Gu Xuan and Shangguan Yue "practice diligently" on weekdays, and the fate sword intent has been steadily improving.

He has reached the realm of Xiaocheng, but he has never used it on people.

Now for the first time, it directly killed an unknown ancient being.

The domineering of fate's sword intent can be seen.

The spirit of the majestic figure was absorbed by Gu Xuan, and broken and blurred images flashed in Gu Xuan's mind.


Gu Xuan saw a slender and handsome young man groveling in front of a tall figure whose face could not be seen clearly.

"Bai Qiuye, from now on, it is your turn to guard the entrance of the domain realm, and the time limit is 30,000 years. "

"Disciple obeys!"


"Your talent is good, hand over all the valuable things on your body, and I can lead you into my Extreme Immortal Sect. Would you like to?"

As soon as the picture turned, the position of the handsome young man changed, and he became condescending to face others.

At the bottom of him, several characters with good temperament stood obediently, with a somewhat ugly expression.

Several people hesitated to choose, and finally chose to hand over their respective storage spirit rings.

"It's all up to the envoy's arrangement. "

A smug smile appeared on the face of the handsome young man.


Turning around again, Gu Xuan saw a handsome young man and a few people wearing similar clothes to him, standing in the void, looking at a figure below with a fierce expression.

"Bold! A mere nether ant, dare to be disrespectful to the envoy?!"

The figure slowly raised its head, and a sneer of disdain and mockery appeared on Ying Ting's face.

"Fly camp dog Gou, fox fake tiger might, also want to make my demon sky bow his head? joke!"

Hearing the other party's sneer, the handsome young man and the others were immediately furious, and shouted: "Dare, damn it!"

As he spoke, several people clapped a palm together, and the terrifying power fused together, turning into a big hand that covered the sky and the sun, and slowly poured down, as if to smash the figure and the earth below with one palm.

The Yingting man's eyes burst out with dazzling brilliance, and he suddenly drew his knife and roared angrily: "You can't stop me!"




Gu Xuan's heart was shocked, and his face showed a huge look of shock and disbelief.

Master of the Magic Knife!

He actually saw the scene when the master of the magic knife fell in the memory of this so-called Bai Lao's divine soul.

It turned out that the suppression of the master of the magic knife caused the magic knife to be shattered, and the big hand that covered the sky and the fall of the master of the magic knife came from him?!

To be precise, it should be "them".

There are several other existences similar to Bai Qiu's paintings.

Gu Xuan could roughly guess the specific situation of that scene back then.

Bai Qiuhua and several other so-called envoys of the upper realm obeyed the orders of the sect to guard the domain boundary.

And the Tianxuan Continent may not only be the powerhouses of the Tianxuan Continent, if they want to enter the upper realm, they have to accept the exploitation of the envoys of the upper realm such as Bai Qiuhua.

The owner of the magic knife couldn't bear this humiliation, and chose to fight with Bai Qiuhua and others.

In the end, the owner of the magic knife lost, the magic knife was broken, and he died.

It can also be said that he won, because Bai Qiuhua and the others are obviously not much better, only a wisp of divine soul wanders between heaven and earth, and they have to rely on coaxing the natives of the Tianxuan Continent to slowly recover.

"Devil's Heaven..."

Gu Xuan remembered this name, the name of the owner of the magic knife.

"If it were me, what would you do in that situation?"

The knife is better to bend than to bend.

The blade can be broken, but the blade does not fall.

A great awe rose from Gu Xuan's heart.

"If I become enlightened one day, I should kill all these young people for you!"

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he secretly made up his mind.

Bai Qiu's painting is very large, this is only a wisp of remnant soul left after he was seriously injured, it is difficult to imagine what kind of realm this person was at his peak.

Because it is a remnant soul, many of these memories are blurry and fragmented, and there is not much useful information to be found at all.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan's divine soul was still improving wildly.

Soon, Gu Xuan's divine soul was so powerful that he broke through a certain boundary.


In an instant, Gu Xuan felt that everything in front of him had changed.

He seemed to be able to see the trajectory of everything, the flow of heaven and earth.

His divine thoughts were so powerful that they spread out like never before.

Barry... Miles... Thousands of miles of distance have passed in a flash, and it is far from the end.

The most critical point is:

Within a radius of ten zhang shrouded by Gu Xuan's divine thoughts, he had a feeling of dominating everything.

This feeling is similar to the sword intent enchantment of the sword intent, but it is more advanced than the sword intent enchantment, I don't know how many times.

That's a sense of control of life and death, and a thought of flowers.

King Realm Divine Soul!

The power of the realm!

Gu Xuan took a deep breath, and his eyes showed an extremely strong look of excitement.

With the assistance of "Nerve Eater", coupled with the powerful divine soul that has devoured so much along the way, the strength of his divine thoughts has finally broken through to the king realm!

God knows, his true cultivation is only worthy of stepping into the realm of life and death.

"King Realm Divine Soul, this also means that my path to the King Realm has almost been opened up, as long as the Life and Death Realm does not fall, and I reach the tenth level of the Life and Death Realm safely, I have twice the possibility of being promoted to the King Realm than ordinary people!"

Gu Xuan's expression was delighted, and he tried to calm the excitement in his heart.

"However, my king realm is still a bit worse than the real king realm, giving people a very unstable and fragile feeling... After all, it is completely based on the amount of accumulation, and there is almost no perception of the royal realm..."

Gu Xuan thought about it for a while, and took out the Extreme Dao Forging Divine Pill that had been rewarded by the system before.

The effect of this Extreme Dao Forging Divine Pill is as its name suggests, it is an elixir specially used to refine the divine soul and enhance the divine soul.

Gu Xuan took it down, and a stinging sensation like a thousand knives immediately came from the depths of his soul.

This pain came from the depths of the soul, and even Gu Xuan, who was so determined as iron, could not bear it, and almost screamed out.

Fortunately, the process didn't last long.

After almost a stick of incense, Gu Xuan opened his eyes, and his whole body was completely wet with sweat.

But the reward of pain also made Gu Xuan happy.

After taking the Extreme Dao Forging Divine Pill, the amount of his divine thoughts did not increase much, but the qualitative increase was a thousand times higher.

Because it was improved by absorbing other people's divine souls, although Gu Xuan's divine thoughts were powerful, they were also extremely vain, and their divine souls were full of some impurities.

But after taking the Extreme Dao Forging Divine Pill, Gu Xuan's divine soul became as shiny and clear as a diamond, and his divine thoughts were many times stronger than before, becoming as sharp as a blade.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's divine thoughts only poked out slightly, and it was like a heavenly knife coming out of its sheath, giving people an incomparably dazzling feeling.

Anyone who looks at him will have a strong tingling sensation, which is a sting from the soul.

"With such a divine soul quality, coupled with the King Realm Divine Soul Realm, this seems to have become the most powerful hole card in my hand now!"

Gu Xuan's eyes were scorching, and his eyes were like bright stars.

"Even if I can't compete with the real King Realm powerhouse, under the King Realm, there should be no one who is my opponent!"

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