I saw that in Gu Xuan's sword light, a magnificent scene of the human dynasty suddenly evolved.

This human dynasty is at its peak.

Among them, there is a bronze sacred tree across the heavens and the earth, and on the bronze ancient tree, ten days in the sky!

The territory is hundreds of millions, and the strong are innumerable.

But suddenly...

The ten days in the sky are extinguished, the ancient bronze trees are falling, the sacred birds are wailing, and the golden crows are dying in the sky...

Look at its prosperity like a brocade, and watch it collapse and decline.

Prosperity and decline, infinite sadness!

The onlookers gasped when they saw the scene that evolved in the sword light.


"It's clearly ...."

Someone whispered in disbelief: "The Elephant of the Destruction of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty! It has only been a few days since the fall of the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, Gu Xuan has already integrated it into his own sword path?"

Countless people were shaken by it.

At this time, what they were shocked was not the strength of Gu Xuan's sword, but Gu Xuan's comprehension and mastery of martial arts.

Gu Xuan's humane knife, based on humanity, is itself a strong knife path.

After Gu Xuan personally destroyed the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty, he integrated the process and perception into it, and was pushed to an unprecedented peak.

At this moment, look at this knife again.

The hearts of the onlookers all gave birth to a feeling of "heaven and earth are like grinding, and all the rise and fall of the world is like a dream bubble".

"This son is worthy of being the supreme demon who has not been born for thousands of years... This kind of understanding is so terrifying, it's simply incredible..."

There is a king realm powerhouse who sighed in a low voice.

Someone else was suddenly shocked and shouted: "Gu Xuan deliberately made a three-sword covenant with the three holy lands, didn't he also want to use this to sharpen and verify his martial arts?"

"Highly likely!"

"With Gu Xuan's talent, after these three swords, all the astringency that he first entered the king realm will disappear, and his martial arts will be completely integrated, and his cultivation will also reach a higher level..."

"Hey-this son, with great wisdom and courage, will eventually become a generation of overlords!"

Everyone knows that Gu Xuan's qualifications are unparalleled, but it is not very clear how strong his qualifications are.

Now, everyone knows a thing or two.

In just three days, he was able to integrate the image of the destruction of the Golden Crow God Dynasty into his own sword path, pushing the supreme humane sword to another higher realm, becoming stronger all the time, not transforming...

This talent is really terrifying!

At this time, Gu Xuan's humane knife had quietly fallen.

The humane knife carried the general trend of heaven and earth like a grinding plate, slashing heavily on the magnificent and noble Zifu Heavenly Tower above the Holy Land of Zifu.

In an instant, the Great Grinding Plate of Heaven and Earth collided fiercely with the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower.

The entire Purple Mansion Holy Land seemed to shake violently, and the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower and the Purple Mansion Holy Land's Sect Protector Great Array was even more rapidly flashing.

The two forces collided, and the dazzling bright light made many people squint.



A crisp cracking sound reached everyone's ears.

At the same time, the faces of the three King Realm powerhouses under the Purple Mansion Holy Land changed greatly, suddenly turning white and red, and then suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out of their mouths, and the breath on their bodies quickly withered.


A series of cracking sounds.

Everyone's eyes widened and they saw.

The incomparably noble and exquisite ancient building had huge and clear cracks on it one after another.


The Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower finally couldn't bear the might of the Humane Knife and collapsed with a bang.

A huge roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and endless Xuanguang scattered out in all directions.

The remnants of the humane knife continued to rumble and slash.

The Purple Mansion Holy Land's Sect Protector Great Array was easily punctured like a huge bubble under this sword, and many of the Purple Mansion Holy Land disciples below all turned pale in an instant.

I saw a long knife like a flying red bird floating quietly above their heads.

The horror is like a heavenly killing intent, and the knife momentum is condensed but not released.

All the disciples of the Purple Mansion Holy Land couldn't stop their bodies from trembling, their faces showed a great look of horror and despair, and some even fainted directly.

The eyes of the three Purple Mansion Holy Land King Realm powerhouses stared at the Ming Hong Knife and the collapsed Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower, their expressions were both incredulous and stunned.

They couldn't have imagined that with the power of the entire Holy Land, even the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower was sacrificed, they couldn't stop Gu Xuan's knife!

And it is said that ....

This is still Gu Xuan's weakest sword!


The onlookers were all stunned.

Although it had been expected for a long time, it was still unacceptable to really see the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower collapse in front of their eyes and the collapse of the Great Sect Protector Array.

"Gu Xuan... How strong is it?"

"One person! A holy place!"

"The Golden Crow Divine Dynasty has been destroyed unjustly!"

At this moment, the pupils of the onlookers suddenly contracted again.

I saw that on the sword light of the Ming Hong Knife, the scene of the collapse of the Purple Mansion Sky Tower was faintly reflected.

There is no doubt that this is obviously Gu Xuan's integration of the image of the collapse of the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower into the humane knife.

When the knife of humanity is slashed the next time, the power will inevitably be even more terrifying.

Everyone no longer knew what words to use to describe their inner feelings, and they looked at Gu Xuan on the Iron Throne with a slightly trance-like expression.

From beginning to end, Gu Xuan's expression was calm, and there were no waves in the ancient well.

But he just stood there, but he gave everyone the feeling of looking up at the sky and looking directly at the sun and the moon.

For the geniuses of the younger generation, Gu Xuan has become another level of existence.

Don't talk about catching up, even if you want to catch up, you have to be as outstanding as Yuan Jiansheng to do it.

"Since then, I have no grudges with the Purple Mansion Holy Land. "

Ming Hong's knife is like a cardinal, flying back to Xuan's hand.

Gu Xuan glanced at the Purple Mansion Holy Land lightly, took Anu's hand, controlled the Iron Throne and turned around and flew away.

After Gu Xuan left, the expressions of the people present were extremely complicated.

What they see today is like a dream, and many of them still seem to be living in a dream.

The Purple Mansion Holy Land is a first- and second-grade holy land, there are three major kingly realm powerhouses in charge, and even the treasure of the Zhenzong, the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower, has been sacrificed, and it can't stop Gu Xuan's sword.

Who can believe it if they don't see it with their own eyes?


Suddenly, someone realized.

"The Purple Mansion Holy Land has been stabbed with one sword, where will the next one be?"

"Let's go!"

Countless people hurriedly followed the direction that Gu Xuantie Throne had just left, and quickly chased after it.

Such a major event that is rare to see in 10,000 years, they will not be able to miss it no matter what.

Even the powerhouses of the King Realm did not hesitate to break through the void and leave.

In the blink of an eye, the crowd dispersed.

In a messy Purple Mansion Holy Land, the three Purple Mansion King Realms fell into the void, looking at the scene in front of them, their expressions were complicated.

"The next knife may be the White Elephant Holy Land, should I rush to see it?"

Wang Jing asked.

Wang Jing, the head of the Purple Mansion Holy Land, shook his head bitterly and said, "No need to look at it anymore, I'm afraid that in the next ten thousand years, Tianxuan will be headed by Gu Xuan." Although after a knife, the cause and effect are over. But now that the Purple Mansion Sky Tower has been destroyed, we still have to be more careful.

Don't cut off the tens of thousands of years of inheritance of the Purple Mansion in our hands.

From this day on, block the mountain gate. "

"Yes. "

A long sigh came from within the Purple Mansion Holy Land.


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