"Meaning! This is a knife with a meaning!"

No one expected that the Divine Sword Sect would be the first to jump out to challenge Gu Xuan.

No one would have thought that the Divine Sword Sect would be able to slash such an amazing sword.

Before the light of the knife fell, many people present had a feeling of numbness on their scalps.

"It's terrifying, not only the Mystery Sword, but also the level of comprehension of the Mystery contained on it is close to two percent!"

"Oh my God..."

A lot of people were shocked.

Being able to touch the threshold of the mystery in the Divine Aspect Realm is already an extremely remarkable thing, and there may not be one in the ten thousand Divine Aspect Realm powerhouses.

Even if he is a god and can comprehend the mysteries, he can count them on one hand.

As for the Divine Sword Sect, the sect not only touched the threshold of the mystery, but also directly comprehended the mysteries of a sword path to the point of approaching two percent!

This can no longer be described as amazing...

It's just terrifying!

"Throughout history, it is difficult to find a person, in the Divine Realm, his attainments in the Dao of the Sword can be comparable to that of the Divine Sword Sect!"

"Heaven does not give birth to the son of the Divine Sword Sect, and the sword path is as eternal as a long night! Although this sentence is exaggerated, it is not too much!"

"Gu Xuan also uses a knife, I don't know if his knife can be as shocking as the sect of the Divine Sword Sect... Huh?!"


Just when everyone was amazed by the earth-shattering sword of the Divine Sword Sect, Gu Xuan took out the knife.

The Ming Hong Knife appeared silently in Gu Xuan's hand, and Gu Xuan aimed at the Divine Sword Sect Sect and slashed out casually.

Under this knife....

The light of day is gone, as if the polar night is coming!

Gu Xuan was condescending, and with a posture of overlooking, he slashed down the sect of the Divine Sword Sect.

If it is said that the sword light of the Divine Sword Sect is earth-shattering, it is amazing.

That Gu Xuan's knife...

It represents the sky!

It is the peak that the Divine Sword Sect wants to surpass but can't.


A series of long knives unsheathed sounded in the field.

The blades that were attracted by the sword qi of the Divine Sword Sect before, and were about to move.

Under Gu Xuan's knife, they could no longer be suppressed, and they broke free from the shackles of their respective masters and flew into the air.

Among them, there are some god realms, and even true dragon-level geniuses on the god appearance list.

They tried their best to block, but they still couldn't stop the sword aura inspired by their own blades.

Under Gu Xuan's knife, he couldn't even hold his own weapon, how could he fight with the other party.

A lot of people just found out a little.

Gu Xuan's desire to challenge the genius of the entire Zhongzhou Divine Realm with his own strength may not be an arrogant statement.

Because, the vast majority of people are in front of him ....

I don't even have the qualifications to make a move!

"This... How is that possible?!"

Many people are terrified and depressed at this point.

Tens of thousands of long knives of all kinds flew into the air, directly swept past the sect of the Divine Sword Sect, and converged on Gu Xuan's side, the tips of the knives pointing downward, trembling violently.

As if in.... Worship!

It's like a courtier worshipping his own king!

At this moment, Gu Xuan's eyes were indifferent, and his body was infinitely majestic, like a sword monarch.

"The dawn of the knife path? ridiculous, you deserve it too!"

Gu Xuan's cold voice sounded in the ears of everyone in the audience.

Immediately after, an aurora flew out of the polar night.

Under this aurora, the sword light of the Divine Sword Sect Sect stopped instantly.

A chain phantom appeared on the knife light, and it seemed that he wanted to struggle, but behind the aurora, a thicker chain phantom appeared.

The sword light of the Divine Sword Sect shattered in an instant.


The eyes of the Divine Sword Sect Sect widened suddenly, as if he had seen an extremely incredible scene, and the whole person was stunned.

And the others on the field gasped, with shocked and shocked expressions on their faces.

"Three... Sancheng Mystery?!"

"Am I not mistaken?!"

Sancheng Mystery Sword!

Divine Realm!

The crowd was going crazy.

Is this really what humans can do?

To comprehend the mystery of Sancheng in the Divine Realm, the key is that Gu Xuan looks so young, it is simply incredible!

"I now finally know why the gods have named this person number one. This kind of talent is unparalleled!"

"If you don't have a great world, you can't come out!"

In the crowd below, Duan Soul and Su Xuanxing looked at Gu Xuan's figure in the sky, one was in a trance, and the other was fanatical.

"Is this the ultimate sword path of the Divine Aspect Realm, the ceiling of the combat power of the Divine Aspect Realm?"

The Divine Sword Sect Sect lost his soul and looked at Gu Xuan in front of him blankly, as if he could hear the sound of the crack on his sword heart.

Gu Xuan was guarded by thousands of blades, condescending, and said lightly to the sect of the Divine Sword Sect: "Except for me Gu Xuan, the sword path is all side roads!"

Except for me, Gu Xuan, the sword path is all a side way!

These words exploded in everyone's ears like countless thunderbolts.

Everyone looked at Gu Xuan with complicated expressions.

What a demeanor, what a domineering!

The sect of the Divine Sword Sect turned pale, spit out a mouthful of blood violently, and fell from mid-air.

Sect Son of the Divine Sword Sect, defeated!

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Upanisham Comprehension Pill (Yicheng)*1"

The Divine Sword Sect has the potential to impact the number one on the Divine Appearance List, so Gu Xuan defeating him is equivalent to cutting off the opportunity on him, and there is a reward.

With the defeat of the Divine Sword Sect Sect, his Qi Luck Golden Dragon also wailed, and a large amount of Qi Luck was separated from his body, and his body shrank.

And Gu Xuan's luck golden dragon absorbed this luck, and his body skyrocketed, growing from more than one hundred and thirty zhang to more than one hundred and forty zhang, and his arrogance was even more prominent.

"Who's next?!"

Gu Xuan scanned the field of vision, like a king, high on the throne, waiting for the challenge of the people below.

And these people who try to provoke majesty are all ...

Rebels and thieves!

Those ordinary true dragon-level geniuses who ranked more than ten on the god list had almost completely lost the confidence to challenge at this time.

They were very skeptical that standing in front of Gu Xuan, they would have the courage to hand him a sword and a knife.

The rest are the leaders of the majority.

Prince Shenzhi's eyes drooped, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

"I have already lost at his hands once, and if I lose again, I am afraid that I will not have the courage to be his opponent in this life... I'm sorry guys. "

Prince Divine Breath's words made many people's bodies tremble slightly.

It turned out that the Prince of Divine Breath had already been defeated at the hands of this person.

Looking back now, the Eastern Tianjiao's luck is sluggish, and I am afraid that it is inseparable from this person.

No, this person has already suppressed the entire young generation in the east!


The light in Xu Ye's eyes flashed, and a trace of anger flashed on his face, and he wanted to make a move.

But an old voice in his head stopped: "Wait, now is not the best time for you to make a move!"

"Let's see what hole cards and means this person has, don't worry, with me helping you, there may not be no chance to defeat this person.

Ninety percent of the luck of the entire Tianxuan Continent Divine Realm, if you can capture it, it will be a great benefit to you, and you can add a lot of accumulation on the road to fighting for the king.

You only get one chance, so we need to be cautious!"

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