
Gu Xuan sat on the Iron Throne, thinking about where the next knife would fall.

After a moment's thought, he had an idea.

"Let's go to the White Elephant Holy Land..."

Gu Xuan saw that there was a purple line of chance on his body that had been connecting to the front, which was the direction of the White Elephant Holy Land.

There is an opportunity waiting for him in the White Elephant Holy Land.

And Gu Xuan can probably guess what this chance will be.

It just so happened that there was a flaw in his martial arts practice that needed to be made up.

The Iron Throne dragged the purple qi across the sky.

After the Iron Throne, countless warriors followed closely.

Among these people, there are powerhouses in the royal realm who dominate one side, there are also talented sons of heaven, and more are ordinary martial artists.

Mighty and magnificent.

Soon, a majestic mountain appeared in front of Gu Xuan's eyes.

This mountain is surrounded by many thousands of miles, the shape is like an elephant, and the clouds and mist are shrouded, like an ancient god entrenched on the ground.

The White Elephant Holy Land has arrived.

Gu Xuan was high on the Iron Throne, condescendingly overlooking the White Elephant Holy Mountain below, and said lightly: "This seat has arrived, are you ready to fulfill the covenant of the sword?"

The sound rolled through the sky, like thunder falling in the nine heavens, shaking away the clouds and mist that had been entangled all year round on the White Elephant Holy Mountain.

The White Elephant Sacred Mountain was silent, and no one responded, as if it had fallen completely silent.

Behind him, countless warriors who followed him stood far away, talking about it.

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed slightly, and he simply didn't say more, and the Ming Hong Knife quietly appeared in his hand.

The cardinal with the handle of the knife spread its wings and was about to fly, and a ghostly light appeared on the blade.

This ghostly light quickly magnified, and almost in the blink of an eye, it filled the entire heaven and earth.

In the faint sword light, a Senluo ghost quietly emerged.

No return, however, the Yellow Spring, and the eighteen layers of hell are presented one by one in the ghosts.

The onlookers were shocked, and in a trance, they almost thought that they had come to the legendary underworld.

"It's .... Gu Xuan's second sword! The second supreme sword path!"

In the crowd, Yuan Jian stared at this knife to death.

He knew that Gu Xuan had three supreme sword paths.

Since he became king, he has only shown one kind so far, and now, the second sword path has finally been shown in front of the world.

Nine Shadow Sword Dao!

Compared with the Nine Shadows Sword Dao that Yuan Jiansheng had seen, the Nine Shadows Sword Dao at this time was thousands of times more perfect.

In that secluded underworld, there was even a kind of implication that made Yuan Jiansheng difficult to understand, difficult to touch, and trembling for his heart.

"That's.... Reincarnation!"

Yuan Jiansheng looked in a trance and muttered.

The Nine Netherworld Mansion fell with a bang and crushed towards the silent White Elephant Holy Mountain.

There was no light in the heavens and the earth, the yin wind was everywhere, and the majestic sword momentum pressed the void along the way to continuously collapse, which was extremely terrifying.

Just when Gu Xuan's knife was about to fall on the White Elephant Holy Mountain, suddenly...


A roar that looked like a cow pierced the sky.

It's an elephant!

The Silent White Elephant Sacred Mountain shook violently, and the earth and rocks on it continued to crack, as if the sleeping ancient gods had finally awakened.

The next moment, a huge crack suddenly opened on the White Elephant Holy Mountain, and a huge white elephant with a white body and a strong white light jumped out of it, raised its trunk, roared, and rushed towards the Nine Netherworld Domain above its head.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the knife momentum pressed down.


The white elephant and the sword light collided fiercely.


The center of the collision between the two erupted with unprecedented light and vibration, and the overflowing energy set off a hurricane, sweeping across the four fields, forcing the onlookers to retreat continuously.

The light wind lasted for a long time.

And when all the visions have subsided, the people will look again.

I saw Gu Xuan standing in the void, holding the Minghong Knife.

Under the sword, a huge ancient god elephant used its spear-like fangs to resist the blade, roaring endlessly.


Everyone was stunned.

No one expected that the White Elephant Holy Land would actually block Gu Xuan's knife!

You must know that the three kings of the Purple Mansion Holy Land did not even use the Purple Mansion Heavenly Tower to block Gu Xuan's humane sword.

The White Elephant Holy Land didn't even show up as a powerhouse in the King Realm, and only sent a white elephant that came out of nowhere, and it actually blocked Gu Xuan's second sword, which was stronger than the Humane Knife.

It's unbelievable.

"What the hell is this white elephant? The White Elephant Holy Land still hides such a powerful means!"

Someone asked in surprise.

After pondering, a strong man in the King Realm said: "The White Elephant Holy Land is a holy land for body refining, and the body of a strong person refining body will not rot for ten thousand years after death, even if the soul is extinguished, it can still bless future generations."

The White Elephant Holy Land has been inherited for so many years, and I don't know how many corpses with great power of refining are hidden in the door, and after the sacrifice, it is a first-class killing weapon, not even inferior to its power before its death.

This white elephant is almost indistinguishable from the legendary ancient gods, and he must have been an extremely powerful warrior during his lifetime.

It may even reach the point of more than half a step in the imperial realm...

It is not surprising that he can take Gu Xuan's knife. "

"Half-step Emperor Realm?!"


When the onlookers heard this, their faces suddenly showed shock.

Even if it was just a simple half-step Emperor Realm powerhouse, the physical body was extremely powerful, reaching the point of being otherworldly, let alone a half-step Emperor Realm powerhouse who specialized in cultivating the body.

The strength of the physical body is even comparable to that of a real Emperor Realm powerhouse.

No wonder he was able to block Gu Xuan's earth-shattering knife.

In this way, the White Elephant Holy Land is really hidden.

With so many physical weapons, among all the second-grade holy lands, I am afraid that the White Elephant Holy Land has the deepest heritage.

If it weren't for the fact that there was no real Emperor Realm powerhouse, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a first-class holy land.

"Half-step Emperor Realm refining body powerhouse body?"

Gu Xuan's face also showed a little surprise.

His Nine Shadows Sword Dao, whose power is several times greater than that of the Humane Sword, originally thought that it could easily crush all the King Realms, but he didn't expect that it could still be blocked.

"It's really remarkable..."

"If I had a long knife of comparable quality to this kind of flesh, maybe it would have been a different result..."

Ming Hongdao realized Gu Xuan's intentions and let out a trembling sound of grievance.

Gu Xuan stared at the two tusks in the mouth of the white elephant in front of him with burning eyes.

He had verified the strength of this long tooth, and he took his Nine Shadows Knife head-on, leaving not even a trace of it.

If it can be used to refine weapons, it is an excellent material.


Gu Xuan hesitated to find a reason to come to these two long teeth.

The one-knife covenant has passed, and if you ask the White Elephant Holy Land directly, the other party will definitely not give it.

If you force it, will you look too domineering?

The key is that the purple thread of chance on his body is connected to this white elephant.

Just as Gu Xuan was thinking about it, the white elephant in front of him suddenly let out a roar again, shaking its four hooves and proboscis and continuing to rush towards Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's eyes lit up, not angry but happy.

"How daring!"

Gu Xuan was about to take out the knife, and suddenly put away the Minghong knife again.

In the next moment, layers of divine patterns appeared on Gu Xuan's body, Dao Xuanguang, and an unprecedented surging aura rose from his body.

"The appointment of a knife has passed, and this seat is a word, so there is no need for a knife!"

After speaking, Gu Xuan let out a long laugh, took the initiative to step forward, and collided with the huge white elephant fiercely...

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