Three days passed in a flash.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the beginning of the Divine Hunting Conference.

On this day, Gu Xuan woke up from the meditation early, waited for a while, and then received a summons from the Doubu Xingjun to prepare him.

Soon, Gu Xuan heard a distant horn sound coming from the endless void.

This sound seems to travel through time, instantly taking people back to the ancient and wild era.

He walked out of the chamber and saw that all the servants in the ship were already kneeling neatly on the deck, all facing in one direction.

The ship under its feet began to start and began to move slowly forward.

Soon, in Gu Xuan's field of vision, warships appeared.

The style of these warships is similar to that of the Doubu warships, except that the clan flags on the ships are different.

There are words such as "fire", "thunder", "gold", "water", "rich", etc.

In addition to these warships, there were also a large number of Nine Heavenly Relic Clans coming from all directions.

The Rune Conference was indeed a grand event, if it weren't for the Rune Conference, Gu Xuan wouldn't have known that there were so many remnants of the entire Nine Heavens.

These people are not ordinary mortals, but martial cultivators.

The worst cultivation is also in the Xuandan Realm, with no less than 10 million people.

Tens of millions of Xuandan realm.

And the number of people in the entire Nine Heavens is not more than 100 million.

With such a ratio, it is no wonder that the Nine Heavenly Relic Clan has always been superior to the bloodline of the Ancient God Clan, and looks down on the Heavenly Xuan natives.

Soon, the warships and countless remnants gathered together.

Gu Xuan saw countless long-haired and naked wrestlers, playing huge war drums, walking out as they played.

And a huge trumpet.

A strange beast with ancient bloodline that was nowhere to be found in the Tianxuan Continent.

The scene was bigger than anything he had ever seen in his life.

The sound of trumpets and war drums lasted for half a day, and then the ground of Xuantian rose from the huge stone pillars.

Each of these pillars is engraved with an ancient and intricate totemic pattern.


A strange birdsong sounded in the void.

Immediately after, Gu Xuan saw four huge whirlpools appear in the sky.

In the whirlpool, the huge thrones of the five kings gradually emerged.

This is..

Gu Xuan's eyes were slightly suspicious.

"Meet the Emperor of the Quartet.!"

The moment the five thrones appeared, the remnants of the clan below knelt down one after another.

Everyone chanted the name of the emperor with fanatical and reverent expressions.

This is the top combat power of the Nine Heavens.

Emperor of the Five Directions.

The Green Emperor of the East.

Southern Emperor Yan.

The White Emperor of the West.

Black Emperor of the North.

There is also Emperor Zhongtian. However, at this time, two of the five thrones were empty, and there was no one on them. "The position of the Chinese Emperor of Heaven has been vacant for many years, and then the White Emperor, the last White Emperor turned to Changsha seven hundred years ago to look at the latest pictures, and Su Hu, who had communicated with him before, didn't know when Su Hu, who had communicated before, appeared beside Gu Xuan and explained to him in a low voice.

Gu Xuan nodded slightly. In his senses, the strength of several emperors of the Nine Heavens seemed to be stronger than the Five Ghost Emperors of the Hades. Although the alliance does not have an advantage in numbers, if the two sides fight, the Nine Heavenly Emperors may not be weak.

"A more powerful Imperial Realm.

Compared to the Ten Thousand Beginning Holy Emperor and the Empty Holy Emperor he had seen before, the strength of the Four Directions Heavenly Emperor was also much stronger.

"That's probably the difference in inheritance...

Gu Xuan thought in his heart.

He now suddenly realized that his current combat strength was probably able to fight against the weaker Imperial Realm, and if he was a little bigger, he was estimated to be invincible.

"It seems that I can't be too proud, after becoming the king, my strength has increased too much, and the whole person has swelled a little

At the very least, I will have to wait until I can fight against the level of the Five Directions Ghost Emperor and the Nine Heavens Emperor before I can continue to heal. "

Gu Xuan admonished himself in his heart.

If others knew what Gu Xuan was thinking at this time, it was estimated that they would be shocked and vomit blood.

After the King's Realm. If it weren't for the fact that the martial arts practiced by each other were really different, otherwise there would be no such thing as a cross-level challenge at all.

Not to mention the conquest of the imperial realm with the body of the king.

Gu Xuan was able to do this, he was already proud of himself, worthy of the name of the first day of genius in the history of the Tianxuan Continent.

And he was still thinking about how to compete with veteran Emperor Realm powerhouses like the Nine Heavens Emperor and the Five Directions Ghost Emperor in the King Realm, how could he not make people so angry that they vomited blood?

"That's right...

Gu Xuan suddenly remembered a little, and couldn't help but ask Su beside him: "Several great emperors are all emperor realm cultivators, Lord Xingjun should not have entered the emperor realm yet, how can he be worthy of the god position?"

Su Hu said with a smile: "Gu Tianjiao doesn't know that the throne not only represents a position, but also includes the inheritance in it, the resources that can be deployed on the throne, and so on.

Lord Xingjun has been in the royal realm for more than nine years, and he is only a foot away from the imperial realm.

If he can succeed to the throne of the White Emperor and get the inheritance of the Western White Emperor, it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to the imperial realm.

In fact, it is not only the position of several emperors, but also the position of the star monarchs of various departments, all of which are like this...

Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly shot out a strong thought essence.

No wonder, no wonder Dou Xingjun, as well as the Doubu Great Priest and others attach so much importance to these positions.

The original location is not only a location, but also represents heritage and resources.

Gu Xuan also finally understood where the opportunity for him to enter the Nine Heavens this time came from.

"In that case, it looks like there is something that I have to fight for...

Gu Xuan's eyes flowed, and he thought secretly in his heart.

"The rune conference will officially start soon, and I have thanked Gu Tianjiao on behalf of Lord Longhuan. After the matter is completed, I will personally recommend Gu Tianjiao to know Lord Longhuan, and Lord Longhuan will inevitably be thanked...

Su Hu pointed to a burly man on another warship and said to Gu Xuan with a smile.

Gu Xuan looked over and saw the middle-aged man nodding to him, it must be the dragon ring.

At this time, another sharp gaze suddenly fell on him.

Gu Xuan sensed and looked over, and found that a handsome gold-armored man was staring at him gloomily, his eyes were cold.

Gu Xuan didn't take it to heart, but turned his head and stopped looking.

With the advent of the Five Emperors' Throne, the ritual of the Divine Hunting Conference began to come to an end.

When the last trumpet sounded in the wind, an old priest-like man stood up and shouted tremblingly, "Rune, begin!"

Suddenly, the five thrones in the sky emitted a brilliant light of different colors.

The light converged at one point, and seemed to penetrate the Heavenly Palace of the Upper Xuantian.

A hole appeared in the Heavenly Palace, and then it grew bigger and bigger.

Soon, the hole expanded to hundreds of zhang in size.

Through the hole, you can see the vast void behind you, as well as the countless spatial turbulence that drifts with the current.

The voice of the old priest rang out again.

"Hunting the Void Beast of the Divine Realm, but (the money of the god has ten points.)

Hunting the Void Beast of the Life and Death Realm, you can get 100 points for Divine Hunting.

Hunting the King Realm Void Beast, you can get a thousand runes points...

For each realm, the points of value of different levels of void beasts are also divided in more detail.

And these Divine Hunt Points are not only used as bargaining chips for the final settlement of each department, but can also be used as personal redemption reward days to take photos

When the rules of the Rune Assembly were explained, the priest raised his hands and announced in a loud voice, "Please, warriors of all tribes, enter!"

"Please go to the hunting field!"

"Please go to the hunting field!"

The countless bereaved families watching below also shouted in unison.

Countless voices gathered together, mighty, shaking the void, and it was understood that it was the powerhouses of the King Realm who had a feeling of blood boiling in this atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, the chief priest of each ministry stepped down from the warship.

Doubu is no exception.

"Let's go!"

With Dou Xingjun's order, Gu Xuan, Su Hu and the others flew towards the huge hole in the sky together,

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