Gu Xuan didn't know that his casual words had already become the biggest motivation for Jian Sheng to break through the King Realm.

Moreover, this sentence will become the internal driving force on the path of Yuan Jiansheng's martial arts cultivation for a long time to come.

But even if he knew, there was a high probability that he wouldn't take it to heart.

Gu Xuan never put extra energy on an opponent who had defeated him once.

A true genius will not look back, lest someone will catch up behind him.

They just need to focus on the person in front of them.

Gu Xuan said to encourage Yuan Jiansheng, but he just didn't want the Tianxuan Continent to lose a possible high-end combat power from now on.

After all, in Xiao Chen's memory, Yuan Jiansheng was the person who originally turned the tide, and he was extraordinary in his own right

"Three King Realm Beast Crystal Nuclei, dozens of Life and Death Realm Void Beast Crystal Nuclei, and some scattered Divine Realm Void Beast Crystal Nuclei, adding up to almost five or six thousand points...

Gu Xuan took a rough inventory of what he had gained so far, and he was not very satisfied.

For 26 ordinary people, this is already a very huge gain, but Gu Xuan aims at that incomparably brilliant golden opportunity, and the more rune points the better.

Gu Xuan continued to search for the traces of the Void Beast.

But the next luck was not so good, and most of the encounters were some virtual beasts in the Divine Realm and the Life and Death Realm.

The King Realm Void Beast had only encountered one, and it was terminated by Gu Xuan's casual knife.

With a good grasp of the mysteries of space, coupled with the acquisition of the Origin Seed of Space, Gu Xuan's attainments in the realm of space have already reached a height that is difficult for ordinary kings to achieve.

At the beginning, the Quasi-Sky Holy Emperor, who had won the Imperial Realm with the Dao of Space, was slightly inferior to him in this regard.

And in the fearless void, the lethality of the space knife path is extremely perverted, and against ordinary King Realm virtual beasts, Gu Xuan doesn't need to use a second sword.

As he continued to go deeper into the void, the strength of the void beasts that Gu Xuan encountered became stronger and stronger, and it was not uncommon to even have a few dozen or so void beasts in groups.

These unlucky void beasts naturally became the souls of his blades.


The mysterious silver sword light pierced the void, and a void beast worthy of stepping into the king realm didn't have time to let out its last roar before dying, and died under the Ming Hong sword.

Gu Xuan put away the Void Beast Crystal Nucleus and was preparing to look for the next wave.

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and he sensed that someone was approaching nearby.

And it's two.

Gu Xuan stood in place, quietly waiting for the two to approach.

Not long after, the void not far in front of Gu Xuan cracked, and the two figures walked out side by side from the void rift.

"Your own people?"

The two who appeared were obviously stunned when they found Gu Xuan, but their faces soon became playful.

"It's not my own people, it's people from the fighting department. Only the King Realm is double!"

These two people exuded a powerful aura that belonged to the four or five levels of the royal realm, and their expressions were flamboyant.

"It's just a double king, and you dare to go deep into here alone,

One of the two stepped forward and sneered at Gu Xuan: "It's not good for you to meet us." As a fellow person of the Nine Heavens, it is not difficult for us to do it for you, as long as you don't hand over all the Void Beast Crystal Nuclei on your body. With that, the other person quietly walked a few steps to the side, and the domain on his body let go silently, slowly locking the void. Obviously, it was to prevent Gu Xuan from escaping.

Gu Xuan felt the aura emanating from the two of them, and said, "You are all the great priests?" The other side sneered: "What, you still want to remember what we look like, and the autumn queen will settle accounts with us?"

As he spoke, both of them sneered.


Gu Xuan shook his head and said calmly, "I just want to know who I'm about to kill." "


When the two of them heard Gu Xuan's words, they were all stunned, blinking their eyes and wondering if they had heard it wrong.

Then the expressions of the two became strange, and they looked at each other, and one of them couldn't help but mutter: "Is this kid having a problem with his brain, could it be that he is a fool of the king realm?!"

"Whatever he does...

The other said indifferently: "Rob him and then say... What about it...

Before the man could finish speaking, his eyes suddenly widened.

I saw a brilliant silver sword light rapidly enlarge in his eyes.

He subconsciously wanted to dodge, but the silver sword light penetrated the distance of space in an instant and reached him.

"Damn it!"

This person roared angrily, and the powerful realm belonging to the King Realm came out of his body.

Then it was quickly slashed like a ball under the silver knife light.


The sword light flashed, and a narrow and shocking black mark was drawn in the void behind the person

The man's body froze, his expression was stunned, and his eyes were round.

Next breath.

A red line appeared in the center of the man's eyebrows, and then quickly descended, until it silently split in half.

The fivefold realm of the king, death!

Even the divine soul did not escape, and was directly strangled by Gu Xuan's sword qi.

Spanning the three realms to kill is as simple as eating and drinking water for netizens with the three origin seeds.

From the appearance of the sword light to the death of this great priest of the Golden Department, it was only a few breaths of time.

The other Grand Priest of the Golden Ministry didn't even react, and all he saw was the same corpse divided into two

"You, you, you...

This person suddenly woke up, and his face instantly showed an extremely shocked and unbelievable look, and the whole person subconsciously retreated suddenly, looking at Gu Xuan's eyes as if he was looking at some kind of monster.

I thought I had met a lone sheep, but I never thought that this was clearly a man-eating tiger in sheep's clothing!137.

"Who the hell are you?!"

The man finally let out his voice, so frightened and shocked that his voice was distorted.

"Someone will tell you if you're dead. "

Gu Xuan's expression was indifferent, and the powerful domain spread out, locking the other party firmly, and then another sword light was made

After a while, Gu Xuan took off the storage props on the two of them and began to check them.

He has a nerve-eating body, and he can look through the memories of the two of them at will, and there is no secret to him at all where the storage props on the two of them are hidden.

"Two King Realm Void Beast Crystal Nuclei, as well as some Life and Death Realm and Divine Realm Void Beast Crystal Nuclei...

Added up to a total of thousands of Divine Hunting points, Gu Xuan was quite satisfied.

After all, it was much easier to kill two Great Priests who were caught off guard than it was to kill two angry King Realm Void Beasts.

"I hope that more guys who don't have long eyes will take the initiative to send them to the door..",

Gu Xuan put away the things on the two of them, muttered to himself, and continued to move forward.

At the same time, somewhere in the void.

A burly and majestic man was looking at the two people in front of him with an ugly face, and said in a cold voice: "Do you think it's useful to stop me?" In addition to my Dragon Ring, there is also Uncle Ji's name, and the two members of your Jinbu Star Monarch will be dragged by me alone, and you still have to lose...

Maybe even cheap others for nothing...

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