"Gone, since Brother Gu Yuan is back, why don't you want to see us once?

The young man looked stunned, and he was a little lost.

"Since Gu Xuan refuses to see us, he naturally has his reasons. "

The middle-aged man spoke: "He is flying too high and too far now, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him."

What we can do for him is to try not to become a burden to him..",

The middle-aged man paused and continued, "Over the years, some people in my sect have gone too far.

Go and see for yourself, go and listen, how many people in my Spirit Sword Sect are using Gu Xuan's name to fake the power of the fox outside, swaggering and deceiving.

To tell the truth, if Gu Xuanzhen were standing in front of me now, as the sect master of the Spirit Sword Sect, I would be ashamed to see him,

The young man's face turned blue and red for a while, his face showed a rather ashamed look, and he couldn't help but whisper: "It's my fault." We are not well supervised...."

The middle-aged man shook his head, and then said coldly: "From now on, if something similar happens again, the disciples involved will all be expelled from the Spirit Sword Sect." "

"Yes, sir.

Young people are determined to respond.

After saying this, the middle-aged man's tone softened slightly, and he said with a low feeling: "Yang Xuan, as Gu Xuan's roots in the Southern Regions, the higher Gu Xuan's achievements, the more cautious we should be in our words and deeds."

Don't want to, completely cut off the last bit of incense between my Spirit Sword Sect and Gu Xuan...

Yang understood. "

In the main hall, the sigh of the middle-aged man lingered for a long time.

Cloud Tower City, Gu Mansion.

"Come on, come on, second brother, we won't get drunk today! And brother and sister, I respect you...

In the back garden of the Gu family, Gu Xuan and Yurou sat at the table, looking at the drunken eldest brother Gu Yan and father Gu Zhenming in front of them, with a helpless and funny expression on their faces.

After returning from the Spirit Sword Sect, the two of them went straight back to Gu Xuan's hometown, Yunlou City.

Gu Zhenming and Gu Yan haven't seen Gu Xuan for many years, and they don't know how happy they are when they see each other again.

"Second brother, since you became the first day of the martial arts in the Southern Regions, you don't know how good my Gu family's business is. Almost every day, people come all the way to offer generous gifts, just to see me and my father.

There are also powerful warriors who have to salute respectfully when they see the city lord of Yunlou City, and they are also willing to be slaves and servants in my Gu family.

The eldest brother sometimes wonders if he is dreaming and never wakes up...

Gu Yan pulled Gu Xuanxu and chattered. Occasionally, his father Gu Zhenming would interject a few sentences, and Ah Ji Gu Yan drank too much.

Gu Xuan smiled, listening more and talking less.

Under the shadow of his reputation, the Gu family lived a lot better than he expected.

This made Gu Xuan's feelings of indebtedness to his family over the years a little easier.

"In the future, there will be fewer and fewer opportunities to spend time with my family like this, and it may even be the last time.

Gu Xuan thought silently in his heart.

Many times, he is not unwilling, but unable.

The higher his achievements in martial arts, the stronger the opponents he encountered.

Although Gu Xuan has been cutting down the roots of any enemy since the beginning of his rise, he will never leave an overnight revenge, and strive to kill any threat in the cradle.

But there are no absolutes, what insidious opponent will Wan - meet in the future, and if he can't retaliate against him, he will instead target his family?

That would hurt your family and friends.

Therefore, this time Gu Xuan returned to his hometown in the Southern Regions to revisit, which also had a bit of the meaning of cutting off the dust.

In the future, he will try to have little or no contact with family and friends in the world, and play down the weight of this relationship in the eyes of others.

It's a precautionary measure.

Of course, Gu Xuan didn't give up completely.

Whether it was the Spirit Sword Sect or the Gu family, he left a sword mark.

The scar has both inheritance and qi, and can play a protective role in critical moments.

In the following days, Gu Xuan stayed in the Gu family, accompanying his father and eldest brother every day, as well as the two children of the eldest brother Gu Yan, enjoying the family.

Time is like flowing water, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

"What I, Gu Xuan, have learned all my life, are all within these three great sword paths, and if you add the way of divine thought, it is the four great sword paths.

If you can get one or three points of the true taste, you can be invincible in the south...

In Gu Fuzhong, Gu Xuan stood with his hands in his hands, looked at the three children in front of him, and said lightly.

The eldest one among them, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and blazing eyes, who would it be if it wasn't Yan Shaoyang.

... Asking for flowers...

As for the two and the other, they are still ignorant and naïve children.

They are the two children of the eldest brother Gu Yan.

The two of them were still young, and they basically didn't understand what Gu Xuan taught, just for fun.

Yan Shaohui was eager to seek talent during this time, and he almost refused to waste his time sleeping, eager to serve Gu Xuan by Gu Xuan's side every minute and listen to his teachings.

"I have planted all the seeds of the Three Great Dao Paths in your body, and even if I am not there in the future, you will be able to enlighten on your own.

Another thing is that before you have a comprehension of the three major sword paths, it is best not to try to break through the Xuandan.

This is a little advice from the teacher...

Gu Xuan said lightly to Yan Shaoyang.


Yan Shaoyang had a clever mind, and he heard a little different flavor from Gu Xuan's words.

"Master, are you leaving again?"

Gu Xuan didn't speak, just nodded lightly.

Yan Shaoyang's eyes suddenly shot out a burst of strong longing, and he couldn't help but speak: "Master, I want to go with you!"

Gu Xuan looked down at him quietly for a while, then shook his head and said, "No." You're still too weak now, and I don't have much energy to take care of you.


Yan Shaori opened his mouth, and quickly lowered his head in frustration.

Shizun is right, but now he is too weak, and following Shizun can only become a burden to Shizun

"Master, where are you going, when will I see you again?"

Yan Shao's eyes were burning and he looked at Gu Xuan urgently.

Gu Xuan raised his head, his gaze passed through the endless clouds, and seemed to be projected above the Nine Heavens.

"Next time, goodbye. "

Yan Shaoyang was stunned, and EVE was speechless.

At the same time, above the Nine Heavens.

The powerhouses of countless clans harnessed the light and slowly poured in in the direction of an entrance.

This is the entrance to the last three days, which is only open once in a hundred years.

Many of the remnants of the Nine Heavens even had the opportunity to go for three days for the first time in their lives.

Almost all of these people had a look of excitement and excitement on their faces, and their mouths were discussing with great interest.

This one is about to begin, encompassing the entire Nine Heavens event.

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