The gray-white buildings collapsed one after another under the sword aura of the tyrant, and one by one the people of the life clan were alarmed and ran out one after another.

"What's going on?!"

"Who dares to trespass on my clan's land?!"

"Who is the enemy of the Great Elder?"

"It's already done!"

Ye Tian pulled Qiao'er out of the cell and was shocked when he saw Gu Xuan's monstrous voice and the messy scene around him.

"It's not good, isn't this a complete evil to the Great Elder?

Ye Tian's face was full of helplessness.

According to his idea, he also wanted to help Gu Xuan mediate in front of the Great Elder to see if there was a chance to ease.

Unexpectedly, Gu Xuan made a move unceremoniously as soon as he came up.

Now no matter how big his face is, there is absolutely no room for relaxation between the two sides, and they have to die.

"Brother Ye, don't worry too much... Brother Gu is also a person with good luck, and when evil turns into good fortune, it may not happen..."

Qiao'er comforted Ye Tian.

Ye Tian said helplessly with a worried face: "Hopefully." "

But he secretly lamented in his heart, the Great Elder is a strong man in the King Realm, and he is also an old powerhouse who has been in the King Realm for many years.

When he encountered Wu Xia's rebuke, a Gu Xuan could easily relieve him.

Then when Gu Xuan meets the Great Elder, who should he let to relieve him?

There is little hope.

"I'm sorry, I'm late..."

Gu Xuan fell in front of Shangguan Yue, tore off the prohibition on Shangguan Yue's body, and spoke softly, with a lot of guilt and distress in his eyes.

Shangguan Yue smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "It's not too late, it's just right." "

Gu Xuan helped Shangguan Yue up, and the majestic Yuan Force poured into Shangguan Yue's body through her arm to fill her shortfall.

"This man deserves death!"

Gu Xuan turned his head to look at the Great Elder of the Life Clan, his eyebrows were full of anger, and his killing intent was surging.

Shangguan Yue is his woman, and if anyone dares to touch a single hair of Shangguan Yue, they will be damned, let alone torture Shangguan Yue to such a situation.

It is not an exaggeration to cut a thousand knives and die without giving up.

Shangguan Yue's expression was relaxed, she grabbed Gu Xuan's hand and said, "Do you remember what I told you?"


Gu Xuan was stunned.

Shangguan Yue glanced at the Great Elder of the Life Clan, and said with a strange expression:

"I said, the next time we meet, I will help you break through the meaning of fate to the realm of mystery."

Gu Xuan's expression was stunned, and he subconsciously looked at the Great Elder of the Life Clan.

At this glance, Gu Xuan's eyes quickly condensed.


Gu Xuan's eyes bloomed with color.

It was the brilliance that gradually emerged from the Great Elder of the Life Clan.

Serendipity of light.

It's still seven-colored.

Seven colors, representing the only one in the ages!

Colorful opportunities, even Gu Xuan has not encountered them a few times.

The last time I got the Colorful Opportunity, it was the Time Origin Seed on the "Reborn" Xiao Chen.

The system even rewards the Space Origin Seed.

The two become one, becoming a unique space-time origin seed.

The help to Gu Xuan is indescribably huge, and over time, it may become Gu Xuan's greatest reliance on the martial arts.

And now, there is another colorful opportunity in front of Gu Xuan.

How Gu Xuan's heart was not shaken.

"So, so..."

The light in Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and the Ming Hong knife trembled like a dragon, and he wrote lightly: "This person deserves to die no matter what." "

The opportunity of the colorful level is ahead.

Today, Gu Xuan is heaven and earth, and he will kill the great elder of the life clan.

At this time, the Great Elder of the Destiny Clan also gradually regained his composure.

He squinted his eyes and looked Gu Xuan up and down, feeling a trace of danger from Gu Xuan's body.

"So that's what you rely on..."

The Great Elder of the Life Clan sneered and spoke.

"But you're a little naïve..."

"As soon as the boy who first entered the king's realm wanted to obstruct the old man, ridiculous..."

"Do you know that the old man is now... What a realm!"

The Great Elder of the Life Clan laughed, opened his arms, and the aura around his body affected the heavens and the earth, and the majestic and immeasurable pressure swept around, and the sky was darkened.

At this moment, for ordinary people, it was like the end of the world.

Many of the people of the Life Clan fell to their knees, chanting the name of the Great Elder of the Life Clan, their eyes and faces full of fanaticism and worship.

At this moment, the Great Elder of the Life Clan, in their eyes, was no less than a god-like existence.

The Great Elder of the Life Clan looked down at Gu Xuan and the others condescendingly, and said lightly: "Wait, dare to see the emperor or not?!"

See the emperor and don't kneel!

See the emperor and don't kneel!

See the emperor and don't kneel!

The voice of the Great Elder of the Life Clan was like thunder, rolling over everyone's heads, deafening.

Ye Tian and Qiao'er were so pressed by this terrifying coercion that they fell to their knees.

Ye Tian's face was ugly and pale, looking at the invincible Great Elder of the Life Clan, and kept muttering in his mouth, "Imperial Realm... The Great Elder turned out to be the Emperor Realm.. It's over, it's over..."

The Wang Realm was already an unattainable realm for Ye Tian, let alone the Imperial Realm.

If he still had a trace of expectation for Gu Xuan's escape from the predicament before, but now...

But there was nothing left.

"Imperial Realm?hum!"

Gu Xuan raised his knife and sneered, "It's just a half-step emperor realm, and you dare to be the emperor with a cheeky face?"

The Great Elder of the Life Clan replied lightly: "Although it is only a half-step, it is enough to kill you in the King Realm." "

As he spoke, the Great Elder of the Life Clan pointed at Gu Xuan with a finger in his hand.

"Then give it a try. "

Gu Xuan's long knife shook, stepped into the air, and met it with a backhand.

This knife slashed out, and countless Divine Court phantoms appeared behind Gu Xuan.

Thousands of Divine Court phantoms hooked up an indescribable majestic momentum, crushing the half-emperor momentum of the Great Elder of the Destiny Clan, and then came to the top.

As soon as Gu Xuan came up, he was his strongest killing move-Xintian Knife Knife!

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!


The Great Elder's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously blurted out: "How is this possible!"

The power of Gu Xuan's sword was completely beyond his comprehension, far beyond the ordinary king realm, infinitely approaching... It has even reached the height of the imperial realm.

That's even him.. I have never touched it.

"What the hell is this monster?!"

A voice in the heart of the Great Elder of the Life Clan roared, shocked and angry.

Subconsciously I want to escape, where is there still the demeanor of being a half-step emperor, high-spirited, and in control of everything.

But before the Great Elder of the Life Clan tore through the void, Gu Xuan's figure was already in front of him in a flash.


Gu Xuan slashed down with a knife again.

This knife is completely different from the heavenly knife.

This knife is illusory and hazy, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, giving people a strange feeling that is elusive and difficult to detect.

Under this sword, the Great Elder of the Destiny Clan was horrified and found that everything around him was quickly moving away from him.

Time seems to be forbidden.

The Blade of Time and Space Origin!

Even the Void Oblivion Holy Emperor had to bow down, let alone be just a half-step Emperor Realm Great Elder of the Life Clan.

The Great Elder of the Life Clan watched as the terrifying sword that carried the Eternal Divine Court slashed at his head, unstoppable.

His eyes were torn apart, and he roared wildly: "No! my life is up to me, not ... heaven."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Gu Xuan put the knife into the sheath expressionlessly.

In front of him, the body of the Great Elder of the Life Clan froze, and then a red line quietly appeared in the center of his eyebrows.....

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