With Gu Xuan's sword, at least sixty percent of the high-level elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance died, including the two elders of the King Realm powerhouse, one of the top combat powers.

The essence is gone.

It can be said that Gu Xuan's knife directly slashed the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance from a third-grade top-level, or even a second-grade big force, into a third-grade bottom-ranked existence.

The Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance was originally formed by many small and medium-sized sects, and the two elders were the core to coordinate everything.

Now that the two cores have gone to one, once something happens to the Great Venerable Elder again, it will only be a matter of time before the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance falls apart and disintegrates.

"This is the real top figure in the continent, turning the clouds and rain, and between the backhand, he can knock a big force off the altar, and the glory is no longer there..."

The elder sighed in his heart, but he was deeply in awe of Gu Xuan in his heart, and he didn't dare to have the slightest resentment and dissatisfaction, let alone revenge.

Because the Great Venerable Elder knew that compared to the Golden Crow Divine Dynasty that was destroyed in the hands of Gu Xuan before and completely destroyed in one day...

The Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance can have this result, which is quite good.

At least...

Gu Xuan didn't rush to kill them all.

"Pass my orders..."

The Great Venerable Elder reined in his thoughts, took a deep breath, recovered a little of his former bearing, and announced in a deep voice: "From today on, the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance is completely closed, and the disciples in the alliance are not allowed to go out.... Anyone who disobeys will be considered a traitor. "


The remaining high-level elders of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance responded one after another, without the slightest objection.

If it is said that before, there were still some thoughts in the hearts of the people of the Extreme Dao Immortal Alliance who wanted to take advantage of the situation in the great world.

Now, Gu Xuan's knife has completely wiped out these thoughts in their hearts.

The great world has begun, they are extremely immortal alliances, be careful to shrink up, as long as they can protect themselves....

That's the best result.


"Childe, where are we going now?"

On the Iron Throne, Anu asked Gu Xuan obediently.

After leaving Yaotai, Anu returned to the body of a slave maid, without the infinite scenery of the past, and the status of a saint in the holy land, but without the slightest discomfort.

For Anu, as long as he can stay by Gu Xuan's side, it is already very good.

From beginning to end, it has always been like this.

Gu Xuan's deep eyes were as undulating as a 10,000-year-old ancient pool.

He didn't speak, but he already had a destination in his heart.

He came to Zhongzhou from the Southern Regions for only a few years, he did not enter the sect, and he had no friends around him, so he was always alone.

Most of the causal fetters on the body are brought by women.

Anu, Qin Qingmiao, Nangong Yun, and a woman who once helped him a lot and will be even more important to him in the future....

Shangguan Yue!

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered slightly, and Shangguan Yue's delicate and intelligent appearance appeared in his mind, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little softer.

Shangguan Yue had blocked many disasters for him when he was weak, and then left suddenly.

Gu Xuan knew that Shangguan Yue's origin was mysterious, and he must have his own ideas when he acted, so he never asked, nor did he look for it.

Now, he has become a king.

In the huge Zhongzhou, unless several Emperor Realm powerhouses besieged him at the same time, no one could leave him behind.

Therefore, it is time to find Shangguan Yue.

Moreover, Shangguan Yue had been away for so long, Gu Xuan was afraid that she would encounter some trouble.

As for where to find Shangguan Yue?

There has always been an organic line between him and Shangguan Yue, just follow the map.


In the southern region, a man and a woman walk in the dense jungle.

The strength of the two of them is quite good, and they have overcome obstacles all the way, even in the dangerous Demon Beast Mountain Range, they can be regarded as unimpeded.

"It's here. "

When they reached a hidden cave, the two stopped, and one of the men spoke.

"At the beginning, I was chased and killed by a fierce demon beast, and I panicked, and I accidentally broke into this cave to enter the underground by chance, and I met you later..."

The pretty woman among the two smiled and said, "Brother Ye has amazing luck, and he can turn evil into good fortune every time. "

The man didn't say anything, just smiled.

If he had heard such words before, he would have been very happy.

But after going to Zhongzhou, he will no longer be complacent about it.

He's just luckier than the average person.

I have seen too many geniuses who are 100 times better than myself, and now I understand that what is the use of being lucky? Strong strength is the king.

Besides, he is not the only lucky person in this world.

He Ye Tian, after all, is just an ordinary member of the general public.

"It's only like Brother Gu..."

Ye Tian couldn't help but have a peerless figure in his mind, and secretly sighed in his heart: "It can be regarded as the dragon and phoenix among people, the protagonist of the times..."

Brother Gu is the same as himself, born in the Southern Regions.

But in just a few years in Zhongzhou, he has made a big name.

When he and Qiao'er left Zhongzhou, they were already known as the "First Sword in Zhongtian", almost comparable to the sword demon Yuan Jiansheng who had not been out for 10,000 years.

In time, it may be very possible to enter the royal realm.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian became more and more envious in his heart.

After sorting out his emotions, Ye Tiancai continued to greet Qiao'er and said, "Let's go, although I didn't find the holy daughter of your bereaved clan this time." But after all, I have to give an explanation to the elders, and I will go back to meet them..."

"Uh-huh. "

Qiao'er nodded and grabbed Ye Tian's big hand.

The two walked side by side into the cave.

The winding path in the cave is secluded, and after a few corners, Ye Tian took Qiao'er to find a pit that was only half a meter in size.

The pit is bottomless, and there seems to be a faint prohibition fluctuation coming up underneath.

"This is it..."

After Ye Tian was sure, he jumped into the pit with Qiao'er.

After entering a period of falling feeling, the light reappeared in front of the two of them, and they had already come to another world.

The scenery of the underground world is very different from that of the ground, but it is not much attractive to Qiao'er, who has already been underground and has grown up underground.

After the two came to the ground, they confirmed their location and quickly found a direction and galloped away.

The strength of the two is not weak, and even so, it took about half a day to walk, and the speed gradually slowed down.

It shows the size of the underground world.

Soon, a gray-white complex of ancient buildings appeared in the field of vision of the two.

Seeing this building, Ye Tian's eyes became slightly complicated, as if he was thinking of some memories that were not too friendly.

"Brother Ye..."

Qiao'er seemed to feel Ye Tian's intentions, and clenched his hand with her backhand.

Ye Tian shook his head to signal that he was fine, and then strode towards the remnant clan with Qiao'er.

"Ye Tian, do you dare to come back?!"

Not long after the two entered the clan land, a voice suddenly sounded in their ears.

Before Ye Tian could react, a powerful and incomparable force fell from the sky and hit him fiercely........

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