Gu Xuan didn't know what kind of existence the Origin Seed was.

But at least it is certain that it is a force that overrides the mysteries.

Gu Xuan tried to manipulate the power of the space-time origin seed.

Suddenly, a strange power flowed out.

When this power flowed around him, Gu Xuan clearly felt that everything around him had slowed down.

This kind of slowness is not only visible to the naked eye, but even the power detection of the divine soul has become extremely slow.

Between the spinning of the mind.

The original scene of "slow release" suddenly accelerated.

This is the power of the Origin Seed of Time and Space, which can arbitrarily manipulate the time and space of a space.

"If I can envelop one side of this force, then I will truly be the master of one world, arbitrarily controlling the life and death of others. Even if you are a strong person in the Imperial Realm, you have to let me slaughter..."

Gu Xuan sighed.

Imagine a situation where space and time are at the mercy of one side.

This means that you and the other person are never in the same dimension of time and space.

The opponent's attack will never fall on you, and you will be invincible.

And Gu Xuan himself has the combat power to hurt the Imperial Realm, and with such a powerful advantage, he can indeed despise the Imperial Realm.

"It's a pity that the current power of time and space is still just a seed, and it can only surround me three inches at most, and the speed of time flow can be controlled within twice as much as possible, so it can't achieve a realm at all..."

But even so, it was of great help to Gu Xuan.

Twice the time flow rate can be arbitrarily adjusted, which means that one day of Gu Xuan's cultivation can be equivalent to two days for others.

Given the time, waiting for the power of the source to grow, it is not an extravagant hope to practice for a hundred years, a thousand years, or even ten thousand years.

"It really deserves to be a chance at the colorful level. "

Gu Xuan was satisfied with the power of the origin of time and space, and immediately his gaze fell on Xiao Chen in front of him.

At this time, Xiao Chen had already recovered from his confusion.

He was pale and sweating profusely on his knees, his fists clenched, his eyes full of unwillingness and deep resentment.

What Gu Xuan did in his divine soul, Xiao Chen was roughly clear.

The pain of soul searching and refining is something he will never forget.

Although, nourished by Gu Xuan's powerful divine soul power, Xiao Chen's divine soul was not damaged in any way, and was even stronger.

But Xiao Chen knew that he had lost far more than he had gained.

Gu Xuan saw the unwillingness and resentment in Xiao Chen's heart, and said lightly: "You can't bear this opportunity." The fact that I have been able to take this opportunity from you today proves that I am destined for it. And you, on the other hand, are just a transitioner.

You don't have to resent me, this opportunity is left on you, and the evil is far greater than the blessing..."

Xiao Chen bit his lip and spat out bitterly between his teeth.

"King Gu... That's true. "

Still unwilling...

Gu Xuan thought for a while, and then said, "But I owe you a cause and effect after all, so let's do it..."

Gu Xuan stretched out his index finger and pointed at Xiao Chen's eyebrows.

Xiao Chen's liver and gall were broken, lest Gu Xuan would wipe him out.

He had the heart to dodge, but he couldn't dodge at all, so he could only watch as the finger lightly and skillfully tapped at the center of his eyebrows.

But the pain he expected did not come, but he felt that a series of mysterious and difficult exercises were transmitted into his mind along Gu Xuan's finger.

Gu Xuan's fingers were closed at the touch of a button.

Xiao Chen knelt on the spot in a daze, and muttered in his mouth: "One of the Four Great Wonders of the Ancient World, "Nerve Eater"?!"

Gu Xuan's voice sounded in his ears: "This exercise can be regarded as my compensation to you." "

Xiao Chen suddenly came back to his senses after a short period of sluggishness.

He fell to his knees with a thud and kowtowed.

"Thank you King Gu for the scriptures, thank you King Gu... Oh no, thank you Gu..."

Xiao Chen knew it.

The great opportunity hidden in his soul, for so many years, has been of no use except for giving him a memory of his "previous life".

has already been obtained by Gu Xuan, and he has no power to recover it at all.

Now Gu Xuan gave "Nerve Phagocytosis", one of the four great ancient scriptures, as compensation, but it is the best ending.

You must know that the four great scriptures of antiquity, anyone who gets one of them can easily suppress an era.

Not in this era, of course.

Now is Gu Xuan's era.

But that is enough to change Xiao Chen's current situation, and he will soar into the sky in the future and become one of the supporting roles in this great world.

Becoming a king, or even an emperor, may not be impossible!

The biggest advantage is that he is likely to take advantage of this to hug Gu Xuan's thigh.

A character who is destined to become the overlord of the era, even if he follows behind him and enjoys a little punze, it is also infinitely beneficial.

At this moment, the dissatisfaction and resentment in Xiao Chen's heart disappeared without a trace, leaving only a thick excitement and excitement.

But after he kowtowed more than a dozen times, he looked up and found that there was no Gu Xuan in front of him.

Loud voices came from all directions.

He knelt in the bustling streets, and all the people who came and went looked at him with a look of amusement and amazement.

Xiao Chen didn't pay attention to these gazes, just looked at the sky in amazement.

He understood.

Gu Xuan, the peerless king known as the first in eternity, didn't want to have too much entanglement with him.


"As soon as the cause and effect in Xiao Chen's body is gone, the causal sword intent will immediately transform into the mystery of cause and effect, and it is not a loss to give him the "Nerve Eater"..."

As one of the four great wonders of ancient times, "Nerve Phagocytosis" is destined to have only one successor in each generation.

Although Gu Xuan gave the entire "Nerve Eater" to Xiao Chen without reservation.

But because of the existence of this rule, Xiao Chen is destined to not be able to fulfill the five ambiguities of "Nerve Eater".

No matter how far he cultivates nerve phagophagomy in the future, he is destined to be pressed by Gu Xuan and constrained by Gu Xuan.

This is also one of the reasons why Gu Xuan was willing to give away "Nerve Eater".

"Get the Origin Seed of Time and Space, the last form of "Infernal Knife Technique" - Time Infernal Knife can also be deduced. "

"Infernal Sword Technique" was created by Gu Xuan at the end of his life, although it had long been integrated into Gu Xuan's Nine Shadows Sword Dao.

However, if the five styles of the Infernal Sword Technique can be completely completed, the power of the Nine Shadows Sword Dao can also be further improved.

The Iron Throne moved above the heavenly dome, and Anu sat beside Gu Xuan, asking curiously, "Childe, where should we go next?"

"Went to the next cause and effect..."

Gu Xuan replied lightly.

His eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but think of a graceful figure in his mind.

And also....

A certain erroneous, absurd and evocative experience.


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