Yuan Jiansheng struggled to slash out a sword in the direction of the three King Realm Void Beasts.

This sword light was as fragile as a piece of paper under the tentacles of the later King Realm Void Beast, and it was easily shattered.

The terrifying anti-shock power extended to Yuan Jiansheng's body, and his liver and gallbladder shook violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.


Yuan Jiansheng's face instantly turned as white as paper, and his body retreated in the void.

He had been in danger before, and he had never been more desperate than this one.

There is hardly a trace of life in sight, only to close your eyes and wait for death.

"I didn't expect my Yuan Jiansheng to die here, Aa...

Yuan Jiansheng showed a wry smile, but before he died, he calmed down, and even his sword heart seemed to have broken through.

However, these improvements have no impact on the upcoming crisis.

Just when Yuan Jiansheng was about to unleash his last and most brilliant blow before he died, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears with "Ninety-Eighty-Seven".

"He is worthy of being the pride of the times, the protagonist of the great world, and he is so lucky that he can meet three King Realm Void Beasts in one go.

Yuan Jiansheng was stunned for a moment.

A knee-jerk reaction in the mind.

Encountering three King Realm beasts at the same time is called good luck???

The next moment, Yuan Jiansheng saw a tall and majestic figure quietly appear in front of him.

Stand in front of him, holding a knife in his right hand.

The blade is snow-white, as white as jade.

Shadow raised the long knife in his hand and slashed it at the front.


In an instant, a little light appeared in front of Yuan Jiansheng's eyes.

The light expanded rapidly, dispersed into silvery-white auroras.

Countless auroras erupted from the knife, forming a spindle-shaped wire net.

Instantly enveloped all the Void Beasts.



The deafening roar of the Void Beast.

First of all, the three King Realm beasts were agitated, and countless horned insect hands danced wildly, shaking the void.

But this earth-shattering movement only lasted a few breaths.

Then, everything stands still.

All the void beasts froze, the silver mesh vanished, and everything seemed to have never appeared.

Next Breath... Birk: "Hmm...

Yuan Jiansheng's pupils contracted violently.

He saw that there was a vast group of Void Beasts in front of him, hundreds of Void Beasts, including three King Realm Void Beasts.

Thousands of feet of body were silently divided into pieces, as if they had been dismembered in an instant.

Hundreds of dark blue void beast crystal nuclei of different sizes appeared in the void, flying towards Yuan Jiansheng like a swallow returning to its nest.

In the end, it was in the hands of the majestic figure who had his back to Yuan Jiansheng.

Put the knife into the sheath and turn around.

Yuan Jiansheng's pupils reflected a handsome, cold and domineering figure.

The figure was condescending, looking down at him faintly.

Gu Xuan!

The name popped into Yuan Jiansheng's mind.

He froze in place.

After a few seconds, it was as if all the strength of his body had been drained, and he suddenly lost his face.



The two Thunder Priests who were watching from a distance were dumbfounded, their mouths wide open, and they stood in place stupidly, unable to say a word.

What do they see?

There were hundreds of them, and the great Void Beast Race led by the three King Realm Void Beasts was directly cut into countless pieces by a mysterious person's sword.


Kill the three king realms in seconds, hundreds of life and death realms!

Is this Nima still human?!

The two wondered if they had seen it wrong.

Rub your eyes vigorously to make sure you're not living in a dream.

"This.. Who is this person? His strength is terrifying!"

One of the Thunder Priests stammered.

The other was also completely confused.

"Isn't it Doubu Xingjun? But I've seen Douxingjun's honorable face, and I don't show it like this at all?"

"When did a great priest with such terrifying strength come out of the head?

Suddenly, one person reacted violently and exclaimed, "Isn't it, the one who single-handedly subdued all the geniuses of the young generation of the entire Nine Heavens a few years ago, known as the number one demon in the heavens and the earth?"

At that time, Dou Xingjun personally recruited him for three days. "

The other person took a deep breath and said with a shocked expression: "It should be right, it is said that this person was able to fight against the Elder of the Fire Department and Minister Lei at the same time with the body of life and death a few years ago.

Now that a few years have passed, it is not surprising that he has set foot in the royal realm. "

"But the combat power of this king realm, it's too terrifying, under the star monarch, who can compete with it?!"

The shock in the hearts of the two of them cannot be described in words.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't appreciate the domineering and amazing Gu Xuan's knife just now...

Under a knife, there is nothing to stop.

One knife clears the field, and all those who stand in the way will become dust.


The two of them took a deep breath, trying to calm their inner turmoil, like two fish that were dehydrated

Suddenly, the person in the distance seemed to be aware of the existence of the two of them, and glanced at them faintly.

The two of them instantly had numb scalps and hairs.

The horror and fear in his heart was dozens or hundreds of times greater than when the Void Beast Race appeared before.

"Let's go!"

"Don't mess with this killing god!".

The two reached a consensus almost instantly, and without saying a word, they turned around and left, not daring to stop even for a second.

Gu Xuan lightly retracted his gaze and scared away the two little insects that were watching.

He looked at Yuan Jiansheng in front of him again.

Yuan Jiansheng experienced this life and death, and his mood went to the next level, and a breakthrough to the king realm was just around the corner.

However, the knife he just made was too shocking, and the impact on him was too great.

It is estimated that a new layer of dust has been cast on his heart.

If he can't break through this shackle, he may not be able to break through the royal realm in his life.

In other words, even if Yuan Jiansheng broke through to the king realm, he would have to live under the shadow of his sword for the rest of his life.

"I'm very lonely.

Gu Xuan thought for a while, and said lightly to Yuan Jiansheng: "I'll wait for you on the road ahead." "

After speaking, Gu Xuan tore through the air, turned around and left.

This can be regarded as a little "encouragement" to Yuan Jiansheng.

Whether it will be useful or not, I don't know.

What Gu Xuan didn't see 4.6 was that after he left, Yuan Jiansheng, who had just been depressed and seemed to have lost all his heart, suddenly burst into a different kind of brilliance in his dim eyes.

"I'm very lonely. The road is very lonely..

Yuan Jiansheng kept repeating this sentence in his mouth, and the brilliance in his eyes became more and more prosperous.


With a dragon-like sword roar, Yuan Jiansheng's body suddenly rose with a sharp sword aura.

"Gu Xuan, I won't let you down.

"I, Yuan Jiansheng, how can I be weaker than anyone?"

"The road ahead awaits me!"

Yuan Jiansheng was full of energy, holding the sword in one hand, and rushed quickly in one direction.

His will had been recast, and the power in his heart had never been stronger.

"This time, I will definitely break through the king realm!"


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