In front of the burly man, the two figures whose aura was not inferior to him stood on the left and the right, faintly forming a stronghold, locking him firmly.

One of them sneered: "You don't need to worry about it, Lord Xingjun of my department has his own arrangements."

Long Huan's face changed suddenly, and he said, "Uncle Ji, you also sent someone? No, apart from the two of you and Jin Xingjun, who else can keep Uncle Ji's name? Could it be...

"Don't think about it so much, it's easiest to be a dead man...

The two great priests of the Golden Ministry snorted coldly, and at the same time deceived themselves.

The dragon ring roared, and the three of them fought together in an instant.

The terrifying power spread all around, and the void in a radius of thousands of miles shook endlessly.


"The organic edge line appears.

Gu Xuan, who was walking in the void, suddenly moved his eyes.

He was surprised to see a line of chance extending from the void in front of him, all the way to him.

The color of this chance line is pale gold, although it is not as bright as the chance line of the Divine Hunt Conference, almost close to seven colors, but it is also a rare golden chance.

"What chance awaits me in the void?"

Gu Xuan's heart was filled with a hint of excitement, and he did not hesitate to follow the Dao Chance Line and fly over quickly.

I don't know how long I chased it, Gu Xuan's divine mind suddenly sensed the existence of two figures in front of him.

Although these two figures do not represent chance, they happen to be on the way to the line of chance.

Interestingly, these two Gu Xuan happened to know each other.

"Is that him?"

Gu Xuan's eyes moved, and he continued to move forward with a calm face.

"How many Divine Hunting Points is the Void Beast Crystal Nucleus on our body worth now?"

In the void, Uncle Ji, who was wearing golden armor, asked the great priest beside him in a deep voice.

The middle-aged-looking Great Divine Officer counted the storage rings and replied, "Lord Hui, there are more than 5,400 crystal nuclei of Divine Hunting Points in total.

A smile appeared on the middle-aged Grand Priest's face and said, "My lord, this is already better than any previous realm. "

Uncle Ji frowned, and said lightly: "In any previous rune conference, it has never been linked to the position of the Star Monarch and the position of the White Emperor. "

The middle-aged archpriest sneered and didn't speak.

Uncle Ji said with a cold gaze: "This time we not only want to overpower the dragon ring, but also surpass him as much as possible, go on, and don't let go of any of the void beasts along the way." "

"Yes. "

The middle-aged Grand Priest nodded respectfully.

The two of them had just stopped talking, and suddenly their faces moved.

The two subconsciously glanced at each other.

Uncle Ji handed the middle-aged chief priest a look, and the latter immediately understood, and disappeared in place.

Soon, the middle-aged priest reappeared.

His expression was a little strange, and he leaned up to Uncle Ji and said a few words in a low voice.

Uncle Ji raised his eyebrows, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"What a coincidence?..

Uncle Ji's expression changed for a while, and then he became cold, and said, "Let's go up and meet first, speaking of which, this great priest Gu, who is known as the pride of the first day of heaven, I haven't dealt with him well yet?"

After speaking, Uncle Ji sneered, and strode with the middle-aged great priest waiting quietly in the void.

Not long after, a figure appeared in Uncle Ji's field of vision.

It was a handsome young man in a black robe.

As soon as it appeared, it seemed to become the center of heaven and earth. The dazzling grace illuminates the dark void.

Even though he was quite dissatisfied with this person in his heart, Ji Shuming couldn't help but applaud the other party's demeanor a few times.

What a peerless character!

Ji Shuming retracted his thoughts, narrowed his eyes slightly, a sneer hooked up at the corner of his mouth, and looked at each other coldly with his hands on his chest.

The black-robed young man also discovered the existence of Uncle Ji's name, but there was no surprised expression on his face, he just stopped and looked at him calmly.

"It's such a coincidence that I was able to meet the strongest genius of my Dou Department, Divine Officer Gu, here.

Uncle Ji said with a smile.

Gu Xuan didn't speak, but just glanced past Uncle Ji and looked in the other direction.

Uncle Ji's eyes showed a little anger, and the smile on his face disappeared, and he said coldly: "Great Priest Gu doesn't even want to say hello when he meets this seat, it seems that the rumors from the outside world that Great Priest Gu has taken refuge in Longhuan are true...

As soon as Uncle Ji said this, the aura on his body became cold.

The middle-aged great priest next to him also rose with momentum, and slowly pressed towards Gu Xuan.

And Gu Xuan didn't seem to have any sense of the momentum of the two, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said to Uncle Ji, "Are you Uncle Ji?"

Uncle Ji said coldly: "Is it the first time you know this seat?"

Gu Xuan shook his head, then pointed in one direction and said seriously: "I just want to remind you that there are a few people over there who are rushing here, as if they are looking for you." "


Uncle Ji looked stunned, and subconsciously looked in the direction Gu Xuan pointed.

The divine thought quickly extended, searching a void back and forth, but no one was found.

Uncle Ji frowned, and snorted coldly, "You want me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a rampant laughter in his ears.

"Haha, Uncle Ji, it turns out that you are hiding here, but let's find it easily...

Uncle Ji's face changed suddenly, and he watched several figures walk out of the void.

At present, the two of them are all the strength of the sixth or seventh level of the king realm, and there are two fifth levels of the king realm next to them.

The four of them were surrounded by thunder and lightning, and their bodies exuded a violent and ferocious aura.

"The people of the thunder department?!"

Uncle Ji let out a low sigh, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

But there was something else that shocked him the most.

Gu Xuangang reminded him that someone had come to him for trouble, could it be that the strength of Gu Xuan's divine thoughts, which was only two in the king realm, was actually stronger than him?

Of course, this is not possible!

Then, Gu Xuan can find out that the people from the Thunder Department are coming one step ahead of him, and the only explanation is only,

Uncle Ji turned his head sharply and stared at Xuan fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you Gu Xuan, I thought you had taken refuge in the Dragon Ring, but I didn't expect that you had taken refuge in the Thunder Department."

You villain who eats inside and out.

Obviously, Uncle Ji regarded Gu Xuan as a spy lurking in the Dou Ministry, and colluded with the Lei Ministry's internal and external alliances to ambush him

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed.

I kindly reminded Uncle Ji of his name, but he didn't expect him to turn around and recognize himself as a villain.

After thinking about it, Gu Xuan didn't bother to explain.

The four Great Divine Officers of the Thunder Department sneered and looked at Ji Shuming and the others, and their powerful momentum was entangled together, directly blocking this piece of void.

Ji Shuming's face was extremely difficult to see, and he didn't need to ask him to know what the other party was coming for this time.

And the middle-aged priest beside him was even more frightened, and his face was as white as paper.

If nothing else, the two of them must be more and less lucky today. 」

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