In an instant, Uncle Ji's name fell into a dead end.

He looked at the four Thunder Priests in front of him with an ugly face.

Two of the four cultivators were not below him, and one of them brought him a faintly powerful sense of oppression.

The Seven Realms of the King's Realm!

As long as this person makes a move, Uncle Ji can only run away in embarrassment, and coupled with the six-fold Wang Realm next to him, Uncle Ji has no chance to escape.

As for the other two Wang Realm Fivefolds, they should be to deal with the middle-aged great priest beside him.

The people of the Thunder Department have made up their minds not to give them the slightest chance of surviving the Nine Heavens.

"Damn it!"

Thinking of this, Uncle Ji jumped violently, and couldn't help but glare at Gu Xuan fiercely.

"It's all because of this despicable villain who eats inside and out!"

At this time, he had already decided that Gu Xuan was the spy planted in the Doubu by the Lei Ministry, and he hated Gu Xuan to eat his flesh and soak his skin.

At the same time, the four people of the Thunder Department were also secretly communicating their divine senses.

"The people from the Golden Department of the Dragon Ring have gone to solve it, and Uncle Ji basically can't run now, this matter has been completed!"

"Haha, it is estimated that the people of the Doubu will not be killed, we need the Ministry to join forces with the Jinbu!"

"Xingjun is ambitious, first join forces with Jin to kick out the strongest Doubu, and then compete with the two. This will greatly increase the chances of our thunder department winning in the end 2017.

"Anyway, I don't know who this kid is out of nowhere?

A Thunder Great Priest pointed at Gu Xuan suspiciously.

The strongest of the four people in the Thunder Department, the sevenfold powerhouse of the King Realm, glanced at Gu Xuan, and said disapprehantly: "It is estimated that when will the Dou Department receive the new Great Priest." Don't worry about him, it's just a double king, and it won't have any impact on us, so we can solve it later. "

"Hmm. "

The other three nodded, and the aura on their bodies surged up for a while, and they were ready to do it at any time.

At this time, Gu Xuan didn't pay attention to these people at all.

Gu Xuan's eyes fell on a void, and the light in his eyes flickered.

In his divine perception, an incomparably powerful divine thought was rapidly approaching here.

And the golden line of chance he had seen before also became more and more brilliant as this divine thought approached.

The two groups of Priest Lei and Uncle Ji are still talking.

Uncle Ji, you will die obediently, and wait for my Lei Xingjun to ascend to the position of the White Emperor. We will definitely provide you with an immortal tablet, and in the next life, I can be a person from my thunder department, maybe I can meet again..

If you want to kill my uncle, don't even think about going back today!"

It's closer..

The more light in Gu Xuan's eyes grew, staring at the void of usefulness, and the Ming Hong Sword also quietly appeared in his hand.

"I don't know what to lift, so let's die!"

"Do it!" Lingyuan Law on Feilu Novel Network

It's closer..

Gu Xuan could almost see that a huge bubble was being lifted up by a terrifying force everywhere in the void, as if something was about to burst out of the air.

And Lei, Ji Shuming and others also noticed the slightest mistake at this moment. It seems that some great crisis is about to befall them. Everyone's heart gave birth to a burst of terror for no reason.

"What's going on?"

"What's the situation?"

Several King Realm powerhouses looked around, all of them showing a look of surprise on their faces.

The next moment:


The calm sea suddenly stirred up angry waves.

A void shattered, and a massive whale head slammed out of the void.

The terrifying momentum poured down like a mountain and a tsunami, directly shattering large areas of the void.

The giant whale void beast only had half of its head poking out of the void, but it already occupied most of the void, and the head alone was no less than ten thousand zhang, plus the body that was still in the black hole, God knows how long it could be tens of thousands of zhang.


When the Thunder Ministers, Ji Shuming and the others saw this terrifying virtual beast, they were all frightened and terrified.

"Oh my God, what is this?!"

"Emperor, Emperor Realm Beast?!"

"No, if it's an Emperor Realm Void Beast, just the momentum can crush us It's a Quasi-Emperor Realm!

Several of the Great Priests of the Thunder Department screamed in shock, their faces as white as earth.

"Run, run!"

Where did a few people return to the purpose of Guanjuato's previous coming, and without hesitation, they wanted to tear the void and escape.

But then the dreaded beast opened its mouth and let out a silent roar.

From its mouth, a brilliant silver light spread out, and in an instant, it spread throughout the entire void.

Under this silver light, the void was frozen at once.

The great priests in the void instantly felt like flying insects in amber, not to mention tearing the void and escaping, it was extremely difficult to move.

Immediately after, a terrifying suction force came from the terrifying beast's mouth, and everyone involuntarily moved towards the direction of the abyssal giant mouth.

This beast clearly treats everyone as delicious food, and wants to devour it all in one bite.

"It's over, it's over...

A thunder priest's face turned pale, and he muttered in despair as he struggled to support himself under the suction

"Quasi-Emperor Realm Void Beast, even if the Star Monarch is here, he may not be able to escape, let alone us, we are all going to die here today!"

The faces of the others were equally ugly.

One of them couldn't help it", Uncle Ji roared angrily: "Damn Uncle Ji, it's all your fault, if you didn't have to stay here, we wouldn't have encountered a quasi-emperor realm beast foraging for food!"

"Grass mud horse!"

Uncle Ji was so famous that he scolded directly: "A few of you bastards from the Thunder Department came to kill Lao Tzu, and now you are in a dead state and you still blame me?!" He deserves to be buried with Lao Tzu!".

A group of people scolded, or blamed each other, or struggled desperately.

But even if they tried their best to do it, they still couldn't stop the trend of their bodies constantly sliding into the abyss.

At this moment, a figure suddenly and quickly passed by them.

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a handsome young man rushing towards the position of the giant mouth of the virtual beast.

"It's that kid!"

Uncle Ji was shocked, but his heart quickly flooded with nine points of happiness.

"Yes, this kid's cultivation is the lowest, so naturally he is the first one who can't support it, and he will be eaten by the virtual beast!"

But the next moment, Uncle Ming's expression froze, as if he had seen an extremely incredible scene, and his eyes widened suddenly.

I saw that when Gu Xuan was about to enter the Void Beast Giant Mouth, his body suddenly stopped, and then the long knife in his hand was raised, aiming at the position of the Void Beast Giant Mouth.


In the next moment, a dim sword light rose up.

In just an instant, the void was split in two.

The amber was sliced open from it, and everyone felt their bodies suddenly loosen.

Then, in their eyes.

A cold scene of the Nine Hells slowly spreads out.

In the Great Void, a hint of reincarnation spreads rapidly.

"Nine Shadows Sword Dao - Reincarnation!

A huge roar erupted from the mouth of the terrifying void beast, and it was immediately overwhelmed by the sword light...

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