Gu Xuan pointed at Xiao Chen's eyebrows.

In the next moment, his mind was violently shaken.

"How so?!"

In Gu Xuan's induction, Xiao Chen's divine soul grew rapidly at an unbelievable speed.

Moreover, this kind of growth is not like "Nerve Eater", or taking some heavenly treasures that can nourish the soul.

Rely on external forces to become strong.

Xiao Chen's soul is naturally growing.

Because of this, Gu Xuan felt incredible.

That feeling, it was as if time had sped up countless times on Xiao Chen. 、

A seed grows into a big tree at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A child becomes an adult in a few breaths.

It's an amazing feeling.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the power of his divine soul reached out, reaching out towards Xiao Chen's divine soul.

Gu Xuan was originally in Xiao Chen's Divine Soul Memory, and then entered the Divine Soul Memory of "Xiao Chen" in his memory, and even Gu Xuan didn't know what would happen.

But now he is in a hurry to find out the truth, and he can't care so much.


When Gu Xuan opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him had changed again.

Blood, and fire.

Scattered objects, scattered corpses.

The once prosperous Xiao Mansion has now become a Shura field.


A handsome young man knelt on the ground, his face full of grief and pain, and tears of blood slowly flowed from his eyes.

This person's appearance is eight or nine points similar to Xiao Chen, but he is full of bookish energy.

The body is also wearing an official uniform.

"I regret that I shouldn't have entered the court in the first place!"

"The traitor is in charge, I wanted to exchange my own strength for a sunny day, but I never thought that it would affect my family..."

"I hate!"

Xiao Chen sat on the ground, his expression full of pain and resentment.

This hatred reached the heavens, and even the heavens were moved to tears.


In the rainstorm, Xiao Chen's pale face was distorted, and he swore to the sky.

"I, Xiao Chen, swear to the sky today, in my lifetime, I will definitely kill the enemy and avenge my Xiao family!"

After speaking, Xiao Chen tore off his official uniform and stumbled out of the mansion.

Although he was in disarray, his eyes spewed flames of hatred.

"This is, Xiao Chen ten years later?"

Gu Xuan looked at Xiao Chen, who was slowly moving away, and wondered in his heart.

"Xiao Chen foresaw his future?"

Gu Xuan was just guessing.

To test his idea, he patiently followed.

Gu Xuan saw that Xiao Chen had walked in the heavy rain for a day and a night.

Eventually, he collapsed in a ruined temple.

Because of the rain and his weak physique, Xiao Chen had a serious illness and curled up in the corner of the ruined temple shivering.

Like a dying wild dog.

Seeing that Xiao Chen's signs of life were weakening, suddenly a figure fell from the sky and strode into the ruined temple.

"Bad luck!"

The person who came in was tall, walking like a dragon, and was a martial artist.

And the strength is not weak, and it has reached the Xuandan realm.

As soon as this martial artist came in, he immediately scolded Xiao Chen for his bad luck, but there was only such a place to settle within a radius of dozens of miles, so he could only stay.

Xiao Chen's life is constantly passing, but I don't know why, maybe it's because of his obsession.

Whenever Xiao Chen's fire was about to be extinguished, he could climb back by himself from the ghost gate.

Several times, even the warrior was interested.

"Good boy, this is not dead?"

The warrior probed Xiao Chen's snort, and groped his whole body.

"It's an excellent root bone, but it's a pity that it's a little older..."

The warrior thought for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Forget it, I'll pull you!"

After speaking, the warrior grabbed Xiao Chen and rushed away.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he quietly followed behind the two.

Soon, he saw the martial artist take Xiao Chen to a sect.

The sect is not big, and the warrior is regarded as an elder in the sect.

Since then, Xiao Chen has settled down in the sect.

The martial artists of the Xuandan Realm accepted him as a disciple and taught him carefully.

Xiao Chen had hatred in his heart, and his cultivation was extremely hard.

In addition, his martial arts cultivation is excellent, and his cultivation is progressing so fast, even Gu Xuan was surprised.

Three years later, Xiao Chen entered the Xuandan, and the Dan became a five-grade, causing a sensation in the whole sect.

The first thing Xiao Chen did after becoming a Dan was to return to the Xiao Mansion, and the enemy was full of blood.

Revenge is avenged.

After wishing, Xiao Chen concentrated on martial arts.

Two years later, the Qianlong List was born.

Xiao Chen went to Qianlong City to compete with the Southern Regions Tianjiao.

But he was brushed down in the third level of the Qianlong list and did not get the ranking.

Gu Xuan saw a lot of familiar faces on the Dragon Capture Platform.

Ji Lingsheng, Zhou Canglan, Chao Yan...

Because there was no appearance of his own, Ji Lingsheng pushed all the way and sat in the first place on the hidden dragon list without any suspense.

Seeing this, Gu Xuan seemed to understand something.

But he was not in a hurry, and continued to follow Xiao Chen slowly.

The hidden dragon list fell off the list, and Xiao Chen became more and more hardworking.

But although he has good roots, after all, there is a big gap between him and Ji Lingsheng and other top-notch Tianjiao.

In addition, what is condensed is only a five-grade Xuandan, and the potential is exhausted, and the progress of cultivation is getting slower and slower.

But Xiao Chen did not give up.

Constantly wandering between life and death, stimulating his own potential, and having several adventures in a row, Xiao Chen finally barely promoted to the god after ten years.

After the Divine Realm, Xiao Chen went to Zhongzhou with great ambition.

At this time, the battle between Zhongzhou's god list and life and death list has long ended, and the battle for the king has also come to an end.

Yuan Jiansheng was the first to become a king, and when he first entered the king realm, he defeated three veteran king realm powerhouses in a row, causing a sensation in Zhongzhou.

The second is the heir of the ancient sword emperor, the two of them have a sword and a sword, and the sun and the moon compete for glory.

Further down, there are many holy land saint-level figures such as Shantai Qingyin, Daoyan Holy Son, and Ji Lingsheng is barely included in this level.

Gu Xuan followed Xiao Chen's perspective and watched the development of this world without him with relish.

Another five years.

Heavenly Xuan upheaval.

A group of strong men dressed in black robes who were good at using the Divine Soul Attack Technique suddenly descended on the Tianxuan Continent.

"Man of Hades!"

Gu Xuan could see the origin of this group of people at a glance, but quickly vetoed it.

"No, it's not a person from the underworld, it should be a strong person in the underworld. The Underworld has invaded!"

After the powerhouse of the underworld descended on Tianxuan, he soon set off a disaster of swords and soldiers in the Tianxuan Continent.

The war stretched almost throughout Zhongzhou and the other four regions.

Countless warriors fell during the period, and there were also many hidden powerhouses who emerged from them.

"The Four Great Wonders of Antiquity!"

"Only the dimensional sword students are even stronger than the Tianjiao of the second rank!"

After that, the Ancient Divine Court sent the gods to send the Heavenly Officials down to the Nine Heavens, and this battle became even more in full swing.

Even the fall of the powerhouses of the King Realm began, and it was not uncommon for the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm to make moves.

Gu Xuan looked at it seriously, unwilling to let go of any detail.

But suddenly....

The image in front of me came to an abrupt end, and everything was gone.

Xiao Chen....

He's dead.

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