"Who are you and how did you end up here?"

Wu Xia came back to his senses from the momentary shock and shouted at Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan glanced at him lightly, and didn't bother to ask the reason for the matter, so he pointed at Wu Xia casually.

Wu Xia was startled and subconsciously wanted to dodge.

But this finger expanded rapidly in his eyes, and in an instant, it turned into a brilliant and incomparable sword light, filling the heavens and the earth.

Suddenly, Wu Xia felt a sense of despair in his heart that he had heaven and earth and had no way to escape.

Gu Xuan gently withdrew his fingers, and Wu Xia's eyes quickly lost their brilliance, and he fell on his back like a mud puppet.

Gu Xuan casually pointed at the sword intent, and he had already cut off all his vitality.

With Gu Xuan's current strength, he can confront the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm head-on, and solve a small Wu Xia, it is really easy not to pinch an ant to death.


Ye Tian on the side was directly stunned.

Wu Xia...

Wu Xia, who was a genius on the first day of the life clan, was killed by Gu Xuan with a finger like this?

You must know that with Wu Xia's talent and qualifications, even if it is placed in Zhongzhou, it can be regarded as a top first-class.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have easily swung him between applause.

But under Gu Xuan's hands, he was as fragile as a mustard.

What kind of cultivation is Gu Xuan doing now?

Life and death?

The pinnacle of life and death?


Life and Death Realm Grandmaster, a half-step King Realm powerhouse?!

Ye Tian felt that his mind was in a mess, and it was difficult to sort out and digest this information in a short period of time.

After Gu Xuan solved the trouble on Ye Tian's body, he sensed it a little, and immediately sensed Shangguan Yue's location.

It's not far from here, just a stone's throw away.

The only thing that was wrong was that Shangguan Yue's aura was gradually weakening at a speed.

If this process had continued for a few more days, perhaps he would never have felt it again.

"Look for death!"

Gu Xuan's eyes quickly became cold, and he didn't have time to catch up with Ye Tian, so he stepped out with Anu and disappeared into the void again.

Ye Tian stared blankly at the location where Gu Xuan had disappeared, and felt like a dream.

It took a long time to react suddenly, and hurriedly went to help Qiao'er, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

"Qiao'er, are you alright?"

Ye Tian picked up Qiao'er, his eyes full of pity and worry.

Qiao'er shook her head slowly and said softly: "Brother Ye, I said a long time ago, you Ji people have their own natural appearance, and you will definitely be able to turn evil into good fortune when you are in trouble."


Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then said with a complicated emotion: "Fortunately, Brother Gu suddenly arrived... It's really unimaginable that Brother Gu is now so powerful.

After we left Zhongzhou, Brother Gu was afraid that he had become the leader of the younger generation in Zhongzhou.

Even if it's not, it's definitely not far off..."

The scene where Gu Xuan casually killed Wu Xia just now had too great an impact on Ye Tian, and he hadn't gotten out of the shock until now.

Soon, Ye Tian's face showed doubts again.

"Strange, how did Brother Gu get here?... Yes, Miss Shangguan is the reincarnation of the Holy Daughter of the Ming Clan, and Miss Shangguan is Brother Gu's red face, Brother Gu must have come for her.

I'm so stupid.

It seems that the news of the return of the Holy Maiden is true..."

Suddenly, Ye Tian's face changed, and he said urgently: "It's not good, Brother Gu killed Wu Xia, if this is known by the Great Elder, he will definitely not be spared."

He came again for the Holy Maiden...

I have to hurry up to find him and plead for him in front of the Great Elder, Brother Gu treats me with deep affection, even if I fight for this life, I have to help him and Miss Shangguan get out of trouble..."

With that, Ye Tian picked up Qiao'er and left in a hurry.


"In two hours, the Origin Qi in your body will be absorbed by me, can you still laugh?"

The Great Elder of the Life Clan opened his arms, and the prohibitions condensed into tentacles, continuously injecting the power in Shangguan Yue's body into the Great Elder of the Life Clan.

The aura on the body of the Great Elder of the Life Clan climbed as quickly as a rocket, gradually approaching the peak of the King Realm.

And the obscure and unpredictable temperament around the Great Elder of the Life Clan is becoming more and more intense.

The Great Elder of the Life Clan was full of pride, with a satisfied smile on his face, and looked at Shangguan Yue, whose aura was constantly weakening, and said.

Shangguan Yue's face was as pale as paper, but his eyes were bright and terrifying.

"You and I stand at different heights, and we see different things, you won't understand..."

Shangguan Yue said softly.

"Are you still pretending to be a mystery with me?"

The Great Elder of the Destiny Clan laughed mockingly.

He closed his eyes, his face filled with pleasure and satisfaction, and he felt like he was in control.

"All I know is that I'm strong now, so strong that no one can control my fate anymore..."

The Great Elder of the Destiny Clan opened his eyes suddenly.

In front of his eyes, the gray mist was churning, and a blurry picture gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

The characters in the picture, with white hair dancing wildly, are like monstrous waves and dense fog covering the sky, as if they are the only masters of heaven and earth, and the heroes who will last forever.

The eyes of the Great Elder of the Life Clan were blazing.

The man in the picture is him.

That's the future he's always seen.

His predetermined fate.

Now, all this anticipation is really coming closer to him, and it is really happening.

"That's it, this is my life, my own life... Haha..."

Little by little, the picture became clearer, and little by little it pushed closer to the Great Elder of the Life Clan.

The two are about to become one.

The unreal and the real are also about to overlap.

That's when ....

An extremely brilliant light, like the light of the first opening of heaven and earth, suddenly appeared in the picture.

The man in the picture, the fog, the whole picture....

It was all split into two by this sword light from top to bottom!


The Great Elder's eyes widened suddenly, his heart was shaken, and he exhaled in a low voice.

"What is that?!"

He struggled to keep his eyes open, trying to see the light that suddenly destroyed the future he had envisioned.

And then...

The light appeared.

Break free from the picture, quickly approach him, and quickly fill his eyeballs.


Unbeatable edge!

The heavens and the earth were filled with this sharp edge, and the Great Elder of the Life Clan felt the stinging pain coming from the skin up and down his body.

He finally saw it clearly.

That light....

It turned out to be a knife light.

In the next moment, the picture and the fog all broke away.

The Great Elder of the Life Clan saw a black-robed young man walking through the gray mist.

The young man held a delicate long knife as white as jade in his hand, and his body exuded a monstrous sword aura and killing intent.

His eyes were like lightning, staring at himself tightly, and he slashed from above with a knife in his hand, and spit out coldly in his mouth.

"Look for death!"

The Great Elder's pupils contracted suddenly, and he quickly retreated.

The furious sword aura swept everything in the place away, and the surrounding buildings flew like dust.

The violent waves of air were like tornadoes, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the wind and clouds surged.

Shangguan Yue raised his thin chin and looked at the man who came like a god, his eyes flashing like stars.

"Do you know now? That's why I keep laughing..."

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