes of many gods flashed, and they couldn't wait to try it.

Soon, after the golden words on the god list appeared.

On the Heavenly Fortune City, the clouds in the sky dome slowly dispersed.

Then, pillars of light that are difficult to describe in words fall from the sky.

This pillar of light is full of agility, and just by looking at it, people feel that their eyes are clear.

Many people's eyes lit up.

In an instant, hundreds of pillars of light fell on the bodies of the people below.

The pillar of light is only the thickness of the thumb and falls exactly on the center of the eyebrow.

And some people, full of expectations, can't even receive the light of divine wisdom with the thickness of their thumbs.

"Damn! What is the situation? Lao Tzu can't even get a little light of divine wisdom? Does God look down on me?"

"Maybe I'm stupid. "

"Hehe, aren't you the same.."


The people who received the light of divine wisdom were ecstatic, and they were busy gathering their minds and began to comprehend martial arts.

And those who did not receive the light of divine wisdom were depressed, and could only look around to see the excitement.

Under this look, the strength of Tianjiao's comprehension in the audience was suddenly clear at a glance.

Ordinary geniuses can only receive the light of divine wisdom as thick as a thumb, and only have a cluster of eyebrows.

A pseudo-dragon-level genius who can receive the light of divine wisdom with the thickness of a fist, like a jade bowl buckled in front of his forehead.

Jiaolong-level genius, the light of divine wisdom that he received was the thickness of a bucket, and it could almost wrap his whole body.

And the true dragon-level geniuses on the god list each received the light of divine wisdom the thickness of the water tank, and the whole person was bathed in the light of divine wisdom, which made others not envious.

And the leading figures of several major departments, such as the Prince of Divine Breath, the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, Zhu Ziyan, the Sect of the Divine Sword Sect and others, received the light of divine wisdom close to a zhang thick.

Not to mention enveloping them, it is more than enough to accommodate a few more people.

"Xu Ye's divine wisdom light doesn't seem to be much stronger than others, it's only a little more than a zhang.."

"It's amazing enough, okay, the higher you go, the harder it is to open the gap. And often, just a little bit of a gap can create two completely different cultivation realms of two martial artists with similar qualifications. "

"Makes sense. "

Just as everyone was talking, suddenly someone's eyes widened, as if they saw an extremely unbelievable scene, staring in a certain direction and yelling.

"Look over there!"

Those on the field who had not been guided by the light of divine wisdom looked at each other.

At a glance, all of them suddenly widened their eyes, like copper bells.

I saw a handsome young man sitting cross-legged in a no-man's corner.

At his side, a three-foot thick pillar of divine wisdom fell like a curtain of heaven.


It is nearly three times stronger than Xu Ye, who is the first on the god list!

In other words, this person's comprehension is almost as strong as Xu Ye, three times that of many Tianjiao leaders?!

Everyone looked stupid.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, wondering if he was mistaken.


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