Gu Xuan was promoted to the king realm, and his physical body had already broken through to the god body realm.

His divine body was covered with countless mystical divine patterns.

These divine patterns are traces of the Great Dao, and although they are only a prototype, they are also a power beyond the mysteries.


Traces of the Law.

"When my divine body is attained, I will be able to directly control the great power of the Great Laws, and this is the way of physical cultivation.

The paths of physical cultivation and Dharma cultivation seem to be different, but in fact, they are different paths to the same end, and in the end they are still approaching in the direction of the law!"

It represents the beginning of all the mysteries of fire, the power of the laws of fire.

Although Gu Xuan had only mastered a little bit of the surface now, it was enough for him to be qualified to despise most of the flames in the Tianxuan Continent.

The King Realm Flame and the Golden Crow Flame under the blessing of luck are nothing more than enough for him.

opened his mouth to swallow it, but it greatly nourished him.

Gu Xuansheng swallowed the Golden Crow of the National Fortune, and directly looked at the two kings of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty as stupid.

The strength shown by Gu Xuan was completely beyond the scope of the cognition and imagination of the two.

"This son... Is it really the first time you have entered the realm of kings?"

A King Realm powerhouse of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty spoke abruptly, with an expression of disbelief and incredulity on his face.

Although they hadn't seen the Emperor Realm powerhouse make a move, at this moment, they couldn't help but think of it-

"The strong man in the imperial realm is nothing more than that".

The divine patterns on Gu Xuan's body retreated, but his momentum became stronger and stronger.

He stepped forward, and the Ming Hong Knife silently appeared in his hand.

In an instant, countless sword soldiers in the void trembled wildly, and this heaven and earth were completely enveloped by endless terrifying sword qi.

To everyone in the audience, it was as if the sky had suddenly darkened, as if a huge wave was about to overhead them.

Unprecedented horror!

"It's my turn...."

Gu Xuan said lightly, and then raised his hand and raised his knife.


An unprecedented terrifying killing machine firmly locked the two kingly realm powerhouses of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty.

The two of them were shocked, and for the first time after becoming kings, they felt a strong sense of crisis between life and death for the first time.


This idea came to the minds of the two of them subconsciously.

Now they finally know why the Golden Crow King has fallen.

At present, this kind of demon star is a killing calamity from the sky!

can escape, right now it is within the divine capital of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, and there is nowhere to escape.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the meaning of fear and determination in each other's eyes.

One of the kings gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice: "Please Zhenguo artifact!"

"Please Zhenguo Artifact!"

The two King Realm powerhouses burst out with a powerful momentum.

The next moment, the ancient bronze tree standing in the center of the Divine Capital swayed slightly.


The branches and leaves of the ancient bronze tree swayed, and the countless red feathers on the branches broke free and flew into the sky.

Each feather is attached to a golden crow of luck.

Suddenly, a strong aura of slaughter filled the entire world.

This can be regarded as the last killing move of the Golden Crow God Dynasty to press the bottom of the box.

"My Golden Crow God Dynasty has been inherited for 10,000 years, and the Golden Crow God has been stained with the blood of many strong enemies, and the blood of the emperor is also there!

You're no exception today!"

A Golden Crow God Dynasty King Realm powerhouse roared loudly.

Immediately after, nearly a thousand divine feathers shot towards Gu Xuan.

The divine feather tore through the void, leaving behind a series of pitch-black tail flames in the heavenly dome, emitting a deafening roar.

The fierceness of the momentum seemed to shoot the sky where Gu Xuan was into a sieve.

In the face of this move, Gu Xuan's eyes did not fluctuate at all.


He spat out a word softly, and his eyes shone with a brilliant brilliance, as dazzling as the stars.

In an instant, a strange power emanated from Gu Xuan's body.

Spread outward with his thoughts.

With the blessing of the power of the realm, it spreads forward like an invisible fluctuation.

Within the range of this invisible fluctuation spreading to the Golden Crow Divine Feather, the two collided.


A golden crow divine feather at the very front suddenly stopped.

The two Golden Crow Gods looked stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the follow-up Golden Crow Divine Feathers also stopped.

The shrill roar stopped, and the terrifying aura of slaughter vanished.

Nearly a thousand golden black god feathers suddenly stopped in front of Gu Xuan.

This is not over, as the first Golden Crow Divine Feather turned around, all the Divine Feathers turned in one direction.

It became facing the direction of the two golden crow gods in the direction of the royal realm.

The terrible aura of murder reappeared.

Resisted by the sharp edge of nearly a thousand golden crow divine feathers, the two king realm powerhouses trembled all over, and their faces turned pale.

"How is this possible?!"

One of the kings screamed in disbelief.

The other Wang Jing also looked incredulous.

It was obviously the inheritance artifact of their Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, the artifact of protecting the country, how could they obey the orders of Gu Xuan, the great enemy of outsiders.

They can't take it, they can't believe it.


Gu Xuan gently spit out a word.

Suddenly, nearly a thousand golden black god feathers shot towards the powerhouses of the two king realms with a more terrifying power than when they came.

The faces of the two kings changed drastically, and they subconsciously wanted to tear open the void and escape.

But the speed of the Golden Crow Divine Feather is too fast, and the power can even penetrate the void.

He didn't give the two of them any time to react at all, and directly penetrated the bodies of the two and crucified the two of them in the void.


The mouths of the two king realm powerhouses let out desperate and unwilling roars, and their vitality was constantly worn out under the power of the Golden Crow Divine Feather.

White feathers of light began to float in the sky, and a great sense of sorrow spread between heaven and earth.

Gu Xuan's face was expressionless, and his gaze fell on the bronze ancient tree in the center of the Divine Capital.

Suddenly, he raised his hand in the direction of the ancient bronze tree.

A silver thread swept across the sky, as if it was about to split the whole world in two.

Time seemed to stand still for a few breaths, and then....


A loud bang rang out.

Countless people in the Divine Capital watched as a crack appeared in the middle of the ancient bronze tree that had stood for thousands of years, and the first half of it collapsed with a bang.

The totem ancient tree of the Golden Crow God Dynasty was broken...


A mournful cry sounded, and countless golden crows fell from the sky like raindrops.

It turns into luck, dissipates quickly, and finally drains between heaven and earth.


Within the divine capital, the walls fell, the ground fell, and the houses collapsed.

The aura dissipated, and the leylines collapsed.

Countless gods and people rushed around in panic, as if the end was coming.

And those warriors of the Golden Crow God Dynasty were stunned to see what was happening in front of them.

Shock, despair, fear, sorrow...

All kinds of emotions spread in their hearts.


One man suddenly fell to his knees.

And then two, three...

Pieces of the Golden Crow God knelt down towards the warrior, tears streaming down their faces, speechless and choking.

They finally realized something.

From now on, the Golden Crow God Dynasty...


Perdition in the hands of one man.

Countless people couldn't help but look up at the sword-wielding figure in the sky.

The flame of the golden crow was extinguished by this person, and the ancient bronze tree was also cut off by him...

In the hearts of all the people of the Golden Crow God Dynasty, at this moment, Gu Xuan existed like a god and demon who destroyed the world.

Unspeakably terrible...

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