Not long after the King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty finished speaking, the void of the secret realm of the Sword Emperor Tomb was broken one after another.


One powerful figure after another descended from the void.

There is a white elephant holy land king who is like jade, and the essence and blood qi form the essence, and transform into ten ancient holy elephants, and the void is constantly collapsing and sinking.

There are countless seven-colored conches around him, Daoyin Sanskrit singing, and the obscure Daoyan Holy Land King.

There is purple qi that spreads for three thousand miles, conjuring up countless Sendai buildings, and the indescribably precious king of the Purple Mansion Holy Land.

The three of them descended from three directions, separated from the kingly realm powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, and the visions behind them echoed each other, almost covering the entire Sword Emperor Tomb Secret Realm.

Firmly locked Gu Xuan in the center, it was difficult to fly with wings.

The onlookers were shocked, and their eyes widened as they looked at the scene in front of them.

The four kings came at the same time, this kind of scene is rare to see in thousands of years, not to mention that the four of them all came for one person, and that person's cultivation is no more than a mere life and death realm.

If you don't see these things with your own eyes, no one will believe them.

"This son is just a mere realm of life and death, and he can have a king-level divine soul, it's unbelievable..."

The White Elephant Holy Land King stared at Gu Xuan for a while, his face showing a little moved.

The eyes of the king of the Daoyan Holy Land conjured up the scene of the alternation of the sun, moon and stars, and he said lightly: "This son is either the reincarnation of the ancient power, or the true darling of this world, and it is normal to have such a sense of luck... After all, it is a character that only comes out of one era..."

"If any of us and others kill him, I'm afraid we won't be able to bear the consequences of the Heavenly Dao's luck. Therefore, it is necessary for four people to shoot at the same time to share the backlash, which is the safest. That's why I'm waiting for the arrival of three fellow Daoists."

The Golden Crow God Dynasty King said coldly.

The king of the Purple Mansion Holy Land said: "Yes." "

The other two were silent, apparently acquiescing.

The conversation between the four powerhouses of the Wang Realm who were listening to the audience at the bottom shook one by one.

The consequences of killing Gu Xuan, even one Wang Jing can't afford it, and he has to share the burden with four Wang Jing before he dares to do it?!

This grand treatment can be called the best in the past.

Of course, it can also be shown from another side - today, Gu Xuan is afraid that there is really no way to live.

Four King Realm powerhouses besieged and killed, I'm afraid that only the Emperor Realm powerhouses can come forward to save Gu Xuan.

But, is that possible?

Surrounded by four King Realm powerhouses in the middle, and the four King Realm coercion pressed on his body, Gu Xuan seemed to be carrying four Ten Thousand Divine Mountains at the same time, and there was a stinging feeling of overwhelm from all parts of Xuan's body.

The four King Realms were present, and even Gu Xuan's King Realm Divine Soul could not break through the blockade.

He was like a worm trapped in a quadruple cobweb, unable to move, surrounded by a monstrous danger that wanted to kill him.


A true realm of death!

Since Gu Xuan stepped on the martial arts, he had never encountered such a situation.

There is no way to go up to heaven and no door to go down to earth.

Could it be that I am really going to die here today?

Gu Xuan's brain was running rapidly, and his heart was extraordinarily calm.

Finally, a flash of inspiration flashed through his mind...

This spiritual light was like the only dawn that pierced the darkness, and it was tightly grasped by Gu Xuan.

It seems that this is the only way.



The Golden Crow God Dynasty glanced at Gu Xuan and said to the other three, "Who will do it first?"


The powerhouse of the Purple Mansion Holy Land King Realm sneered: "Who will do it first? Wouldn't the person who killed him have to suffer the greatest cause and effect? Naturally, they all started together, using the same force, and directly bombarded this son into slag, and no one knew who killed him." "

"What the Purple Mansion Daoist said is extremely true. "

The Daoyan Holy Land King Realm powerhouse nodded in agreement.

"I don't have a problem with that. "

The White Elephant Holy Land King Realm powerhouse nodded.

"Good. "

The Golden Crow God said to the king: "Then prepare, let's do it together." "

Murderous intent began to brew on the four King Realm powerhouses.

The king realm kills, and the four kings release the killing machine at the same time.

Suddenly, the temperature between heaven and earth dropped sharply, and time seemed to have entered a cold winter all of a sudden.

The void even condensed ice crystals and snowflakes, which were cold and piercing.

The king realm shows a killing machine, and the heavens and the earth will change color.

"It's over, now Gu Xuan is really finished..."

Onlookers really couldn't imagine what kind of way Gu Xuan still existed at this moment.

"Don't! Childe..."

Su Qingmo finally couldn't bear it anymore, tears burst out of her eyes, and she was so anxious that she shouted while wiping her tears, and wanted to rush in the direction of Gu Xuan.

As a result, he was grabbed by the stunned Tantai Qingyin and Zhu Ziyan, who didn't know why.

At this time, Gu Xuan, who had been silent, like a fish on a cutting board, finally moved.

Gu Xuan took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

This pill is called Shenzang Dao Gong Dan.

The effect is that it can directly open a door in the body, and the degree of opening is one percent!

Previously, Gu Xuan had never thought about which Dao Palace would open the Sixth Dao Palace.

Now, he thought about it.

Inside, an ancient star portal opened violently under the medicinal power of the Divine Hidden Dao Gong Pill.

A strange force poured out of the portal.

Gu Xuan's eyes were full of mysteries, and at the moment when this Dao Palace opened, he seemed to see a brand-new avenue of heaven and earth emerging in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Xuan took out the fragment of the magic knife that he had obtained before.

The broken magic knife was gathered together by Gu Xuan with Yuan Force, and it was broken, and there were quite a few gaps in the middle.

But with the injection of the strange power in the Dao Palace in Gu Xuan's body, the broken magic knife gradually became "complete".

There seems to be a special energy in the heavens and the earth that fills the mutilation of the magic knife, so that it can bloom again in a short period of time.

This force is called the power of soldiers.

The new Dao Palace opened by Gu Xuan is... Xuanbing Dao Palace!

It can gather the power of heaven and earth and bless any object, so that it can temporarily have the power of a divine soldier.

It just so happens that it can be used to repair the remnants of the magic knife.

The remnant blade of the magic knife, which had been blessed and formed by the power of Bingqi, gradually bloomed with an aura that had never appeared before, even in the Stop Killer.

It's as if a sleeping ancient being has awakened from the magic knife.

And behind Gu Xuan, the ancient heaven and earth momentum stirred, and wisps of demonic qi fell from heaven and earth.

Like the war song of an ancient tribe, it is calling for the return of the ancient war spirit.

Gu Xuan looked at the remnant blade of the magic knife in front of him, put his hand lightly, and the light in his eyes became stronger little by little.

He looked at the magic knife, at this heaven and earth, and seemed to be just talking to himself.

"Demon Heaven, you are an ancient sword emperor, a male lord.

After his death, the tomb was trampled by several clowns who jumped off the beam, and they came and went freely, can you be angry?"

"Are you ashamed?"

"Would you like... Lend me the power of a knife to clean up this place for you?!"

"You, wish?!"

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