"What is this son doing?"

Several King Realm powerhouses noticed Gu Xuan's strange appearance, their brows furrowed, and the murderous intent on their bodies was stunned.

The onlookers looked even more stunned, unsure why.

"Gu Xuan, what do you seem to be preparing?"

"Wouldn't he... In this case, you still want to fight back and make a living, right?!"

"It's crazy, it's naïve. The four King Realm powerhouses are current, even if he is peerless, he can't turn over any storms. I was slapped to death when I turned my hand.."

Several powerhouses of the King Realm even sneered at it.

"It's ridiculous to think about living when you're dying!"

"Fellow Daoists, do it!"

A cold glint flashed in the eyes of the powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty King Realm, and he beckoned the other three to make a move.

But at this moment, in the tomb of the Great Sword Emperor, there was a sudden burst of "buzzing" strange trembling sounds.


Everyone was stunned and followed the prestige.

I saw that in the remnant grave where they passed when they came, there was a place where countless remnants were buried.

Like the sands of the Ganges, the infinite blades were trembling slightly, and the frequency of the tremors was getting faster and more violent.

Look at Gu Xuan again.

Gu Xuan's eyes were as bright as stars at this time.

Behind him, a terrifying black phantom like an ancient demon was gradually condensing and forming.

Gu Xuan's voice resounded in everyone's ears word by word.

"Demon Heaven, everyone has bullied you to the grave, can you bear it?"

"Lend me a knife, and I will accept your cause and effect. What you haven't done in the future, I'll do it for you!"

"Demon Heaven, you are willing to lend me a knife!"


As Gu Xuan's last word fell, the Ancient Great Demon Phantom behind him was also completely condensed.

Different from the demon shadow summoned by Gu Xuan with the "Demon Summoning Sutra" before, this ancient demon has a majestic posture, and his body exudes a wisp of peerless male aura that looks down on the people and cuts through the ages.

The Great Demon opened his eyes and let out a silent roar.

In an instant, the sound of swords and soldiers in the tomb of the entire Sword Emperor was loud.

The broken blades of the remnants that were trembling suddenly all flew up from the remnants.

Transformed into a sea of blades.

The overwhelming blades swarmed in the direction of Gu Xuan like a pilgrimage.

Dense, covering the sky and the sun.

The cold, murderous aura of the soldiers poured out like a flood, instantly sweeping through the entire Sword Emperor Tomb.

Everyone's eyes widened, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Several King Realm powerhouses also had their pupils constricted, and their eyes showed a look of horror.

Gu Xuan's eyes were as bright as stars, smiling, and he gently clenched the remnant blade of the magic knife.

At this moment, the momentum on Gu Xuan's body suddenly climbed to an unprecedented height, and the whole person was like a monarch who dominated the sword path of the world.

High above, incomparably dazzling.

"Good. "

Gu Xuan said to the magic knife: "Demon Tian, you borrow me this knife today." On another day, I will pay you back a hundred knives, a thousand knives, and cut this day for you!"

As he spoke, Gu Xuan slowly slashed out in the direction of the powerhouses of the Four Great Kings Realm.

This knife, ten thousand blades in unison.

They are echoing, cheering, trembling!

Heaven and earth change color.

Behind him, the shadow of the ancient demon also slowly slashed out the knife in his hand.


It is the glimmer of life that Gu Xuan has found.

Use the power of the Xuanbing Dao Palace to reshape the magic knife, and use the "Demon Summoning Sutra" to summon a wisp of the remaining will of the Demon Heaven in the tomb of the Sword Emperor.

Borrowing the remnants of the Sword Emperor's Tomb and the momentum of thousands of remnants....

Kill the King!

Open the way!


Gu Xuan slashed out.

Thousands of remnants of soldiers converged into a gigantic long knife.

With the magic knife as the bone and the remnant will of the demon robe as the soul, he slashed out a shocking sword!

In an instant, the entire void of the Sword Emperor Tomb shook.

Where the long knife passed, the voids on both sides directly shattered and collapsed...

An indescribably terrifying knife thrust forward.

The powerhouses of the four king realms all changed color.

Especially the powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty who was locked by Gu Xuan's Divine Thoughts, he was even more terrifying.

The great horror of life and death, which he had not experienced for thousands of years, gushed out like a tide in his heart.


I was scared.

"Damn it!"

The Golden Crow God roared wildly at the powerhouse of the King Realm, and his whole body burst out with a brilliant light comparable to the sun.

"The body of an ant dares to challenge the majesty of the throne?!! Give me death!"


The Golden Crow God Dynasty King Realm powerhouse slapped out with a palm, as if smashing a sun.

The blazing palm prints collided with the long knives that had been gathered by countless remnants of broken blades.

A large number of remnants of the blade were shattered in an instant, melting...

The remnants were wailing, but more of glory.

It was a glory to die for the Lord!


Gu Xuan's eyes bloomed with a shocking sword, the blessing of the King Realm Divine Soul Realm, the body movements coincided with the Great Demon Phantom behind him, holding the knife in both hands, and pressing down fiercely.


The palm prints of the powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty were finally shattered with a single sword.

The long knife shrank by nearly half, but it was still wrapped in an incomparable sky-covering momentum, and it was slashed fiercely.

The face of the powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty finally changed.

He was completely frightened and felt the great crisis between life and death.

Almost without hesitation, he tore open the void, and his body quickly sank in.

Everyone at the bottom was stunned for a moment when they saw this scene.


The powerhouse of the royal realm of the dignified Golden Crow God Dynasty actually chose to flee under Gu Xuan's sword?

Everyone was stupid.

Wonder if you're dreaming.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have imagined such a scene when he was killed.

The double realm of life and death...

With one sword, force back the powerhouse of the King Realm!

The long knife slashed into the void rift where the powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty had fled, and slashed down with a bang.

All they heard was a muffled grunt and screams coming from the void rift, and it was silent.

The powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty...

He's dead?!

Probably not.

The idea was quickly rejected.

How could the Wang Realm be so easily obliterated.

However, judging by the sound it made when it fled, even if it didn't die, it must have been injured.


Gu Xuan slashed it down, holding the knife on the ground with one hand, gasping for breath.

His face turned pale and his body was shaky.

can slash the king realm, and his contribution is naturally huge.

The Yuan Force in his body was almost all squandered in the knife just now, and the Wang Realm Divine Soul was almost overdrawn, and now there was a tingling pain in his brain.

It's a pity that this knife only slashed the King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty and forced him back, but did not kill him.

Gu Xuan's plan to kill chickens and make an example of monkeys failed.

But it's normal to think about it, if the king realm is so easy to fall, then it won't be called the king realm.

Gu Xuan single-handedly crutches the ground, silently recovering his Yuan Li physical strength.

All around, three Wang Realm powerhouses, and many onlookers, all stared at him blankly.

In the tomb of the Great Sword Emperor, there was no human voice, only the slight sound of the remnant blade groaning.

At this moment, there is only one thought left in everyone's mind.

He forced the king back!

Gu Xuan forced the king to retreat.

Gu Xuan, who has a double realm of life and death, killed a king!

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