"You said that the younger generation, known as the first sword in Zhongtian, is it that he has obtained part of the inheritance of the ancient sword emperor?

"Highly likely!"

While everyone below was talking, a burst of undisguised laughter suddenly sounded in the sky overhead.

"Zhongtian's first knife? ridiculous, who admits that he is Zhongtian's first knife?"

When they looked up, they saw a man and a woman standing in mid-air.

The man was dressed in a luxurious purple robe, embroidered with flowers, birds, insects and fish, the sun, moon and stars, wearing a purple and gold crown, and was handsome, as if he was a person who had descended from the earth.

The woman standing next to the man is also a first-class stunning beauty in the world, especially the charming bones, every gesture and smile will make people haunt their dreams.

The pupils of the people below constricted, and they recognized the identities of the two.

"It's .... The First Holy Son of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, and the woman beside him are the contemporary witches of the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

"Why are they together?"

"Shhhhh "

The First Holy Son of the Purple Mansion Holy Land glanced coldly at everyone below, and snorted coldly: "An ant-like character dares to talk about the true dragon in the sky?"

Many warriors below had red faces, looking like they dared to be angry but didn't dare to speak.

Qin Qingmiao, who was standing beside the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, had a fluttering eye, and said: "The Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, it's good to say what you say in front of me, don't mention it in front of that person, that person's temper is not very good..."

The Purple Mansion Holy Son looked stunned and sneered: "Isn't it that Fairy Qin also thinks that I am inferior to the so-called Zhongtian First Sword?"

Qin Qingmiao said lightly: "His ranking on the list of life and death is higher than yours." "

A trace of shame flashed on the face of the Purple Mansion Holy Son, and he defended: "So what? The ranking of life and death is not all about strength, but also luck, talent, age, etc...

I admit that Gu Xuan's talent is much stronger than mine, after all, he entered the realm of life and death before the age of twenty.

But because of this, his ranking, age and talent account for a greater proportion and moisture.

My life and death realm are sevenfold, and he is only one realm of life and death.

If I really fight to the death, I may not be inferior to him!"

"Yes, the concubine doesn't know much about this. "

Qin Qingmiao's eyes lowered and said lightly.

The Purple Mansion Holy Son gritted his teeth and said, "I always have to prove to you to see if my strength is stronger than the so-called Zhongtian First Sword!"

Seeing the first holy son of this dignified and first-class holy land revealing himself like a peacock opening in front of him, Qin Qingmiao inevitably felt a little complacent in his heart.

But thinking of a peerless figure, this little self-satisfaction quickly disappeared without a trace.

"Is he that person, and if so, how am I going to approach him, I can't tell him directly, right?"

Qin Qingmiao's heart was entangled.

If you let many geniuses in Zhongzhou know that the goddess Qin Qingmiao, who they can't ask for, is so worried about a man, I don't know if they will be so jealous that they vomit blood.

At this moment, several streamers appeared in the sky in the distance, and an extremely powerful figure stepped into the air.

There is a strange young man with a body like a big sun, a raging red golden flame burning all over his body, and a blond hair and golden eyebrows.

There is also a handsome young man whose skin is as white as jade, and the essence forms a huge white elephant phantom behind him, and every step he takes attracts the void to vibrate.

There is also a delicate man wearing a Taoist robe and ethereal like a fairy.

Almost every one of them has the blessing of the general trend of heaven and earth, and his luck is like a dragon, and his demeanor is not inferior to that of the Holy Son of Zifu.

"The Golden Crow Prince of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty!

The first son of the White Elephant Holy Land.

The Son of the Holy Land of Daoyan...

Hiss - the young generation, the sons of Tianjiao who are on the list of life and death are almost coming!"

"After all, it is the tomb of the ancient Sword Emperor, and it has suppressed the inheritance of the strong people in the imperial realm of an era, the younger generation, the younger generation, and even the older generation, who doesn't want to fight for a generation?!"

"The Divine Breath Prince, the Divine Sword Sect Sect Sect and other proud sons of the Divine Appearance List are also here!, but their cultivation is obviously a little worse, and this time it is not the stage of the Divine Realm. "

Indeed, in addition to those Tianjiao on the life and death list, the geniuses on the god list have also come.

But compared with the many life and death lists who have already embarked on the road to fight for the king, the light of these people is undoubtedly much dimmer.

If many of the celestial prides on the list of life and death are compared to the scorching sun, then the geniuses on these god lists are the bright moon on the side of the scorching sun, and many of the lights are covered by the scorching sun.

At this time, three shadows came from a distance.

These three people are different in age, but they are all stunning people, especially the one who is protected by two women in the middle.

However, at the age of twenty-eight years, his appearance is extremely beautiful, especially the eyebrows are a little red, which gives people a feeling of Zhongtiandi's spiritual beauty.

"Good guy, the three holy maidens of the Yaotai Holy Land are all here.

The first saint is clear, the third saint is blessed with purple smoke, and the one in the middle... I'm afraid it's not the most mysterious second saintess in the legend, Su Qingmo?"

"It must be, it is said that this woman is the most loved by the Holy Lord of Yaotai, and even gave her name herself.

You can see that she is not very old, and her cultivation is not outstanding, but she can suppress Zhu Ziyan and become the second saint of the Yaotai Holy Land. "

"Hey, the three daughters are all true phoenixes in the sky, if I can marry one of them, I am willing to live eight hundred years less!"

"Dream on you..."

The three daughters of the Yaotai Holy Land have their own merits, all of them are immortal, compared to Qin Qingmiao, they are not inferior at all.

Su Qingmo stood between Tantai Qingyin and Zhu Ziyan, her eyes wide open, and she looked at the scene curiously, as if she was looking for something.

"Childe, where are you, Childe?"

Zhu Ziyan next to her also had fluttering eyes, similar to her.

At this time, two more figures came from a distance.

The two figures, one east and one west, had excellent momentum, and before they approached, they brought down Gaia, who was the leader of many life and death lists in the field, attracting many people's sideways.

One of the figures, stepping on the sword lotus, one step at a time, countless sword qi around him was born and destroyed.

The moment he appeared, the long swords in the hands of many people in the audience trembled endlessly, as if they were welcoming and singing something.

Even some Life and Death Realm powerhouses need to desperately suppress their swords to stop this abnormal movement.

Someone had a complicated expression, and said with a low emotion: "Don't look at it, such a mighty person, except for the one who is known as the dawn of the sword path of the Tianxuan Continent for ten thousand years, who else can there be?"

"Yuan, sword, life!"

When this person appeared, such as the Holy Son of the Purple Mansion, the Prince of Jinwu, the Holy Son of Daoyan, the Holy Son of the White Elephant, and others, their faces changed slightly, and their eyes showed a rather jealous look.

Yuan Jiansheng took a few steps to the front, looking at the eyes of countless people as if they were nothing, but his eyes swept over everyone and looked at the figure in the west who came with him, and said to himself in a low voice: "Is the first sword in Zhongtian?...

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