"This rune conference, the entire Nine Heavens will be attended by famous and powerful people, and the competition between the various departments should be the biggest event in my Nine Heavens for hundreds of years. "

"Hou, you say, in this rune conference, will the proud son of the Thunder Department who shocked the Nine Heavens a few years ago and is known as the pride of the first day in the heavens and the earth appear?"

"Yes, if this person appears, he will shine at this rune conference.

"Ah, I don't think so. "

Someone sneered and retorted, "I'm afraid you don't know how important this Divine Hunting Conference is.

This Divine Hunting Conference is not only a meeting for the clans to perform martial arts as usual, but also a matter of belonging to the position of the White Emperor, and even the star monarch figures of each department are very likely to go down to the battle, and it is not yet a young genius for him to perform.

"What?The position of the White Emperor belongs?!"

When the people next to him heard this, they immediately gasped, and their faces showed shock. "Four zero zero" "No wonder, no wonder this rune conference, even the people from the lower three parts such as me are qualified to enter the upper three heavens to observe, so that's the case." "

"Speaking of which, the position of the White Emperor has indeed been vacant for hundreds of years, and it is time for the dust to settle. "

"Which of the Star Monarchs do you say has the most hope of succeeding the new White Emperor?"

"Doubu, Leibu, and Venus-kun are all big favorites, and Mars-kun is not hopeless.

Several people changed their words and began to discuss the ownership of the White Emperor's position.

These people didn't notice that right beside them, a handsome black-robed young man was flying over thoughtfully.

This person is Gu Xuan, who has come to the Nine Heavens again.

"The Divine Hunting Conference, the White Emperor's Throne.

Gu Xuan looked in the direction of the sky, his eyes flashing.

In his field of vision, a brilliant golden line of chance stretched upwards.

If he guessed correctly, this chance should be related to this Divine Hunting Conference.

When Gu Xuan was in the Southern Regions, he felt the call of Douxing Jun, so he rushed to the Nine Heavens non-stop.

Gu Xuan was mixed among the many remnants of the Nine Heavens, and slowly entered the entrance of the Last Heavy Heaven.

The entrance to the Upper Triple Heaven has always been only open to the strong above the priesthood, but this time the Divine Conference was unprecedented, and many remnants who had cultivated to mediocre also got the opportunity to enter the upper three days to observe.

Nine heavens on three heavens.

Ascending to the Xuantian, going to the Qingtian, and going to the Extreme Heaven.

The rune conference was held in the seventh upper Xuantian.

Stepping into the Heavenly Heavens, I clearly felt that the concentration of vitality in the air was much higher than that of the First Heavy Heaven.

The class gap in the Nine Heavens is even more severe than that of the Heavenly Xuan Continent.

Gu Xuan followed the guidance of the Great Divine Official's token and flew in one direction, and soon saw a group of Xiongqi warships suspended in the air.

These warships are clumsy in shape, full of the style of antiquity and savagery.

The battleship hunted in a formation of flags, and each flag had a big word "fight" written on it.

"This is the Doubu, who is coming?"

Before Gu Xuan could get closer, two guards in ancient armor came up and blocked his way. Gu Xuan casually showed his Great Priest Token, and the two of them immediately changed their faces, respectfully gave way and entered towards Gu Xuan. "It turned out to be the Great Priest...

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to the two of them, and flew straight towards the largest warship in the Dou Clan.

After Gu Xuan left, the two guards whispered. "This good-looking student, why do we have such a young great priest in the Doubu?"

"I'm afraid it's not that one? At the beginning, even several emperors in the Extreme Heaven were shaken, and Lord Xingjun even personally recruited them in the lower realm...

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With the Great Divine Official Token in hand, Gu Xuan was unimpeded all the way.

When he arrived at the warship, naturally someone led him to see Dou Xingjun.

"Lord Xingjun is inside, discussing things with the great priests, and the villain will report to the adults,

The guard who led the way took Gu Xuan to the door of a secret room, greeted him respectfully, and then took out a token and headed towards the secret room.

Soon, the prohibition outside the secret room opened, and a majestic voice came out of it.

"Come in. "

Gu Xuan walked in with a calm face.

The moment he entered the secret room, more than a dozen powerful divine thoughts immediately swept towards him.

The Divine Soul Vortex in Gu Xuan's mind turned slightly, and immediately shattered and devoured these dozen or so probing divine thoughts.


There were a few muffled grunts in the room.

Only then did Gu Xuan begin to look at the people in the room.

The first of them is Dou Xingjun.

Dou Xingjun is a middle-aged man with a national character face and swordsman's eyebrows...

The momentum is strong and the strength is strong, among the many strong people Gu Xuan has seen, second only to several Emperor Realm figures, his cultivation seems to have reached the peak of the King Realm.

Then there were the great priests of the Doubu who were separated on both sides of the Douxing Monarch.

The strength of these people varies, most of them are between the second level of the king realm and the fifth level of the king realm, and two of them have reached the strength of the fifth level.

Many of them looked at him with unkindness in their eyes, and there was a faint hint of jealousy.

Gu Xuan's methods just now made many people unhappy.

"It turned out that Gu Xuan had arrived.

As soon as Dou Xingjun saw Gu Xuan, two strong essences immediately shot out of his eyes, and he laughed and said, "Okay! It turns out that you have broken through the King Realm, and you are a double King Realm! Okay, this time this time this Star Monarch's grasp of competing for the White Emperor is a little bigger."

Dou Xingjun seemed to be quite happy and laughed.

"The position of the White Emperor must be in the bag of the Star Monarch, and as soon as the Divine Hunt Conference passes, we will change our words to call the Star Monarch the Emperor..",

Under the Dou Xing Monarch, one of the two King Realm Masters above the fifth level immediately opened his mouth to flatter.

Dou Xingjun was in a better mood when he heard this, and couldn't help but smile and nodded: "Don't worry, if I am the position of the White Emperor Doubu Xingjun, I will definitely choose from you." "

The two Great Priests of the Fifth Realm of the King Realm looked happy, but soon looked at each other again, and there seemed to be a spark in their eyes

Gu Xuan knew this in his heart.

It seems that there is not only a fight between the Star Monarch and the Star Monarch, but also between the 1.3 Tai Priests of the same camp.

"Alright, now that the last Grand Priest has arrived, let's plan carefully...

Dou Xingjun beckoned Gu Xuan to find a place to sit down in the middle of the field, and then Zhengse spoke: "In the past, the Divine General Conference was mainly a martial arts, and the protagonists were the Divine General and the Divine Officer, and the Great Divine Commander rarely ended up.

But this time is different, not only will the great priests all have to end, but even the star monarchs who are in charge of one of us will also have to fight

Dou Xingjun said slowly: "The battle of the Star Monarch is at least six or seven points certain, and it can suppress the Star Monarch of the Jin Department and the Thunder Department. But hunting the Void Beast depends on you.

"Xingjun is polite, we will definitely do our best!

Many great priests responded in unison.

Gu Xuan's expression moved when he heard this.

Void Beast?

It was the first time he had heard the word.

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