Xiao Chen is only a cultivator in the Divine Realm, and under such a catastrophe that has swept the entire Tianxuan Continent, his fate is not as good as grass mustard.

In an attack by a powerhouse in the underworld, Xiao Chen became the fish in the pond that was affected, and he died on the spot.

From then on, everything came to an abrupt end.


When Gu Xuan opened his eyes again, he found that he was back under the waterhole again.

He fixed his eyes on Xiao Chen.

I saw that Xiao Xiaochen, who was still on the verge of death and was unconscious, suddenly opened his eyes suddenly.


In a few breaths, Xiao Chen swam out of the water, jumped out of the water, and escaped.

Xiao Chen, who had escaped death, sat paralyzed on the shore and gasped for breath, but his eyes were shocked and confused as he looked at everything around him.

"Where is this?"

"It looks like the edge of the deep pool where I drowned when I was a child... Everything is exactly as I remember..."

"Is it possible...."

Xiao Chen's face quickly became excited and ecstatic, and he couldn't help but stand up and look at his hands excitedly.

"I'm born again!"

"I'm reborn back when I was eight years old!"

"The sky has eyes, and it actually gave Xiao Chen a chance to do it again. In the last life, my family was ruined, lonely, and depressed in martial arts, and finally died in the catastrophe involuntarily.

In this life, I should make up for the regrets of my previous life, fight for the peak again, and strive to be the tide maker in the great catastrophe of the world!"

After the ecstasy, Xiao Chen's excited mood gradually calmed down.

"Go home first, Daddy, I miss you so much..."

Xiao Chen's figure quickly moved away, and this time, Gu Xuan didn't follow anymore.

He already understood.

He figured out everything he wanted to know, and he found the answers.

Xiao Chen thought that he had been reborn and relived a lifetime.

But in fact, everything he experienced was just a dream, just a scene in a dream.

It's just that this dream is too realistic and too real.

Even if it is exactly the same as the development of the real world, it is not an exaggeration to say that it has gone through a lifetime. "

Even, Xiao Chen's divine soul can grow with the experience of dreams, which is really amazing.

And what brought all this....

It was the mysterious silver light that had melted into his body before.

What is that bit of mysterious silver light?

Gu Xuan had a strong premonition that this silver light would play an incomparably huge role in his martial arts cultivation.

It's like getting the "Heavenly Cultivation Sutra", one of the four great wonders of ancient times.

The chance of the colorful level, maybe this is it.

Gu Xuan took a step forward and walked out of Xiao Chen's soul memory.

Looking at the slowly rotating gray divine soul vortex, Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed it fiercely towards the gray vortex.


At the same time, Xiao Chen's body in the outside world suddenly trembled violently, and his face showed a look of extreme pain.

His eyes were rapidly changing colors, and there was a tendency to wake up from his confusion.

But under Gu Xuan's powerful divine soul power, he was forcibly suppressed.

At this time, Gu Xuan didn't care at all whether it would damage Xiao Chen's soul.

Now he just wants to find that little bit of silver light, and he just wants to dig out the secret of Xiao Chen's body thoroughly.

"Nerve Eater" is the first divine soul in the sky and on the earth, and the use of divine souls can be called the pinnacle and superb.

Gu Xuan's powerful divine soul power transformed into countless transparent filaments and plunged into Xiao Chen's divine soul vortex.

A little bit, inch by inch, carefully searched.

The pain of this process was no less than that of refining the soul and searching for souls, even if he was suppressed by Gu Xuan and couldn't wake up, Xiao Chen screamed in pain.

It's just that he is now in Gu Xuan's realm realm, no matter how loud he makes a sound, he can't affect the outside world in the slightest.

Gradually, Xiao Chen's spirit couldn't bear it, and there were faint signs of collapse.

Gu Xuan simply released the power of his divine soul and integrated it into Xiao Chen's divine soul without hesitation, maintaining the stability of his divine soul.

Gu Xuan tirelessly searched every inch of Xiao Chen's soul.

I don't know how long this process lasted, and finally, when Gu Xuan touched somewhere in the corner of Xiao Chen's soul....


A mysterious silver light quietly bloomed, instantly staining Xiao Chen's soul into a beautiful silver.

"Found it!"

Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly burst out with a strong essence.

At the moment when the silver light bloomed, Gu Xuan's divine soul instantly condensed into a bunch, and quickly probed the past along the location of the silver light blooming.

Soon, a bit of silver light he saw slowly flew out from Xiao Chen's soul.

It was exactly the same as the little silver light that Gu Xuan saw in Xiao Chen's memory.

Gu Xuan leaned his soul over little by little, and the moment he touched the silver light, Gu Xuan's whole person shook violently.

Gu Xuan's body bloomed with dazzling silver light, and his entire divine soul was wrapped in silver light.

He closed his eyes and fell into a state of mystery.

I don't know how long it took.

Gu Xuan in reality opened his eyes.

In an instant, there were vicissitudes in his eyes, the sun and the moon flowing, and the breath of the four seasons was revealed.

Gu Xuan had already understood everything.

This little silver light represents....

The power of time.

Gu Xuan's eyes are deep, sometimes vicissitudes and sometimes clear.

"Time is like a long river, and all beings are like fish. The fish follow the river, and each advance diverges into countless tributaries.

Everything is both unknown and predetermined.

Xiao Chen was lucky enough to jump out of the water and see the direction of the river, but he didn't know it..."

And the power that brought Xiao Chen to jump out of the water....

It was the silvery-white point of light that was in Gu Xuan's mind at this time.

Gu Xuan didn't know what it was.

I only know that this silver point of light contains the power to manipulate time.

At this moment, the voice of the system prompt sounded in Gu Xuan's mind: "Congratulations to the host for successfully cutting off the beard and obtaining the reward: Space Origin Seed*1"

Gu Xuan was stunned for a moment, and took a breath.

A similar silver dot of light appeared in his mind, but the aura that was revealed was tinged with the smell of spatial power.

The two points of light touched within Gu Xuan's soul and fused together without hindrance.

In an instant, an incomparably mysterious power emanated from it.

For a moment, Gu Xuan seemed to have grabbed something, but he didn't seem to have caught anything.

"The system rewards the Space Origin Seed, the two are similar, then what I got from Xiao Chen should be the Time Origin Seed.

The two are combined into one, and it is for the Origin Seed of Time and Space. "

Time is respected, space is king.

In particular, the power of time is unmatched by any force.

As everyone knows, throughout the ages, even the strong people in the imperial realm, the strong people in the emperor realm, and even the innate gods cannot survive in the world forever.

All of them will be washed into a handful of loess under the erosion of the long river of time.

The acquisition of the Origin Seed of Time and Space, which also means....

A new sword path that surpasses Gu Xuan's three supreme sword paths has appeared!

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