This is the figure of a young man.

The young man had black hair and a shawl, and his body was surging with a murderous and evil aura that was so strong that it almost condensed into substance, he was simply a peerless demon.

The young man held a knife in his right hand.

This is a broken knife, leaving only the handle, which is only about one-third of the whole knife.

Even if the knife is broken, the knife is full of cracks, giving people the appearance that it will collapse at any time.

At this moment, the broken knife trembled violently, as if it was extremely excited,

The black-haired young man slowly raised his head, revealing a fierce face.

In his eyes, there seemed to be a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood.

"Twenty years of sword path Xiaocheng..."

The black-haired young man looked at the broken knife in his hand, smiled evilly, and said in a low voice, "Can't you wait to go out and have a look?"

The Broken Knife groaned, as if in response to the black-haired youth's words.

"Then let's go. "

"I'm going to make the whole of Midstate... They are all shrouded in the shadow of my sword light!

As he spoke, the black-haired youth rushed up from the mountain of bones.

The mountain of bones collapsed, and the sky above his head suddenly turned blood-colored at this moment....

Yaotai Holy Land.

A beautiful figure appeared in front of the door of a cultivation room.

It's a twenty-eight-year-old girl.

The skin is like mutton fat, the eyes are like a lake, the eyebrows are a little red, and the whole person is as beautiful as a goddess who is not stained with dust.

At this time, the girl stood at the door of the cultivation room, with a hint of entanglement and apprehension in her expression, as if she was thinking about something.

Suddenly, a fluttering voice came from the cultivation room.

"Senior Sister Qingmo is looking for me?"

The door of the cultivation room quietly opened.

The hesitation on the face of the Qingli girl disappeared, she took a deep breath and stepped in.

"Qingmo wants to ask my senior sister for something. "

In the cultivation room, there was a beautiful and generous woman in a white dress.

Women are older than girls and have a more mature temperament.

The beauty of the two of them has their own merits, and the small cultivation room is set off with brilliance.

"What do you want from me, senior sister just say it.."

The woman in the white dress smiled and spoke.

The Qingli girl thought for a while and said, "Senior sister, I recently heard that there is an ancient sword path power inheritance in the Far East, is it true?"

The woman in the white dress nodded and replied, "It should be the tomb of the Ancient Sword Emperor Demon Heaven." "

Qingli girl said, "Then does the senior sister want to go?"

"Of course. "

The woman in the white dress said lightly: "On the road to the king, every opportunity represents a point of luck, and I must fight for it." Not only me, but many geniuses on the life and death list and the god list should go. Purple Smoke should go too.."


Qingli's beautiful eyes lit up, and she immediately begged: "Senior sister, can you take me there?" I also want to go and see." "


When the woman in the white dress heard this, her face suddenly showed embarrassment.

"Senior sister, you are carrying the top-level Cold Spirit Body, and you even have the hope of transforming into the legendary Cold Spirit Holy Body. His talent is stronger than me and Ziyan, and he is one of the disciples on whom Master has the highest hopes.

But your cultivation is still shallow, in case something happens and the master blames me, I really can't afford it. "

"With two senior sisters here, how can anything happen to me?"

The Qingli girl hurriedly begged: "Senior Sister Tangtai, you can promise me this time." I promise to be obedient, listen to you for everything, just go and see, and do nothing. "

The Qingli girl was coquettish for a long time, and said pitifully: "Senior sister, think about it, since I joined the sect, I have never gone out once... Every day is just a practice, and I almost forget what the outside world is like."

When the woman in the white dress heard this, her eyes couldn't help but show a little pity for the girl.

Yes, her junior sister is the most respected and the most strict.

Thinking of this, the woman in the white dress said helplessly: "Okay." But it's useless for me to agree to this matter alone, you still have to get Ziyan's consent, otherwise she won't be able to pass the pass, and as soon as you tell Shizun back, you will be arrested immediately. "


When the girl heard this, she immediately jumped up for joy.

"Senior sister is the best, thank you, senior sister! I'll go find Senior Sister Ziyan now!"

As she spoke, the girl was about to turn around and leave.

But as soon as she turned around, she heard the woman in the white dress sighing softly behind her: "Ziyan has been in a state of love since she came back from the last time she participated in the younger generation martial arts tea party, and I am afraid that she will fall into love."

You should comfort and comfort her more.

That Zhongtian First Knife, what a stunning and brilliant character, even a high-minded and arrogant person like Senior Sister Ziyan would break his heart..."

Hearing the words "Zhongtian's first knife", Qingli girl's body trembled invisibly.

She walked out of the cultivation room quickly, reached out and grabbed a storage spirit ring hanging on her chest, and thought silently in her heart, "Childe, Anu is coming to see you." "


"The Ancient Sword Emperor has inherited the present world..."

A blue-robed young man squatted on the ground, holding a branch in his hand and writing and drawing on the ground.

He wrote some names, and some words from within time.

The blue-robed young man muttered in his mouth, and suddenly erased all the handwriting on the ground with one palm, and said in distress: "This major event came much earlier than in the previous life.

Not surprisingly, this time the Ancient Sword Emperor inherited the world, and that killing star should also come out.

The Sword Emperor will shed a river of blood...

But not necessarily, that one rose like a comet, and now he is known as the first knife in Zhongtian, and when the two meet, there will definitely be a collision.

I just don't know which is stronger and which is weak..."

"Hey, what do I want to do with this?"

The blue-robed young man scratched his hair and said in distress: "What I should think about should be this Sword Emperor Tomb, should I go to the tomb of the Sword Emperor this time?

The protagonist of heaven and earth can't bully people like this, right?



Similar scenes are happening in many places in Zhongzhou.

Representing the inheritance of a powerhouse in the Emperor Realm, not only the powerhouses of the Divine Realm, the Life and Death Realm, but even the powerhouses of the half-step kings were all moved by the news, and came to hear the news in order to seek a chance to advance to the King Realm.

In the extreme east of Zhongzhou, the pillar of light that penetrates the sky and the earth is in front of it.

Although the power of the pillar of light has diminished much now compared to when it was first born, it is still very spectacular.

Many people stood in front of the pillar of light, feeling the endless flow of knife qi emanating from it, and their faces were full of emotion.

"It is rumored that the Ancient Sword Emperor Demon Mask Tiannai suppressed the characters of an era, and even the Lingxiao Sword Sect, which shocked the world back then, was destroyed in his hands.

In the era when he ruled Tianxuan, the sword path flourished, and it was the darkest period for sword cultivators.

Now that I see it, it is indeed the case, even if it is tens of thousands of years after the fall, the sword qi left behind is still so terrifying..."

"It is said that the ancient sword emperor died in battle, and the sword inheritance that shook the ancient and modern was divided into three, one for the tomb, which should be the one in front of us, and one scattered in all directions, Ze was the Tianxuan Dao, and the other was missing...

I don't know if the Sword Emperor Tomb can be pulled out of the rest of the inheritance this time. "

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