They only knew that King Jinwu died at the hands of Gu Xuan, but they didn't know much about Gu Xuan's strength.

Now that they can see it, they find that the strength of the "magic star" in front of them is far beyond their expectations.

"It's no wonder that the King of the Golden Crow will fall into the hands of this son, the youngest king realm in the history of the Tianxuan Continent, it is indeed a bit extraordinary.."

A King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow God Dynasty spoke in a deep voice.

Another Wang Jing said coldly: "How is it? Our two King Realms, as well as the Supreme Luck Bonus of the Divine Dynasty, and the Divine Soldiers of the National Fortune are in hand, are you afraid that he will not be able to succeed as a kid who has just entered the King Realm?"

"Definitely. "

This Wang Jing nodded, his eyes were cold, "This son first entered the King Realm and killed the King of the Golden Crow, and he felt that he was invincible in the world." We didn't go looking for him, he even dared to take the initiative to come to the door, he really wanted to die...

Today, let him have no return!"

"Kill this son and take him a monstrous fortune, and the national fortune of my Golden Crow Divine Dynasty will not only be fully restored, but may even be stronger.

After the fall of a golden crow king, my god dynasty should give birth to more kingly realm powerhouses in the future.

On the bronze god tree, when the ten days are the same day!"

In an instant, the eyes of the two King Realm powerhouses all bloomed with blazing light, and the golden flames on their bodies surged, and their power was monstrous.

Without waiting for Gu Xuan to approach, the two King Realm powerhouses took the initiative to kill Gu Xuan.

The two of them rushed towards Gu Xuan like two rounds of brilliant sun.

"Today, you will sacrifice the deceased King of the Golden Crow with your head!"

Facing the siege and killing of the two King Realm powerhouses, Gu Xuan's face was calm, and his eyes did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Anu standing beside Gu Xuan was a little nervous and wanted to retreat.

"Childe, don't worry about me..."

Anu was afraid of dragging Gu Xuan's back legs, and wanted to take the initiative to avoid it, lest Gu Xuan have to be distracted to take care of her.

Gu Xuan just took her hand and said lightly: "No, if I can't protect you from these two people... Then I will be king in vain. "

As he spoke, Gu Xuan's fingers tapped.

In an instant, the thousands of sword soldiers under him roared.

The long river of swords and soldiers rolled and swept towards the powerhouses of the two Golden Crow Divine Dynasties.

The eyes of the two kings burst out with a strong killing intent, and the golden flames on their bodies surged, turning into two monstrous seas of fire in an instant, colliding with the long river of swordsmen.

The sea of golden flames collided with the river of swordsmen, and the flames devoured the swordsmen, and a blade melted in the flames, turning into golden juice and rolling down.

Seeing that the sword soldiers were about to be defeated, Gu Xuan spat lightly: "Chop." "

In an instant, countless sword soldiers gathered together, forming a huge long knife that reached the sky completely, and slashed at the sea of golden flames.

The knife falls, and the sea of flames is divided!

The golden sea of flames was fused into two halves by the long knives formed by thousands of swordsmen.

The terrifying sword aura pierced the sky, and even the ancient bronze trees in the distance trembled.


The faces of the two Golden Crow Divine Dynasty kings changed slightly, and they retreated violently.

"Damn, this son is a little too strong!"

A king suddenly let out a long howl.

"God bless me!"

In an instant, the countless golden crow illusions in the sky above the Golden Crow God were thrown into the bodies of the two kings like milk swallows returning to their nests.

The momentum on the two of them suddenly skyrocketed.

Both of them are the throne of the Divine Dynasty, enjoying the nourishment of the Divine Dynasty's luck day and night, and their own martial arts have long been integrated with the national fortune of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty.

The territory of the Golden Crow God Dynasty is equivalent to their territory.

The time and place are favorable, and heaven and earth help together.

How terrible should it be if the luck of a god dynasty is blessed?

The two King Realm powerhouses let out a loud shout, and more golden flames poured out of their bodies.

Moreover, this time the golden flames were more intense, more turbulent, and more majestic than the previous ones.

The golden flames dyed almost the entire heavenly dome a brilliant gold, and the sun in the sky looked dull under the flames.

The flames condensed into a huge ancient three-legged golden crow image, making an earth-shattering sound.

The sound pierces the clouds and cracks the stones.

The giant long knife condensed by Gu Xuan had a tendency to faintly collapse under the penetration of this sound.

Before the golden crow could get closer, the outer layer of swords that formed the long knife had already shown signs of melting.


The two kings snorted, and the image of the ancient golden crow flapped its wings and flew towards Gu Xuan.

At this moment, Gu Xuan's figure looked extremely small under this golden crow, and it seemed that the next breath would be burned to ashes.

But Gu Xuan's expression still didn't fluctuate.

"Playing with fire?"

Gu Xuan took a step forward gently.

With this step, the momentum on Gu Xuan's body also completely changed.

It turned out that he was stepping on purple qi and was high up, like a god standing above the clouds overlooking all beings.

And now...

This god is over.

Gu Xuan's eyes turned golden.

It was a golden color that was even more brilliant than the ancient golden crow.

Ancient, noble, splendid.

On his body, mysterious and gorgeous golden divine patterns emerged one after another.

There was golden thunder bursting out of him.

Gu Xuan opened his mouth and took a deep breath at the imposing image of the ancient golden crow.


At this moment, countless people saw it.

The image of the ancient golden crow condensed by the supreme luck of the Golden Crow God Dynasty and the lifelong power of the two kingly realm powerhouses...

Suddenly, there was a blur.

And then...

Collapse suddenly.

An indescribable terrifying suction forcibly tore the golden crow apart.

Turned into golden flames scattered across the sky.

Then this golden flame, in the shape of a funnel, was all sucked into Gu Xuan's mouth.

The scene was shocking....

It's unforgettable!

Gu Xuan completely swallowed the entire golden crow into his mouth, and the divine patterns on his body suddenly lit up.

The light on his body had completely obscured the sun in the sky.

Gu Xuan raised his hand and gently wiped the corners of his mouth.

It's like an emperor who has just finished eating.

"The smell of this flame..."

He said lightly, "It's a little worse." "


At this moment, the countless martial artists of the entire Golden Crow Divine Dynasty all looked sluggish, standing in place in a daze, their brains were blank, and they almost lost the ability to think.

The two kings of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty were also in a trance, and their expressions were like a dream.

One of them staggered abruptly and muttered, "This... How is it possible..."

The ancient Golden Crow, which was condensed by the supreme luck of the entire Golden Crow Divine Dynasty and the power of the two kings' realms, was actually swallowed by Gu Xuan in one bite?!

It's incredible!

It's something that no one can ever dream of.

"Who the hell is this person?"

"He... Is it a mortal god?"

Countless people have lost their souls.

That scene just now, in everyone's eyes...

It's as if Gu Xuan is an ancient god in myths and legends, and the sun, moon and stars are only between their swallows.

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