Ye Tian was suddenly startled, but he quickly reacted and slapped his palm into the air calmly.

Two powerful forces collided.

Ye Tian took a few steps back, and his face changed for a while and then returned to normal.

"Hey, you can actually take my move? It turns out that you have been promoted to the Divine Sea Realm."

Soon, a group of people quickly appeared in front of Ye Tian and Qiao'er.

The group of people dressed in gray-and-white robes, led by a handsome man with slender eyebrows and eyes, surrounded the two in an instant.

"Ye Tian, you are not cowardly, you dare to take her back again after abducting Qiao'er to elope..."

The handsome man stared at Ye Tian and Qiao'er, sneering.

Ye Tian looked at the young man's eyes with a strong look of jealousy, and Qiao'er seemed to be quite afraid of the young man, and kept hiding behind Ye Tian in a cower.

Ye Tian took a deep breath, looked at the young man and said in a deep voice, "Why don't I dare to come back." I left the underground on the orders of the elders to find the Holy Maiden of the Bereaved Clan, and Qiao'er left with me to help me. Now that we have news of the Holy Maiden, it is only natural that we will come back to tell you..."

Saying that, Ye Tian seemed to have mustered up his courage and scolded the handsome man loudly: "Wu Xia, you still don't get out of the way, hindering me from reporting important matters to the elders, can you take responsibility?"

The handsome man squinted his eyes and looked Ye Tian up and down, suddenly sneered, and suddenly made a move.

The power of the rage was ten times stronger than before, Ye Tian was caught off guard, and was directly beaten by Wu Xia and vomited blood and retreated hundreds of meters.

"Brother Ye!"

Qiao'er exclaimed in surprise and quickly ran up to support Ye Tian.

Ye Tian sat up from the ground with difficulty, covered his chest, and stared at Wu Xia with a pale face, as if he couldn't believe that he would suddenly make such a heavy hand.


Wu Xia sneered and walked towards Ye Tian step by step.

"I put up with you because the elders said that you have the hope of bringing news to the Holy Maiden. Otherwise, how do you think you two escaped? When so many of us are all decorations?...

But now there is no need, the saint has long since returned to my people.

As it turns out, you're just a lucky clown. "


When Ye Tian heard this, the whole person was stunned for a moment.

"The Holy Maiden has returned?!"

Even Qiao'er was stunned.

They knew who the reincarnation of the saint was, it was Shangguan Yue.

But didn't Shangguan Yue already leave with Gu Xuan?

Could it be that Gu Xuan is also in the land of the remnants now?

For a while, Ye Tian and the two of them had mixed thoughts.

Wu Xia didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, and directly ordered: "Lock the two of them up, and when the elders are free, they will be disposed of." "


Ye Tian and Qiao'er were directly arrested and escorted elsewhere.

After doing all this, Wu Xia walked in the other direction.

He walked through the buildings and into the depths of the clan's land.

There is a strange building that looks like a huge cylinder, and the powerful remnants are guarding the outside of the building.

Wu Xia walked into the building, and no one stopped him.

Soon, Wu Xia came to the depths of the building and saw a white-haired man sitting quietly on a futon.

The man's hair was snow-white, but his face and skin were as smooth and rosy as those of an eighteen-year-old boy.

Sensing Wu Xia's arrival, the man opened his eyes, revealing a pair of eyes as clear as crystal.

"Wu Xia, what's the matter?"

The man spoke, his voice mellow and gentle, giving people a sense of stability and peace.

Wu Xia faced the man, saluted respectfully and reported, "Elder, as you expected, Ye Tian has returned with Qiao'er. People have been caught by me, and they are waiting for your fate at any time."

The white-haired man nodded slightly, and then spoke: "Ye Tian has a special identity, so keep it for the time being." Qiao'er and other people who are disloyal to the clan, don't keep them."

"Yes. "

Wu Xia respectfully responded.

After reporting this matter, Wu Xia seemed to want to say something more, and secretly glanced in the direction behind the white-haired man.

"Is there anything else you can do?"

The white-haired man's voice sounded faintly, and Wu Xia's heart sank, and he hurriedly retreated.

"No.. It's nothing. Wu Xia left. "

Wu Xia left in a hurry, and the white-haired man watched him leave coldly.

After Wu Xia left, the white-haired man got up and walked into a room behind him.

"You still have a bit of eyesight, you know that Ye Tian can't move..."

As soon as he entered the room, someone said to him lightly.

The white-haired man looked up.

In his eyes, a delicate and thin woman was sitting casually on the ground, looking at him like an old friend.

The woman was surrounded by countless dense circle prohibitions, and these circle prohibitions formed tentacles-like existences, deeply rooted in her body.

It seems that a strange power has been refined from the woman's body, which is quite weird.

If this woman is not Shangguan Yue, who will it be.

The white-haired man said lightly: "Ye Tian is the son of luck in this era, and if he moves, he is against this Fang Tiandao." If you can't even see this, the old man will be called the great elder of the clan in vain. "

Shangguan Yue smiled and said, "Since you know his identity, why did you leave him behind." If I were you, I would have kicked this trouble far away, lest I avoid it.

Leave Ye Tian in the life clan, and the life clan will be wiped out sooner or later..."

The white-haired man's face changed for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.

"It's okay..."

"As long as it takes a few days, it doesn't matter if the life clan still exists or not. "

As he spoke, the white-haired man's eyes showed a bit of greed and anger.

He looked at Shangguan Yue's eyes, as if he was looking at a plate of rare delicacies, and his expression was like a beast.

As he spoke, the white-haired man walked over to the forbidden side of the magic circle.

Open your hands.

The power that had been extracted from Shangguan Yue's body frantically poured into the man's body.

Under the infusion of strange power, the aura on the white-haired man's body continued to surge, gradually climbing to a more majestic and more distant realm.

The man's eyes were filled with countless gray mist currents, and his face showed an expression of extreme joy and fanaticism.

This process lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly, Shangguan Yue's face turned pale, he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his strength was suddenly interrupted.

The white-haired man also came out of the state of enjoyment.

A gray mist was absorbed from his mouth and nose, and the white-haired man regained his composure, looked at Shangguan Yue and said with a smile: "After absorbing the fate origin qi in your body, the life clan will no longer need the holy woman, and no longer need others...

I have already faintly peeked into the corner of the future, which is the situation when the old man is about to set foot in the imperial realm....


The white-haired man couldn't help but laugh wildly at the thought of the fate he had foreseen.

At this time, Shangguan Yue suddenly smiled and said, "Then have you ever seen what happened after that?"

The laughter came to an abrupt end.

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