"Did you wake me up from my slumber? boy..."

"You.. Who are you?!"

"Hmph, you don't care about the identity of the old man, you just need to answer the old man, do you want to become stronger, do you want to step on the top of this world, trample everyone under your feet, and do whatever you want?...

“.... Think!"

From now on, you will call me Bai Lao. I'll send you to the pinnacle of this realm!"


Fragmentary memories gradually pieced together the image of an old grandfather.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes and looked through Xu Ye's memory fragments, and he probably figured out the identity of the sleeping soul in the ring.

The rise of Xu Ye is almost an ordinary teenager who suddenly gets the help of the nameless strong grandfather in the ring, and thus embarks on the road to the pinnacle of life.

"Another guy with a protagonist template..."

Gu Xuan complained silently in his heart.

Compared with Xiao Chen and Ye Tian, Xu Ye's protagonist template is more powerful, which is equivalent to bringing a plug-in with him.

Someone pointed him out on the way to practice, and when he encountered danger, the old man in the ring could jump out and save him in time.

This is also the reason why Xu Ye's achievements are the highest and strongest among the three so far.

"It doesn't seem to be from the Tianxuan Continent..."

Gu Xuan stared at the ancient clumsy ring in his hand, and there was a light of thought in his eyes.

From Xu Ye's memory, he had seen more than once that the spirit in this ring had mentioned to him that he had taken him out of this world, and that your end was not in this realm.

"Yue'er, can you tell the origin of the divine soul hidden in this ring?"

Gu Xuan took the ring and asked Shangguan Yue.

Shangguan Yue said angrily: "You really use me as a tool, right?"

"How dare you..."

Gu Xuan's expression was sneering.

Shangguan Yue glanced at him, and then looked at the ring in Gu Xuan's hand.

He quickly replied, "It's not something from this realm..."

"Sure enough, it's the same as the origin of the gang in Hades. "

Gu Xuan said.

Shangguan Yue shook his head and said, "No, the origin of this ring is not the same as the people of the underworld..."

Shangguan Yue frowned, "I can't see his past clearly, but his future is clear." "

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, "What is its future?"

Shangguan Yue said flatly: "There is no future. After this thing is in your hands, the fate line is basically broken. "

Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to understand a lot.

Shangguan Yue said that the fate line was broken after the ring reached his hand, indicating that the soul in the ring would die because of himself.

What circumstances can lead to such a result?

High probability....

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, and his eyes became cold.

The spirit in this ring is not a good thing.

Thinking about it, Gu Xuan slowly infiltrated his divine thoughts into the ancient clumsy ring.

At the moment when his mind was immersed, he immediately felt a huge divine thought pull him in.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes and found that there was a gray world around him, and in front of him, an incomparably majestic and incomparably tall figure was looking down on him coldly.

"Kill Xu Ye, bad for this big thing.... You're so bold!"

The mighty man opened his mouth and scolded.

In an instant, countless thunderbolts exploded in the sky.

The heavens and the earth shook for it.

This man is like the master of this world, and when he is angry, the whole world seems to be overturned.

Faced with this apocalyptic scene, Gu Xuan was expressionless, and just said lightly: "Who are you?"


The mighty man sneered and spoke proudly, and his majestic voice fell from the sky like thunder.

"This seat is the Heavenly Venerable of the Upper Realm, and the Venerable Dignity of Identity is not something that can be guessed by ants in the lower realm.

If you kill Xu Ye, it will be a big deal.

This seat should have choked you to death, but now is the time to employ people, if you are willing to take Xu Ye's position and be driven by this seat, this seat may be able to spare your life. "

As he spoke, the mighty man slowly leaned down.

The huge face gradually approached Gu Xuan, and a pore on his face was much larger than Gu Xuan.

It's like a conversation between a god and an ant.

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed little by little.

"You don't have this attitude towards Xu Ye..."

Gu Xuan said softly, his face suddenly became angry, and a monstrous killing intent surged up and down his body.

"Old horseman, don't you look down on me Gu Xuan?!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan's figure also grew rapidly.

In just a few breaths, it has grown from an ant to a giant, and it is still growing, and sooner or later it will increase to the size of a majestic man.

Seeing this, the great man's face suddenly changed greatly, and he shouted loudly: "Be bold ..."

Gu Xuan's eyes were cold, and when his mind turned, a long knife like a Ming Hong knife appeared in his hand.

The person who is facing the great shore will be directly slashed out.


Sen Han's killing intent filled the heavens and the earth, and the face of the great man finally changed completely.

Becoming nervous and intimidating.

"Stop, we can continue to discuss..."

"Discuss Nima, I want you to die!"

Gu Xuan slashed out with a single sword, and the sword light that penetrated the sky and the earth slashed through the body of the great figure.

In an instant, the figure of the great shore was directly cut into two pieces by him.

The broken body was carried out by the long knife and the wisps of air were all absorbed by Gu Xuan.

The two bodies quickly healed, and reappeared into a majestic figure, but the aura had obviously declined a little.


Gu Xuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly slashed out with the second knife.

"Damn, why are you able to devour my soul?!"

The majestic figure was shocked and angry, and was killed by Gu Xuan several times in a row, and finally went completely crazy.

"Okay, good, the old man wants to see, how can you swallow me if you are a boundary ant?!"

As he spoke, he roared, and the whole person turned into a gray mist, directly enveloping Gu Xuantuan.

The gray mist swirled rapidly, forming a hurricane.

The hurricane tore at Gu Xuan's body, and Gu Xuan felt that the power of his divine soul was constantly being torn out, and he was devoured by the other party.

An old and happy voice sounded in his ears: "Let your talent be peerless, just eighteen years of cultivation, how can you compare with my ten thousand years of tempered divine soul?"

Gu Xuan's eyes were like mirrors, and a cold light flashed.

Raise the long knife in your hand and slash it down.

Under this sword, a gray line seemed to emerge in the void.

The knife light slashed, and the gray lines were directly broken and disappeared.

This knife is called - Infernal Destiny.

This is a stab to fate.

Gu Xuan's supreme sword!

Gu Xuan finally knew at this time why the fate line of this mysterious divine soul disappeared directly.


It was cut off by himself.

At the moment when Gu Xuan's knife was slashed, the voice of the great figure became frightened, which was filled with huge shock and incredulity, and shouted in disbelief: "This is... Destiny?!

It can't be!

How can you comprehend the meaning of this supreme martial art!

I don't believe it...."

The thread of fate broke, the gray hurricane collapsed directly, and the consciousness of the majestic figure disappeared.

The fragments of the divine soul that he had left behind turned into billowing gray mist and poured into Gu Xuan's body without reservation.

Gu Xuan's body size was expanding rapidly, which meant that the strength of his Divine Soul and Divine Thoughts was also increasing wildly.

At the same time, there are also broken and ancient pictures.

also poured into Gu Xuan's mind....

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