The magic knife hung in front of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan probed his divine thoughts, and his mind immediately came to the scene of the death of the Demon Robe Heaven and the Heavenly Body.

"You can't stop me!"

The roar of the demon robe, a shocking sword, slashed towards the sky.

Horrific explosions.



Just like a movie, this scene reappeared in Gu Xuan's mind over and over again.

Gu Xuan found that now the fragment of the magic knife in his hand had reached nearly two-thirds, and the picture he could see had become clearer and more complete.

Moreover, his divine soul has reached the level of the king realm, and there are more and deeper things that can be seen in the picture.

A knife in the sky, the last knife before the fall of the demon robe.

It is the strongest sword of Demon Heaven, and it is also the most brilliant and brilliant knife that this ancient sword emperor who has suppressed an era has learned all his life.

This knife kept repeating itself in Gu Xuan's mind.

Every time he watched it, Gu Xuan could get new insights and new understandings.

His comprehension of the mystery of destruction also increased at a shocking rate.

Forty into six....

Forty into seven....

Forty into eight....

Forty into nine....

Fifty percent!

This feeling of standing on the shoulders of giants and absorbing the essence of those who came before them is so refreshing and wonderful.

In Gu Xuan's imagery, the terrifying sword light that destroyed the Nine Heavens was reborn and changed.

The sword light became larger and more magnificent.

There were black thunderbolts wrapped around the sword light, covering the sky and the sun, and the breath of light and light collapsed the void and crushed Ling Xiao.

In the end, the phantom of the Demon Robe Heaven and the Heavenly Sword in the Magic Knife picture became more and more blurred and more and more illusory.

However, Gu Xuan's Heavenly Sword was constantly improving, condensing, and almost turning into substance.


With a crisp sound, the remnant blade of the magic knife suspended in front of Gu Xuan's body suddenly shattered, turning into pieces of fragments scattered all over the ground.

Moreover, these fragments are dim and have lost all their mystery and power.

The will of the Demon Robe Heavenly Remnant in the Demon Knife had been completely absorbed and worn out by Gu Xuan.

In other words, it can be said that the "inheritance" left by Demon Heaven in the Demon Sword has been taken away by Gu Xuan.

The current magic knife is just a very ordinary antiquity.

Gu Xuan opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a black thunder beating in his eyes, as if there was a whirlpool, representing the ultimate of all things.

The mystery of destruction....

Sixty and a half percent comprehension!

The "inheritance" of the Demon Throne directly made Gu Xuan's comprehension of the mystery of destruction skyrocket by two percent.

Reach the point of the U.S.

"I'm afraid that many King Realm powerhouses may not be able to reach the same height as me in terms of mystical comprehension. "

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

The more difficult it is to comprehend the mysteries, and it is normal not to make an inch of progress for a hundred years or a thousand years.

His attainments in the mystical martial arts have always surpassed the entire realm of a martial artist of the same rank, and it is really normal for the realm of life and death to be comparable to the realm of kings.

"Although I haven't comprehended the follow-up moves of the Heavenly Sword, the power of the first three forms of the Heavenly Sword has skyrocketed I don't know how many times!"

Comprehending the mystery and the mystery of the mystery are two completely different concepts.

If Gu Xuan was now in the scene where he was besieged by many powerhouses in the Sword Emperor Tomb, the spirit of the King Realm would not come out, and he would have enough confidence to kill everyone.

"There's one more, something that can greatly improve my combat effectiveness..."

Gu Xuan took out an Arcane Fusion Pill that he had obtained earlier.

The effect of this elixir is that there is a chance to merge two different mysteries into one, so that the power of the mysteries can be qualitatively improved.

This effect on Gu Xuan is too great.

Gu Xuan himself comprehended a lot of mysteries.

The mystery of destruction, the mystery of space, the mystery of life and death, the mystery of extreme darkness...

It's his strength, but he's never been able to make the most of it.

It's not the same with the Mystery Fusion Dan.

Gu Xuan could completely fuse two mysteries with similar power into a more powerful new mystery, innovating killing moves.

"There is a chance, that is to say, there is still a possibility of failure in the fusion of the Ooishads..."

Gu Xuan pondered carefully about the system's introduction to the Aoyi Fusion Pill, and thought in his heart.

According to the introduction of the system, the success rate of the fusion of the two mysteries depends entirely on the strength and comprehension of the two mysteries.

The strength of the two mysteries is similar, and the closer the degree of comprehension, the higher the success rate of fusion.

"The two most lethal mysteries that I have now are the mysteries of destruction and the mysteries of space... These two mysteries are of similar rank, but the comprehension of the mysteries of destruction is much greater than that of the mysteries of space...

The mystery of destruction has been comprehended in sixty and a half, while the mystery of space is only two in percent. "

But fortunately, Gu Xuan still has three Mystery Comprehension Pills in his hands.

They were all obtained in the Battle of the Ancient Tree of the Sword Emperor Tomb.

"These three mystical comprehension pills can raise my spatial mysteries to fifty percent, and then merge with the mysteries of destruction, it should be about the same..."

Gu Xuan thought about it, so he directly took out the three mystical comprehension pills and began to comprehend the mysteries of the mysteries of space.

Gu Xuan didn't think about using all these three Mystery Comprehension Pills to comprehend the Mystery of Destruction.

However, the higher the mysteries are, the more difficult it is to comprehend, the comprehension limit of the mysteries comprehension pill is one percent, if it is all used to destroy the mysteries, Gu Xuan is not too sure how far it will be raised.

And if it is used to enhance the meaning of space, it can be used more effectively.

The three Mystery Comprehension Pills have been used.

Gu Xuan's spatial mystery was quickly raised to fifty percent.

Fifty percent, sixty and a half, about the same.

Next, it's time to try to blend.

Gu Xuan took a deep breath and took the Mystery Fusion Pill.

In an instant, two powerful forces surged inside him.

One is black, representing the power of destruction.

The other is silvery white, which represents the power of space.

The two forces of black and silver touched each other, and they collided violently with each other, as if they could explode at any time.

Gu Xuan's face changed slightly.

If the Destruction Mystery and the Space Mystery run away in his body, even if he tops the Xuan Body and opens the six doors at the same time, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

Fortunately, however, a strange force appeared and neutralized the conflict between the two mystical powers in time.

The two forces of destruction and space were intertwined, and gradually, suddenly, they collapsed towards the center...


Gu Xuan opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a flash of black and silver light in his eyes.

He snapped his finger out and pointed forward.

In an instant, a whirlwind of black and silver suddenly appeared.

Directly smash a depression in the void, and then use it as the center, and the surrounding space collapses towards it.

There is a faint tendency to become more and more intense, becoming the center of the storm, and the black hole vortex.

Feeling the terrifying aura of destruction and the power of spatial cutting, Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, and he said to himself with satisfaction: "This move can be called an annihilation storm!"

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