Hearing the advice of the old man's voice, Xu Ye could only forcibly suppress the fighting intent in his heart and endure it.

Behind him, the terrifying Great Magic Statue was hibernating, silently accumulating strength, waiting for the opportunity to be born.

The Divine Sword Sect was defeated by Gu Xuan's sword, and the Prince of Divine Breath thought that he was inferior.

Among the leading figures, there are only a few people left.

The third holy woman of Yaotai Holy Land blessed Ziyan's beautiful eyes flashed, and she took one step.

At the same time, a demon-like majestic body walked out.

"I'm coming!"

Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect!

Zhu Ziyan was stunned for a moment when he saw the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect come out, and was thinking about whether to go back, but heard Gu Xuan's voice.

"It's just right for the two of them to be together, it's better to have a few more, otherwise this battle will be too boring."

As he spoke, Gu Xuan set his eyes on Xu Ye.

Xu Ye's forehead was beating wildly, and he wanted to make a move, but he couldn't hold back.

Even if he wants to make a move, he won't join forces with anyone!

The corners of the mouth twitched when the people at the bottom saw it.

It's not enough to challenge a few leading figures, so you have to get together a few more...

I'm afraid it's Gu Xuan.

"You're so arrogant, even more arrogant than me, I don't like it..."

The Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect had black hair and red pupils, and his appearance was very different from that of ordinary people.

His body exudes a demon-like momentum, like a madman.

Gu Xuan looked at him condescendingly, and said, "If I defeat you with a knife, you will definitely not accept it..."

The Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect frowned, not knowing what Gu Xuan wanted to express.

“... That's why I decided to punch you to death, so that you know the difference between you and me. "

Gu Xuan put away the Minghong knife and said plainly.

It's like stating a very ordinary little thing.

Compete with the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect in the flesh?

Everyone was shocked, and the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect laughed out loud as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Haha, if you have a long knife in your hand, I'm still a little afraid of you. You want to compete with me in the flesh?I don't think you know how to write dead characters?!"

The Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect let out a long laugh and suddenly trampled on the ground.


The earth cracked, and a huge pit several feet deep was trampled out.

The Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect flew up like a cannonball, and shot towards Gu Xuan with the power of a huge shock.

The speed far exceeded the speed of sound, directly breaking through the sound barrier, and bursting out in the void with circles of air waves.

Everywhere he passed, the void was pulled out by his body one after another huge cracks, which showed the terrifying power contained in his body.

The people below looked horrified.

The higher the body refining martial artist goes, the more terrifying it becomes, many times, you may have a thousand means, thousands of spells, but you don't have a chance to cast them, and you are killed.

There is an ancient saying in the Tianxuan Continent about body refining martial artists, called-

Within a stone's reach, the king realm can be killed!

It means that when your physical body is strong to a certain extent, within a certain distance, even the powerhouses of the King Realm can be killed in seconds.

"This blow has at least the power of dozens of dragons!"

"Without a knife, how can this Gu Xuan be able to stop the Ancient Demon Sect Saint... Huh?!"

Before the people below could finish speaking, they heard a loud muffled sound.


Then I saw a figure fall from mid-air.

When they saw the appearance of that figure clearly, everyone's pupils constricted.

Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect!

Look again...

Gu Xuan stood in the air for a long time, slowly retracting his fists, his face full of indifference.

The mouths of the people were wide open, and they were silent for a long time.

"This Gu Xuan... The physical body is also so powerful?!Even the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect is not his opponent?!"

"Isn't that too wicked?"

As he spoke, the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect below suddenly let out an angry roar.

"Good, you've me off!"

I saw the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect standing up from the ruins, and a large stream of black gas emerged from his body....




A bizarre, heart-pounding sound rang out on the field.

Everyone looked terrified, and some screamed in horror.

"Why is my heart beating at this rate?!"

"Damn, it's so uncomfortable!"


Many people who were not strong enough were directly driven to spurt blood under this strange sound of heart beating, and their hearts were almost about to explode.

This voice came from the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect.

I saw that more and more black qi was pouring out of the body of the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, his body was getting bigger and bigger, his appearance was changing rapidly, and some weird spikes and scales even grew on his body.

"Demon, Ancient Demon Body!"

"It is rumored that the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect has transplanted the heart of an Ancient Great Demon, which can exert the power of the Ancient Great Demon, and when I see it today, it is even more terrifying than the rumors!"

"Demon Heart, Demon Body!"

Below, Chao Yan looked at the changes in the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, and said with an ugly and lonely face: "The power of the Demon contained in the heart of the Demon is far beyond the rest of the torso, this Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect is really too much stronger than me..."

At this moment, the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect had completely changed into a person.

He was two feet tall, covered in black scales, with sharp black thorns growing at his joints, and scarlet eyes.

The whole person exudes an incomparably terrifying furious and ferocious aura, and there are even ten thousand volcanoes in the body, surging like rivers of qi and blood rushing up, and waves of heat spreading to the surroundings, quite terrifying.

Many people were directly frightened by this terrifying momentum, and even collapsed directly on the ground.

Even several leading figures were moved, and their eyes showed surprise.

They were all thinking in their hearts about the odds of fighting against the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect in this state, but what they got was an unacceptable result.

"It turns out that this is the true strength of the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect!"

"Gu Xuandaodao, I believe that he can suppress the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, but with his physical body alone..."

Someone sighed: "He is too big." "

The rest of the people have similar thoughts.

If Gu Xuan represents the combat power ceiling of the Divine Aspect Realm, then the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect at this moment can be called the physical ceiling of the Divine Aspect Realm.

In terms of physical strength alone, it is really difficult for anyone to compare with it.

"Even the White Elephant Holy Land, which is also famous for refining the body, the Second Holy Son of the White Elephant Holy Land, in front of such an Ancient Demon Sect Holy Son, I am afraid that he is like a baby..."

The Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect was fierce and walked towards Gu Xuan step by step.

With each step, a large hole was left in the ground.


"Knock knock!"

"Knock knock!"

Every kick seemed to be stepping on the hearts of the people present, which made people extremely uncomfortable.

But in the face of such a terrifying Ancient Demon Sect Holy Son, Gu Xuan did not show the slightest look of surprise and panic on his face.

Gu Xuan's expression was still calm.

In the deep eyes, there were purple thunder and red flames jumping and burning little by little.

He was condescending, ignoring the Holy Son of the Ancient Demon Sect, and said lightly: "You, are you ready to be beaten to death by me?"

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