Eastern Zhongzhou.

On the vast land, thousands of cities are dotted around.

And in the center of this "chessboard", an incomparably huge giant city stands in it.

This city can almost be a country.

The walls stretch for an unknown number of miles.

There was a city within a city, and the city was intertwined, and hundreds of millions of mortals lived in it.

The rivers are the belts, and the mountains are the mountains.

There is a carriage pulled by demon beasts running on the ground, and a demon beast speeding car soaring in the sky.

Countless earth veins are like spider webs, and the dragon qi is condensed and formed, transforming into countless three-legged golden crow elephants.

In the center of the city, a towering sacred tree made of pure copper stands in the sky.

Golden crows and dragon qi surrounded the bronze tree, which was covered with red-gold metal leaves, and three huge fireballs hung in the treetops and burned.

Light and heat are comparable to the sun.

Even at night, the city is bustling with activity.

With such a majestic dynastic atmosphere, it is the location of the first god dynasty in the east, the god capital of the Golden Crow God Dynasty.

The Golden Crow God Dynasty has been inherited for 10,000 years, with a vast territory and countless strong people.

Inherited to this era, it is as prosperous as the great sun of the sky.

On this day, the people of the Golden Crow God Dynasty are living as usual.

Suddenly, the sky suddenly darkened, and a large area of golden crow weather let out a wailing sound, flapping its wings and falling from the sky, dissipating invisible.


In many places in the divine capital, the ground collapsed, the city walls collapsed, and there was a lot of commotion.

Countless people of the Divine Capital were shocked and overwhelmed.

Some fools raised their heads in a daze, their eyes fell on the bronze tree, and their expressions suddenly became extremely terrifying.

He raised his hand tremblingly and shouted in horror, "Look... Too.. The sun is out!"

Countless people followed the sound to look at the bronze tree, and then their expressions all turned pale and dazed.

The sun is out!

To be precise, it was the huge fireball on the bronze tree, which was silently extinguished, so that the light that illuminated the divine capital dimmed a little.

The golden crow wailed, and a large area fell.

An inexplicable panic spread among the people of the Divine Capital.

For them, the bronze tree, and the great sun on the tree, are their totems.

It is the symbol of the Golden Crow Dynasty.

The inextinguishable sun symbolizes the endless inheritance of the Golden Crow God.

From the beginning of many people's birth, the three great suns on the tree have never dimmed a point, and they are all getting more and more intense.

But now, it turned out to be extinguished.

How not to make them feel frightened and afraid.

For the warriors, the extinguishing of the sun on the bronze tree means something even different.

Within the Divine Capital, countless Dao figures suddenly flew into the sky.

Or use your strength to control the sky, or take a flying magic weapon, or control a demon beast...

The Divine Capital Imperial Forest Army on the ground also took action, and the earth trembled slightly.

"Every round of the sun on the Divine Tree represents a King Realm powerhouse of the Divine Dynasty, and now that the Great Sun has extinguished a round, isn't there a King Realm Venerable who has fallen?"

"The golden crow withered and the earth fell, this is a sign that my golden crow god dragon qi is declining and the earth's leylines are shrinking. Apart from the fall of the King Realm Venerable, what else could make the fortunes of the Divine Dynasty change like this?"

"Shut up, you can't make a conclusion about this matter, how can a strong person in the King Realm fall so easily?"

Countless warriors rushed to the center of the Divine Capital with anxiety.

On the way, the two rounds of the sun on the bronze god tree suddenly shone brightly, and the light exceeded the sun in the sky.

In the dazzling light, two figures slowly walked out of the day.

The aura that belonged to the royal realm enveloped the Divine Capital, and countless Divine Dynasty warriors trembled and fell to their knees.

"Meet the throne. "

Countless people shouted in unison, converging into a mighty voice.

Two unclear figures stood in the void, and their indifferent eyes scanned the gods.

An inexplicable killing intent spread within the Divine Capital.

"The King of the Golden Crow has befallen an accident..."

A Wang Jing slowly spat out this sentence from his mouth.

In an instant, countless people raised their heads in shock, although they had already expected this possibility, but the news was confirmed, which still made people feel unacceptable.

Wang Jing, the figure at the top of the martial arts pyramid in the entire Tianxuan Continent.

Thousands of years of life, boundless power.

Why can it fall?

"The birth of the magic star caused chaos in Zhongzhou. King Jin Crow died for the gods, died for the common people..."

A King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty said word by word: "I will inherit the will of the Golden Crow King this time, vowing to kill the Demon Star and raise the prestige of my Divine Dynasty!"

The two kings suddenly released a majestic momentum, as well as monstrous killing intent.

Countless warriors had solemn faces, their right hands turned into fists, and they raised their arms and shouted: "The golden crow is immortal, the divine fire is not extinguished, swear to kill the demon star, and raise the power of my divine dynasty!"

"The golden crow is immortal, the divine fire is not extinguished, swear to kill the demon star, and raise the prestige of my divine dynasty!"

Countless warriors chanted in unison, and the passionate blood stimulated the dragon's energy.

The originally weakened national fortunes of the Golden Crow God Dynasty actually showed an upward trend.

The withered golden crows that had withered before also re-transformed one by one to fill the void.

Just when countless Golden Crow God Dynasty warriors were filled with righteous indignation, they suddenly heard a sound of trembling sound in their ears.

The sound was like a blade breaking through the air, but there was more than one, countless handles.

With this strange sound, the countless golden crows in the sky above the divine capital suddenly became extremely fierce, and they roared angrily in the direction from which the sound came.

Everyone turned their heads away in astonishment.

I saw a purple qi spread across the sky, like a carpet of the sky, heralding the arrival of a great person.

The next moment, an indifferent voice pierced the sky, like the thunder of the Nine Heavens, crushing the sky, and rumbling.

"No need to look for me, I'm already here. "

The eyes of the two King Realm powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty suddenly tightened, and the momentum on their bodies rose violently.

Take the next breath and everyone will see.

Thousands of miles of purple qi spread horizontally, and the river of swords and soldiers swept the sky.

A young man with a boundless and majestic posture, handsome, like a big sun, like a heavenly sword, holding a beautiful girl in his hand, stepped on the river of swords and soldiers, and came slowly.

At the moment when this person appeared, the sword qi on the bodies of countless martial artists in the Divine Dynasty surged, breaking out of their bodies.

There are those with low cultivation who are directly pierced by their own sword qi and die.

Those who have cultivated to the highest level, even if they can barely suppress it, the blades in their hands cannot be restrained from breaking free from their control and merging into the river of hob soldiers.

All of a sudden, the golden crow roared wildly, and the corpses of countless warriors who had been devoured to death by the sword qi fell from the sky like dumplings.

Countless people looked terrified and terrified, and they couldn't help but desperately retreat backwards.

Before anyone arrived, he could kill so many warriors with his momentum alone.

This kind of power, this kind of means, is simply unheard of for them.

And the two king realm powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty also had their pupils constricted when they saw this scene, and their expressions became extremely serious and dignified.

"It's... It's the demon star that killed the Golden Crow King?!"


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