As if seeing Gu Xuan's doubts, Dou Xingjun also stopped and specially explained for him.

"It's the first time for Divine Officer Gu to participate in the Rune Conference, some things may not be clear,

"Every hundred years, the Nine Heavens have to conduct martial arts hunting, and the hunting objects are those void beasts that exist outside the Nine Heavens, that is, in the void.

The strength of the Void Beast is strong, and the weakest one also has god-level combat power, and it is not uncommon for the King Realm to be seen.

At the Divine General Conference, the warriors of each department need to hunt the virtual beasts, and the virtual beasts of different strength are worth different points, and finally the winners and losers are judged by the total score of each department..

Gu Xuan listened to Doubu Tianzun's explanation, and then he understood.

Next, Dou Xingjun said some related matters, and then asked everyone to go back to rest.

In three days, the Rune Tournament will begin.

As one of the great priests of the Doubu, Gu Xuan owned an independent warship as his resting place and car

There are 3,000 slaves on the ship, and they are at the disposal of Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan's main purpose in coming to the Nine Heavens this time was to probe the Nine Heavens' attitude towards the upcoming changes in the Great World on the 24th.

The result was a little disappointing for him.

The invasion of the underworld is almost inevitable, and even the people of the underworld have already extended their hands to the Tianxuan Continent.

It was clearly in preparation for a major invasion that followed.

And as the gathering point of the top combat power of the Tianxuan Continent, the Nine Heavens were still busy intriguing and competing for the position of the so-called White Emperor.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the election of a new White Emperor is to better deal with the next chaos.

However, based on what Gu Xuan saw from Xiao Chen's memory, this possibility is relatively small.

The Nine Heavens are mostly old stubborn people who can't eat the ancients.

"I didn't see Yuan Jiansheng, and I don't know if he came?"

Yuan Jiansheng was recruited by Douxingjun with him and became one of the Doubu priests.

However, there is a big gap between the identities of the priest and the great priest, and there are quite a few people in each department, and Yuan Jiansheng, the meeting of the great priest, is not qualified to participate, so Gu Xuan does not know whether Yuan Chuangsheng is here or not.

According to his understanding of Yuan Jiansheng, Yuan Jiansheng should not let go of this opportunity that may improve his cultivation.

Especially after witnessing him become king first.

"Lord Priest..",

A woman with a slender figure and a beautiful face walked into Gu Xuan's room, knelt on the ground, with a humble look on her face, and said, "Grand Priest Su greets you."

Su Hu?

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "Please let him in." "

"Yes. "

The woman respectfully withdrew.

This Su Hu should be one of the great priests of the same Doubu as him: I don't know what the purpose of visiting him is now.

Gu Xuan waited for a while, and soon a middle-aged man with a short beard walked in.

The short-bearded man exuded the aura of belonging to the triple realm of the king, his face was full of spring breeze, and he flattered Gu Xuan as soon as they met.

"I have long heard that Gu Tianjiao is extraordinary, known as the first talent in heaven and earth in the past thousand years, when he shook the nine heavens, he was surprised for a long time, but I saw it today, and it really didn't flow customs..

Gu Xuan nodded lightly at the other party, asked Su Hu to sit down, and then beckoned the maid to serve tea and pastries.

"Great Priest Su suddenly came to visit, what happened?"

Gu Xuan didn't go around the bend with the other party, and asked straight to the point.

Su Hu smiled, took a few steps closer, and said to Gu Xuan with a mysterious expression: "How sure does Gu Tianjiao think that Lord Xingjun will succeed to the position of White Emperor this time?"

Gu Xuan heard the other party's inquiry, his eyes moved, and he said: "Xingjun is strategizing, since he has the ambition to chase the position of the White Emperor, he is naturally seventy percent sure. "

Su Haha smiled, noncommittal, but then changed his words and said: "Gu Tianjiao thinks that after Xingjun becomes the new White Emperor, who is most likely to succeed the new generation of Dou Xingjun?"

Gu Xuan shook his head, and then asked rhetorically: "I'm new here, and I don't know, please ask Divine Officer Su to teach me." "

Su Hehe smiled, touched the short beard on his chin, shook his head and said, "If you want me to say, among the great priests such as me, it is the most promising succession to the position of Star Monarch by Lord Longhuan.:

"Huh, what do you say?"

Gu Xuan followed his words and asked.

Su Hu opened his mouth and said: "Lord Longhuan has entered the sevenfold realm of the king realm for many years, and breaking through the eightfold of the royal realm is just around the corner, and this alone is beyond the name of the uncle of the monarch and the minister.

Uncle Ji's name is only eight times in the royal realm.

Gu Tianjiao should know that when his cultivation has reached the point where he is waiting for us, let alone a realm, it is a small step before and after, and it is also a world of difference.

If Uncle B really wants to compete with Lord Longhuan, I'm afraid that he won't be able to even move a hundred moves under the Dragon Ring Master.

You say, why is he fighting for the position of Star Monarch?

Gu Xuan probably understood.

This Su Hu turned out to be a lobbyist for others, and he came specifically to woo him.

As for the dragon ring and Uncle Ji in Su Hu's mouth, it is estimated that they are the two great priests under the Douxing Monarch who have cultivated above the fivefold level of the king realm.

Gu Xuan figured this out and couldn't help but feel funny.

They are all strong people in the royal realm, and they don't want to break through the imperial realm in their lifetime, and they study how to fight for power and profit all day long, which is really putting the cart before the horse.

What if one of them becomes the Dou Xing King?

Can you make any progress in your own cultivation?

If he Gu Xuan doesn't like it, he doesn't want to kill it?

Thinking of this, Gu Xuan smiled and said, "Being so highly respected by Grand Priest Su, it seems that Lord Longhuan is indeed nine out of ten, say hello to Lord Longhuan in advance on my behalf." "。

When Su Hu heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "What does Gu Tianjiao mean by supporting Lord Longhuan to sit on the throne of the Moon Star Monarch?"

Gu Xuan smiled and said nothing.

Su Hu was satisfied, and then his attitude towards Gu Xuan also underwent a huge 260 major change, and he told him a lot of things about the Divine General Conference in detail before leaving after a few hours.

Gu Xuan had just sent Su Hu away, but he didn't think about it, and soon someone reported it.

It is said that there is a great priest who asks for a meeting for Zhao Nei.

Gu Xuanchai could also guess that this Zhao Nei must have been sent by Uncle Ji.

Annoyed, I simply closed the door and disappeared.

In Gu Xuan's opinion, whether Dou Xingjun can become the White Emperor or not, it is too early to start forming a gang now.

If Dou Xingjun finally misses the position of the White Emperor, won't they be busy in vain?

It's hilarious.


Inside a warship in the Doubu base camp, a thin man stood next to a handsome gold-armored man and whispered something.

Jin Jiaren's face was slightly gloomy and he sneered and said: "It's just a kid with a king realm and two levels, but his talent is a little better, do you really think you are a root vegetable?"

"Adult, do you want the villain to run again?"

"No need. "

The golden man said lightly: "Gu Xuan's belonging, it doesn't have much impact on the battle between me and the Dragon Ring, it's just the icing on the cake, it doesn't matter what his intentions are."

Now we just need to press down the dragon ring vein in the next Divine Hunting Conference.

Based on my understanding of Lord Xingjun, the attribution of the position of Star Monarch is most likely to be settled based on the points of the Divine Hunt

"Yes. "

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