"Who is this person?!How can he receive so much divine wisdom light, and his qualifications and comprehension are so terrifying?"

Someone whispered in horror, but before everyone could talk about anything, the scene they saw in the next scene directly made them look like they had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

"What is the light of the ancient divine wisdom, it turns out to be the will clone of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.."

As soon as Gu Xuan came into contact with the so-called Ancient Divine Wisdom Light, he immediately understood what was going on.

He had been instilled with the will of the Great Dao several times, and he was all too familiar with this.

He has always been fortunate to have access to the will of the Great Dao, and with the help of the will of the Great Dao, he understands that his own martial arts is "time on the plane".

Receiving the light of divine wisdom is similar, but many people are "on the plane" together.

And there is still a "network speed limit" for this "on the machine".

The amount of light of divine wisdom determines the speed of your "Internet speed".

The Divine Wisdom Light that Gu Xuan received was only three zhang in size, and compared to the speed of direct instillation of the Great Dao Will that he had experienced, it was as slow as a turtle crawling.

"At this speed, how many things can I comprehend when the time limit of the light of divine wisdom disappears... It's too slow, I need to increase my internet speed!"

Gu Xuan did not hesitate, and directly took out a Dao-level Perception Pill that he had treasured for a long time.

Since the amount of the light of divine wisdom is determined by one's own understanding, if you want to get more of the light of divine wisdom, you only need to improve your understanding.

Gu Xuan directly threw the Dao-level Perception Pill into his mouth.

In just a few breaths, his comprehension that was originally close to the demon increased ten thousand times, and he directly reached the avenue level.

Under the blessing of Dao-level comprehension, Gu Xuan's whole person was like a huge magnet that shone brightly, madly attracting the light of divine wisdom falling from the sky.

I saw, in an instant.

The divine wisdom light that fell in the sky quickly contracted, and they all converged towards Gu Xuan's side.

The light of divine wisdom around Gu Xuan swelled suddenly.

From the original size of three zhang, it has increased rapidly to four, five, and six zhang....

And the light is getting brighter and brighter, as if it has become the only center of this heaven and earth.

"Damn!What's going on?!"

"Hell yes!"

"Why does this guy's Divine Wisdom Light keep skyrocketing?!"

The onlookers exclaimed in amazement, and their eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets.

The total amount of Divine Wisdom Light is unchanged, and Gu Xuan's "Internet Speed" has increased, which can only lead to one result-

Other people's Internet speed decreases, or they are even directly deprived of the opportunity to "surf the Internet".

"Damn, what's going on?!"

A young genius suddenly woke up from an epiphany, shocked and angry.

He was still contemplating his own martial arts, but seeing the rapid increase of a martial art, the indescribable wonderful taste was refreshing, and suddenly...



This feeling of being suddenly interrupted in the middle of the refreshment is really uncomfortable.

It's not just him, it's a lot of people.

"Damn, why is the light of my divine wisdom broken?!"

"Why is there so much less light of my divine wisdom?!"

Many geniuses woke up from their epiphany, and there was a lot of exclamation and scolding on the field.

The people who originally had the light of divine wisdom with the thickness of their thumbs disappeared directly.

The light of divine wisdom, which was originally thick at the mouth of the bowl, is now shrunk to the thickness of a thumb.

Even those True Dragon-level geniuses who were a few feet long, or even a zhang thick, were all affected, and the light of divine wisdom shrank to varying degrees.

The most intuitive feeling is that the speed of perception is rapidly decreasing.

"What's going on?"

The geniuses opened their eyes and frowned to probe the situation.

Then at a glance, I saw the incomparably magnificent pillar of super divine light in my sight, and my pupils contracted one by one, and I was so shocked that I almost jumped up from the ground.


Zhou Canglan's eyes widened, and he blurted out in surprise and joy: "Gu Xuan! The person in the pillar of light is Gu Xuan!"

Chao Yan and Su Xuanxing also recognized Gu Xuan's identity and froze in place.

"Gu Xuan!"

When Ji Lingsheng saw that familiar figure, his face showed shock and slight emotion.

"It's him, it's that kid!"

Xi Mutian stared at the figure in the pillar of light, and murderous intent burst out in his eyes.

His original divine light was as much as a foot, but now it was only the size of a bowl.

"It's you again, you damn it!"

Xi Mutian gritted his teeth, remembering the pain of the divine soul that Gu Xuan had given him, but no matter how monstrous the hatred in his heart was, he couldn't hide the shock and horror in his heart at this time.

Compared with the ten-zhang thickness of Gu Xuan's body, which was still constantly increasing.

The light of his bowl was like a small toothpick.

It can be seen that Gu Xuan's qualifications and comprehension are not a hundred times or even a thousand times more than him?!


That's impossible!

"It's him!"

When the Prince of Divine Breath opened his eyes, he was shocked to see the incomparably prominent pillar of light, as well as the unforgettable figure in the pillar of light.

"He... Sure enough, it came!"

As soon as they did the eastern Tianjiao, they all took a deep breath, and their eyes were extremely complicated.

This person once beat the entire young generation in the east to lose face and have low luck.

Now, he's here again.

And in such a shocking way.

The Sect Son of the Divine Sword Sect, Zhu Ziyan, the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, and Xu Ye, the first person of the Divine Appearance, also opened their eyes.

The moment he saw Gu Xuan, his pupils contracted, and his heart shook.

"How is this possible?!"

I saw that the Divine Wisdom Light Pillar around Gu Xuan at this time had increased to ten zhang upward, like a Heavenly Divine Pillar, with dazzling light.

He sat in the center of the pillar of light, bathed in the glow of the avenue, like the center of heaven and earth, the only one in the world.

Compared to the rest of the geniuses in the field, the Divine Wisdom Light Pillar is like a firefly to Haoyue, including the Divine Wisdom Light Pillar of several leading figures, and it may not be as thick as his Divine Wisdom Light Pillar.

The spectacle was outrageous.

"It's outrageous, the huge Zhongzhou, full of pride, everyone's comprehension qualifications are not as high as him?"

"How high is this person's understanding?!"

"It's not a near demon, but a super demon!"

"Ancient. . . Absolutely now!"


"Who is this person, why can't he find such qualifications on the god list?"

"There is no luck golden dragon that belongs to him, what a strange!"

The onlookers talked a lot and were amazed.

Countless geniuses were even more jealous and hateful of Gu Xuan, but they were helpless.

"This person probably used some method to deceive the heavens, and in a short period of time, his understanding was raised to an unbelievable level, so there was such a situation. "

An old voice sounded in Xu Ye's ears.

Xu Ye's eyes flashed, and he whispered, "Interesting." "

Then he closed his eyes, ignored it, and became enlightened on his own.

The rest of the leading figures also glanced at Gu Xuan deeply, as if they wanted to firmly engrave his appearance in their minds.

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