"Evoke the Demon Sutra"!

Gu Xuan saw from Xu Ye's memory that the scene when Xu Ye got the "Evoking Sutra" was similar to himself, and it was also recorded on a page of gold paper.

Through Xu Ye's memory, all the inheritances recorded in the "Demon Summoning Sutra" were all integrated into Gu Xuan's mind word for word.

This is also the benefit of practicing "Nerve Eater", which can forcibly search for inheritance memories from the other party's memory.

Without "Nerve Eater", it would definitely be more than 10,000 times more difficult to seize the inheritance than it is now.

When the "Demon Summoning Sutra" arrived, Gu Xuan didn't have time to figure it out, so he first gathered his mind and got the things that broke out on Xu Ye's body first.

The things on Xu Ye's body are mainly two rings.

One was his storage ring, and the other was an old-fashioned ring that didn't see any use.

In fact, Gu Xuan's Divine Thoughts Mark was attached to this ring.

Gu Xuan's divine thoughts hurriedly swept away, and he noticed that there seemed to be an ancient and powerful divine soul hidden inside the ring.

His heart was shocked, and he almost understood why he used the Divine Mind Sword several times to slash at Xu Ye's body, but the latter seemed to be unconscious.

It turned out that someone had blocked these attacks for him.

However, this divine soul seemed to have been slashed by Gu Xuan and was falling into a deep sleep.

After all, the soul killing technique of "Nerve Eater" is not so easy to resist.

The effect is especially excellent for this special existence that only has the soul left.

After devouring Xu Ye's divine soul, Gu Xuan's divine thoughts swelled again.

He himself felt that his divine thoughts were already so powerful that they were faintly close to the limit of the life and death realm.

Further up, there's another world.

"Nerve Swallowing", one of the four great wonders of antiquity, the terrible effect has finally begun to show little by little.

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't have time to pay attention to this one in the ring at this time.

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Life and Death Realm Upgrade Pill*1"

"Congratulations to the host for the success of the Hu Interception Opportunity and the reward: Extreme Forging Divine Pill*1"

Twice in a row, Gu Xuangang wanted to check what the "Extreme Dao Forging Divine Pill" he got for the first time was, and suddenly his eyes fell on the ground in front of him.


Gu Xuan's eyes moved, he took a step forward, and picked up the strange black token that fell on the ground.

What surprised Gu Xuan was not the black token itself.

Rather, it is a brilliant golden line of chance stuck to this token.

This line of chance has been connected to....

In front of Gu Xuan, a cloaked man shrouded in black mist.

Gu Xuan's gaze wandered between the token and the cloak person, and he said lightly, "Who are you?"

Although this person existed before he arrived, he had not done anything until he killed Xu Ye.

It proves that he and Xu Ye are not in the same group.

Two eyes shot out of the black mist, and they kept looking Gu Xuan up and down.

Gu Xuan sensed a deep sense of shock, consternation, jealousy, and joy from this gaze, which was a little weird.

It wasn't very comfortable for him.

Hearing Gu Xuan's inquiry, a hoarse and low voice came from under the cloak: "I am the envoy of the Underworld, from the Underworld..."

"Hades Envoy?!Hades..."

A little doubt appeared in Gu Xuan's eyes.

He never seemed to have heard of the existence of the "Hades" in Zhongzhou.

After checking Xu Ye's memory, Gu Xuan found that Xu Ye didn't know much about this force.

I only know that this force is extremely mysterious, it seems to be very powerful, and it has been recruiting geniuses and strong people in Zhongzhou everywhere.

"Everything in the world has a sunny side and a dark side. Hades is the dark side of Zhongzhou.

However, we are not on the opposite side.

We even say that we have a common enemy..."

As he spoke, the cloaked man looked up at the sky as if he had meant something.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he said, "What enemy?"

The Cloaked Man replied meaningfully, "If you choose to join us, you'll know." "

Gu Xuan sneered: "Hide your head and show your tail, and your words are unknown... If you want me to join, you have to come up with some practical benefits, right?"

The cloaked man sneered and nodded, "As you wish." "

As he spoke, he threw over a crystal that emitted a black glow.

Gu Xuan stretched out his hand to catch it, but before he could check, the cloaked man had already retreated into the void crack behind him.

"We in the Underworld have always treated you extremely favorably as the sons of Tianjiao, join us, you have the resources, inheritance, and soul crystals you want....

Think about it, decided, contact me with this token next time.."

As he spoke, the cloaked man disappeared completely.

Gu Xuan glanced at the location where the cloaked man had disappeared, and his face was expressionless.

This mysterious cloaked man gave him a feeling of extreme danger, he couldn't see through the strength of the other party, which was one of the reasons why he didn't force his hand to keep the other party.

Then there's the golden edge line on the black token.

It shows that this so-called Hades may really be beneficial to him.

Gu Xuan looked at the black crystal left by the envoy of the underworld, and his divine thoughts probed in, and a strange power immediately gushed out of the black crystal.

This power fused into Gu Xuan's mind, and his divine thoughts increased rapidly at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

"Soul Crystal?!The power to increase the strength of the Divine Soul?!"

Gu Xuan was taken aback.

His Divine Soul has been able to increase rapidly because he has "Nerve Eater" and can strengthen his own body by constantly devouring the Divine Soul of others.

But for ordinary martial artists, even if they are a genius like Xu Ye, if they want to enhance their souls, they can only strengthen their martial arts will, or epiphany, etc.

But this black crystal called the soul crystal actually contains the energy that directly enhances the divine soul, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure.

If it is thrown outside, it is enough for the strong people in the realm of life and death to break their heads.

"Do you know where this Hades comes from?"

Gu Xuan asked Shangguan Yue on the side.

Shangguan Yue glanced at him and replied word by word: "The beginning of the great change, the soul of the outer land." "

Gu Xuan's expression shook for a moment, his eyes flickered, he was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Hades, is it? It's a bit interesting." "

He put this matter aside for the time being, and the first priority was to deal with the ancient spirit in the ring.

If this existence is not solved as soon as possible, it is likely to become a hidden danger buried around you, and you don't know when it will explode.

He was upset.

"Let's go. "

Gu Xuan greeted Shangguan Yue, and the two hurriedly left the valley.

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