"Watch out for people from other tribes.

Although there was a rule of the General Assembly that it was strictly forbidden for the tribes to conquer each other. But out of the Nine Heavens, there were no emperors in the Endless Void to supervise them, and no one could guarantee what would happen.

Every time the rune is held, there will be a priest, and even the great priest will fall.

No one knows if these fallen people are lost in the void or die at the hands of their own people...

By the way, there is also a person with the name of the uncle. "。

Out of the Nine Heavens Barrier and outside the huge hole, Su Hu said a meaningful word to Gu Xuan, and then parted ways with him.

The priests and great priests of the Doubu and the rest of the tribes also dispersed.

To get the most out of it, it's best to split it up.

For Su Hu's reminder, Gu Xuan didn't pay too much attention to it.

He rose from the micro end, all the way to the present, and an experience is not a mountain of swords and a sea of fire.

Gu Xuan, who stepped on the white bones to rise, caution had long become an instinct engraved in his flesh and blood.


Gu Xuan's eyes suddenly flashed, and his gaze fell on the back of a person who was slowly moving away in the crowd in the distance.

"Yuan Jiansheng? "

Gu Xuan accidentally discovered Yuan Jiansheng's figure.

In his divine mind induction, the aura on the 797 Yuan Jiansheng's body was much stronger than the last time, and it was only one step away from the king realm.

Perhaps, this Divine Hunting Conference is an opportunity for him to advance to the royal realm.

"If Yuan Jiansheng can be promoted to the King Realm at this Rune Conference, he will be a thirty-year-old King Realm, and in the entire history of the Tianxuan Continent, he can only be behind me.

It is worthy of being a genius born in the great world..".

If there was no Gu Xuan's appearance, Yuan Jiansheng would be the real pride of this era, a trendy man.

The entire Tianxuan Continent will become a stage for him alone, just like what Gu Xuan saw in Xiao Chen's memory

It's a pity that he Gu Xuan crossed over.

The talent is as amazing as Yuan Jiansheng, and it will also dim under his light.

Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to anything else, and kept moving towards the void.

Along the way, he easily dodged the spatial turbulence wandering in the void and gradually deepened.

Suddenly, a strange-shaped monster with a body size of hundreds of zhang appeared in front of Gu Xuan's eyes.

This monster resembles a dragon but not a dragon, like a tiger but not a tiger, and its lower body is full of tentacles of different lengths, and its mouth is full of fangs.

"This is the Void Beast, isn't it?

Gu Xuan sensed that the aura emanating from this monster had reached the level of the late stage of the Life and Death Realm.

The Void Beast had apparently discovered Gu Xuan's existence.

The all-devouring instinct zone caused the Void Beast to let out a greedy roar towards Gu Xuan, and quickly swam towards it.

"It's good to come. "

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and the Ming Hong knife quietly appeared in his hand, bullying him.

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At the same time, the Nine Heavens are in the heavens.

Countless people are talking about it.

"Which of the gods are likely to win this time?" Doube, of course. The head is the best at conquest, among which the strong are like clouds, the number of great priests is the highest among all departments, and the dragon ring and Uncle Ji are all famous strong men in the sky." I don't think so. Someone sneered and retorted: "The overall strength of the Jin Department and the Thunder Department is only slightly worse than that of the Dou Department, and the Dou Department has always pressed the two of them, and the Doubu Xingjun and the Golden Department Lei Bu Xingjun have always had a grudge."

If Dou Xingjun is allowed to succeed to the position of White Emperor, he will still have a good life with these two parts in the future.

If you want me to say, the two departments of Jin Lei will join forces to fight against the head at this god hunting conference.

"No, the two departments of Jin Lei have never been of the same mind, and they can still join forces?..,

"It's hard to say..

The many remnants of the Xuantian Dynasty were discussing, speculating about the final outcome of the rune.

Before the rune time arrived, no one knew the result, so they could only play the mouth cannon to have fun.

At the same time, there is no fear within the void.

"The physical strength, speed, strength and other aspects are stronger than the demon beasts of the same level, and they also have a certain ability to control the turbulence of space, and the overall strength is not weak...

Gu Xuan put the Ming Hong knife back into the sheath.

The void beast in front of him had already turned into a corpse.

Not only that, the horned insect hands and minions on the virtual beast were all cut off by Gu Xuan, and even the body was cut into thousands of pieces of different sizes by Gu Xuan, and he died a very miserable death.

"Void Beast Demon Core...

Gu Xuan dug out a fist-sized crystal nucleus with a dark blue color from the body of the void beast and put it in his pocket.

This is the core of the power of the Void Beast, which contains a huge amount of demonic power, as well as some spatial power, but the power is very mixed and of little use to him.

This thing is mainly used to prove the value of the virtual beast and exchange it for rune points.

Gu Xuan continued to go deep into the void.

Along the way, he encountered many more Void Beasts.

The strength ranges from the realm of gods to the realm of life and death.

Because he already had a general understanding of the methods of the Void Beast, Gu Xuan didn't waste any more time, no matter what Void Beast he encountered, he would cut it off with one sword, take the core and leave.

It made Xuan feel regretful that he had killed no less than twenty virtual beasts, large and small, but he had not even encountered a single void beast above the king realm.

If he wants to win the Rune Conference and get a lot of Divine Hunting Points, for a great priest like him, the King Realm Void Beast is the main goal.

One is worth ten and a hundred virtual beasts performed by the gods of life and death, and the points come quickly.

"Are King Realm Void Beasts so rare?"

Gu Xuan sighed secretly and continued to move forward with his knife.

"This time, my Thunder Department and the Gold Department are secretly allied, and we will definitely suppress that fight...

Two men in the prime of life, with their large physiques and long purple hair, talked as they crossed the void.

"Indeed, I have long seen that the people in the Doubu group are unhappy, and they are arrogant on weekdays, and they look superior. "

"Well, don't say so much. We still kill a few more Void Beasts, not only to contribute to Lord Xingjun, but also to take this opportunity to save more resources for ourselves and prepare for the promotion to the King Realm. "

"Hmm. "

The two of them walked all the way, and when they found a void beast, they stepped forward and killed it together.

The two have obviously known each other for many years, and their tacit understanding with each other is enough to burst out with combat power far beyond the late stage of the ordinary life and death realm.


Suddenly, a strange roar caught the attention of the two.

The two followed the sound, and saw a terrifying beast nearly a thousand feet in size, like a giant whale, writhing and roaring.

"King Realm Beast?!"

The two of them suddenly changed color, and subconsciously wanted to escape.

The King Realm Void Beast is not a joke, if it attracts the hatred of the other party, it is difficult for both of them to explain here today.

There are quite a few priests who die in the fearless void at every rune meeting, and they are not inferior to the two of them.

"Wait, someone looks like it."

At this time, one of them suddenly stopped, looked fixedly at a place in front of him, and said to his companion.


The companion was surprised and went along with the other's hope.

Sure enough, below the terrifying King Realm Void Beast, there was a figure shrouded in sword light, struggling to fight the Void Beast.

"Good guy, who is this person?.",

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