Sixty and a half percent of the mystery of destruction, and fifty percent of the space mystery is a move to fuse.

The power was even more terrifying than Gu Xuan imagined.

The black and silver chains are intertwined, bringing out the horrors of the two mysteries to the extreme.

"It can almost be compared to the strength of a single mystery or even higher..."

And in this process, the number of Dao marks on the body of the Divine Picture Scroll behind Gu Xuan was also increasing.

It is already about to break through four hundred, reaching an unprecedented height.

After the mysteries were comprehended, Gu Xuan took out the Life and Death Realm Advancement Pill again, took it, and directly increased his cultivation to the realm.

Gu Xuan is like this, while comprehending the mysteries, he increases his cultivation, and then talks to Shangguan Yue in his spare time to discuss the mystery of the meaning of fate.

Life is also comfortable.

Time flies, and soon most of the time flies by.

On this day, two figures flew quickly from the sky.

It was an old man and a young man who looked like a pair of masters.

The old man's face was clear, and his body exuded a powerful aura that belonged to the martial artists of the Life and Death Realm.

The younger one is a young man, with delicate facial features, smart eyes, and his cultivation is almost at the level of the god realm.

"Hey, it's amazing. The aura gathers, the mystery is hidden, and there will be heavenly treasures, and even ancient spiritual treasures will appear."

The old man raised his eyes and scanned the front, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and his mouth let out a soft sound of surprise.

When the young man heard the old man's words, he followed the old man's gaze, but he could only see an ordinary valley, so he pursed his lips disdainfully and retorted: "This kind of poor mountain and bad water land can also produce treasures, and there are also ancient spirit treasures, master, you shouldn't be old and confused."

"Stinky boy who doesn't learn and doesn't know how to learn!"

When the old man heard this, he blew his beard and glared, and struck the top of the young man's head, and then said angrily: "Although my Fuyunzi martial arts cultivation is not the best, this ability to know treasures and hunt for treasures is definitely one of the best...

Although this area is ordinary, if you look closely, you will find that the terrain of this place is wonderful, and the surrounding heaven and earth aura are all faintly converging into the valley, full of aura and unspeakably expensive.

If there is no strange treasure here, I will write the name of Fuyunzi upside down in the future!"

The young man rubbed his head, still full of dissatisfaction, but he could only slander and dare not say it again.

Fu Yunzi took the young man to search carefully in the mountains, as if he was calculating something in his hands as he turned, and there were words in his mouth.

"It doesn't make sense, it should be around here... There must be another mystery here, but I can't find it."

The young man muttered in a low voice, "Master, you must have miscalculated."

When Fu Yunzi heard this, his beard shook, and he wanted to reward the young man with another brain melon.

But at this moment, the young man suddenly pointed to a certain place in front of him with a shocked face and shouted: "Master, look, that... What's that?!"

Fu Yunzi hurriedly turned his head to look.

I saw a place in the valley, faintly revealing bursts of strange light.

The light is purple, red and gold, and it looks gorgeous.

At the same time, there is an incomparably rich vitality that escapes with the light, and under the nourishment of this vitality, the flowers and trees outside the valley begin to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fu Yunzi's eyes widened suddenly, and he muttered, "Treasure Light Soars to the Sky! Vitality is like a tide! This is not some ancient elixir that has matured?..

With the appearance of this glow and vitality, the previously ordinary valley has also changed, as if it has returned to its original appearance, which is quite strange.

"No wonder I couldn't find it before, it turned out that someone had set up a formation outside this valley. The formation attainments that can hide from my floating clouds' eyes, how many can there be in the whole world? It must be the cave mansion left by the ancient powerful figures!"

The more Fu Yunzi thought about it, the more he felt that this was the truth, and soon became ecstatic, patted the young man on the shoulder, and laughed: "Good apprentice, it seems that this time it is finally the turn of our master and apprentice to operate, and it will soar into the sky.。。

If the teacher is not mistaken, what is hidden in this valley should be a certain ancient powerful cave, in which elixirs and the like are planted, and now the elixir is ripe, and Baoguang has broken through the prohibition and can only be born!"

The young man's face was also full of joy, and he said excitedly: "Master, you said that if I eat this ancient elixir, can I be directly promoted to the god list?"

Fu Yunzi stroked his white beard and said with a smile: "How can the Divine Appearance List be so easy to enter, how old are you this year? You think you are the No. 1 Sword Gu Xuan in Zhongtian, and you are ranked first on the Life and Death List before you are twenty years old."

But I'm waiting to meet this kind of opportunity, proving that your kid's luck is still good, and over time, maybe I can really have the opportunity to go on the big stage in Zhongzhou and compete with those gods on the life and death list..."

The young man said with a smile: "If there is really such a day, the apprentice must be filial to the master and your old man, as the saying goes, one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven..."

"Stinky boy, are you a chicken or a dog when you are your master?!"

Fuyunzi was full of black lines, and knocked twice on the top of the boy's head.

However, when they went out and encountered such a good thing, both the master and apprentice were in a good mood, and at that moment, Fuyunzi took the young man and flew towards the location of the valley with a roar of sunshine and vitality.

The closer you get to that location, the more light and life surges.

Seeing the floating clouds, his eyes lit up directly.

"Good fellow, that's a big deal."

The boy was impatient and wanted to rush down to hunt for treasure.

But at this moment, a huge sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded in the ears of the two.

Immediately afterward, the two of them felt a shadow cast overhead, as if a dark cloud was suddenly pressed down.

The two of them jerked their heads up, only to see a behemoth roaring down.

It was a large golden bird with a wingspan of more than 1,000 feet, and the big bird was covered with golden feathers, each of which was as sharp as a treasure sword.

When it fell, the mountains seemed to set off a ten-level hurricane, and at the same time, a monstrous ferocious aura and demonic aura overwhelmingly pressed down, as if the end had come.

Immediately afterwards, the ground under the feet of the two suddenly shook violently, as if a ten-magnitude earthquake had suddenly occurred.

I saw that the ground outside the valley suddenly cracked, and out of it burst out a monster with a single horn on its head and four claws on its belly, like a lizard and a dragon.

This demon beast was more than a hundred feet in size, extremely large, lying on the ground like a small mountain range.

The monster strode towards the valley, and with each step, a huge crater was smashed into the ground, and a loud bang sounded.

The eyes of the master and apprentice widened, and their faces were full of horror and shock.

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