"It's the Golden-winged Demon Peng and the Earth-Covering Dragon!, both of them are descendants of ancient fierce beasts, and it looks like Xiuwei is already an existence at the tenfold peak level of the Life and Death Realm, and they are one step away from becoming a King Realm Demon Beast!"

Fu Yunzi looked shocked and muttered.

"I had long guessed that this glorious vision would attract demon beasts, but I didn't expect it to attract a big demon of this level, and it came so quickly.... This sucks now.."

The young man looked at the two huge and terrifying demons, only to feel that he was as small as an ant in front of the two demons, swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and said astringently: "Master, you... Have you beaten these two monsters?"

Fu Yunzi glared at the young man angrily, ", your master is just a triple realm of life and death, these two big demons close to the king, do you want your master to rush up and send him to death..."

"What then, do you watch the treasure be taken away by them?"

The boy's face was full of frustration.

But Fuyunzi's eyes flickered.

"Not necessarily.."

"What do you mean?!Master, do you have a way?"

Fu Yunzi said slowly: "There is only one treasure, but there are two big demons, and these two big demons are originally natural enemies, and they will fight to the death as soon as they meet..

Let's wait and see, and wait until they both lose, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman. "

The boy's eyes lit up as well.

Sure enough, as Fu Yunzi expected, the Golden-winged Demon Peng and the Earth-Covering Dragon fought as soon as they met.

The two demons went up and down, one in the sky and the other on the ground, and they fought in the dark.

The loud sound of "boom" kept ringing in the ears of the master and apprentice, which shook their brains.

And while the two demons were fighting with each other, Fuyunzi took the young man to hold his breath and slowly fell step by step towards the position that emitted the glow.

I saw that the glow was changing, beautiful and gorgeous, touching people's hearts, and there was a strong vitality like a tide, which made people's spirits greatly lifted.

The master and apprentice were extremely cautious, and the two fighting demons did not put their minds on the two of them.

Seeing that the two of them were getting closer and closer to the position of the glow, Fuyunzi and the young man's faces were already faintly showing excitement and anticipation.

Suddenly, the purple, red, and gold glow in that position suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the vitality that had been extremely rich before also quickly reversed like a low tide.

The master and apprentice were caught off guard and were stunned for a moment.

What's the situation?

And the two demons that were fighting the Golden-winged Demon Peng and the Earth-Covering Dragon also stopped immediately, and the four fierce eyes stared closely at the location of the valley.

Just when the two demons were full of doubts, trying to see what was going on in the valley.

I saw a majestic figure like a god flying out of the valley and rising into the sky.

Someone in the valley?!

Is there a Lord in this valley?

Fu Yunzi's eyes widened and his expressions were shocked.

They saw that the man who came out of the valley was a young man of about twenty.

The man's whole body was covered with divine patterns, and purple thunder and red flames wrapped around him, like a pair of gorgeous and noble armor.

The man's appearance is like a masterpiece, although his skin is like white jade, but it gives people an extremely masculine handsomeness.

The man stood in mid-air with an indifferent expression, his gaze condescendingly looking down.

An illusion arose in the hearts of the master and apprentice, as if this person was an ancient god who had come out of the legend of the ancient scroll.

This man, like an ancient god, exuded a faint glow of purple, gold and red all around his body, and surging vitality continued to emerge from his body.

"The body is like a treasure medicine, and the glow of the body is shining, the vision we just saw turned out to be him?!"

Fu Yunzi looked at this person and let out a low cry of extreme shock.

And at this time, two brutal terrifying divine thoughts fell, firmly locking the young man.

It was the two big demons that fought before.

The two big demons are attracted by vitality and glow, and in their consciousness, as long as they can exude such a rich vitality, it is a tonic that is very beneficial to them, as for whether it is a human being?

There is no impact.

The greedy gaze of the two big demons fell on the man.

Instinct tells them that if they swallow the person in front of them, it will do them immense good.

Maybe it's not impossible to set foot in the royal realm.



The two big demons let out a terrifying roar from their mouths, and they rushed towards the man as soon as they got up and down.

The two heads of the life and death realms were tenfold, and the great demons of the half-step king realm charged at the same time, and the overwhelming terrifying aura was like a tsunami in the mountains.

Even if he didn't face this kind of power directly, Master and Apprentice Fuyunzi were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they felt a suffocating pressure, and they retreated wildly in horror.

And the young man, who was like an ancient god, was like a flat boat in the stormy waves in the eyes of the two of them at this time, facing the end of capsizing and being swallowed up at any time.

Compared to the two near-king demons, the young man was too small.

Just when the two of them thought that the young man was about to be destroyed, they saw that the young man was expressionless, and gently raised his right hand...

One punch!


The earth-covering dragon with a body like a stretching mountain range was directly punched away by the man, and was smashed out like a meteorite landing.

Directly smashed several mountains behind him, rolling wildly on the ground.


Master Fu Yunzi was dumbfounded, and his eyes almost didn't pop out of his sockets.

Immediately afterward, the two of them saw the golden-winged demon peng flutter its wings, and countless golden feathers flew out of its wings.

The golden feathers were like divine swords, tearing countless pitch-black marks in the void.

That compelling sharp aura, each of which was enough to shoot a life-and-death realm powerhouse.

But it was such a terrifying feather arrow cluster that rained down on the young man.

But it was as if it had been shot on a steel plate, making a dense "bell-bell-bell" sound.

Mo said that if he shot a man, he couldn't even pierce the man's skin.

"What kind of body is this, stronger than the Great Demon?!"

Fu Yunzi looked shocked and was almost speechless.

The man took one step, holding the feathers in the sky, and grabbed the neck of the golden-winged demon peng.

It's like grabbing a chicken with one hand.

Then he directly grabbed the body of the golden-winged demon peng and slammed it to the ground.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The earth trembled as if it had been shaken, and countless trees and rocks crumbled and razed to the ground.

In the middle of the way, the earth-covering dragon that had been smashed away roared and ran back, but was also grabbed by the man.

"Boom, boom!"

The two near-king demons with ten levels of life and death became a toy-like existence in the hands of the man, and he was beaten wildly as a sandbag.

Compared with the huge gap in size between the two sides, this scene had too big an impact on Fuyunzi's master and apprentice.

The two of them looked sluggish, their mouths opened wide, and they looked at the scene in front of them, as if they were petrified...

At this time, there was only one thought in the minds of the two:

This man is too cruel and terrifying...

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