There is the Lingxiao Heavenly Court guarded by the South Heaven.

There is a very prosperous royal court in the world.

There is an eerie and treacherous court of the underworld.

There is a crystal clear glacial royal court....

Patches of magnificent visions of the Divine Court emerged in the void.

No matter what kind of heavenly vision, it exudes a terrifying aura of supremacy, supremacy, and self-esteem.

And in this magnificence, Gu Xuan hunted in black robes and strolled out.

is like the only emperor in these countless divine courts.

He is in the midst of countless divine court guards, like the only emperor and the only yang.

With a knife in one hand, slowly slash down.

With the slashing of this knife, countless divine courts roared down.

In an instant, the eyes of countless onlookers in the audience widened, and their expressions were terrified and terrified.

I don't know how many people knelt down directly in this unimaginable terrible coercion, kowtowing in fear.

Even the several great thrones located above the Heavenly Dome were shocked, and a huge amount of divine thoughts fell to explore back and forth.


After a knife, the sky was clear.

When everyone recovered from the great shock and shock, and looked at the scene in front of them, everything before was long gone.

It's like the earth-shattering scene of the Heavenly Divine Court, just a dream for everyone.

In the huge field, you can only see a road of lying or standing, or half-kneeling, showing the embarrassed figure.

These people are all respected by one department, enjoying the position of the star king, and they are high above and walking in the clouds on weekdays.

Now, he shrank on the ground like a lost dog, looking at the top of his head with a shocked face.

Above their heads, stood a handsome young man in black robes.

The black robe on the young man's body danced in the wind, and he stood with a knife in one hand, exuding a terrifying aura of self-esteem in the heavens and on the earth.

The snow-white long knife in the young man's hand trembled slightly, and the tip of the knife pointed at the stars below.

The Star Monarch powerhouses who were held against the tip of the knife all avoided with their eyes dodged, or lowered their heads with fear on their faces.

Gu Xuan looked at these people and spoke: "Today I am the White Emperor of the West, who else is not convinced?"

"Today I am the White Emperor of the West, who else is not convinced?"

"Who else is not convinced?"

"Who is not convinced?"

The flat voice echoed in the heavenly vault like thunder.

Everyone looked stunned.

There was no answer.

The corners of Gu Xuan's mouth pulled up a touch of arc, no longer looking down, looking up at the top of his head.

There are five thrones.

Gu Xuan's gaze lingered for a moment on the top throne, and finally landed on the throne in the west.

Rise into the air.



Step by step towards the throne.

Above the heavenly dome, three huge divine thoughts suddenly fell from the remaining three thrones.

Gu Xuan's eyes flashed, and the powerful divine thoughts that belonged to him, comparable to the real imperial realm, came out of his body, and he confronted the three divine thoughts without fear.

The three divine thoughts lingered for a moment, and then retreated little by little.


has recognized Gu Xuan's existence.

Gu Xuan continued to ascend to the sky.

Go all the way to the throne on the west side.

The throne is white gold.

The throne is outlined with many complex and mysterious patterns, noble and extraordinary.

On the armrest on the right side of the throne, there is also a magnificent white gold sword diagonally inserted.

Gu Xuan glanced at it, and then slowly sat down on the throne.

As he sat down, the entire Upper Xuantian seemed to shake slightly.

Gu Xuan, who was on the throne, looked down and said calmly: "Today, I am... The White Emperor of the West. "


With the sound of these words, the heavenly dome of the upper Xuantian suddenly shone brightly.

White-gold light spread all over the Xuantian.

And all the weapons of the entire Upper Xuantian were trembling wildly with this sound.

They are cheering, they are celebrating, they are worshipping...

Return of your own monarch!

The expressions of the tens of thousands of remnants of the Xuantian Dynasty were shocked, their faces showed a deep look of respect, they leaned down and shouted in unison: "See the White Emperor!"

"See the White Emperor!"

"See the White Emperor!"

Countless voices converged and echoed in the sky of the Heavenly Heavens, for a long time....


Gu Xuan, the former great god of the Doubu, defeated the Doubu Xingjun in the Divine Hunting Conference and became the new Doubu Xingjun.

After that, with the power of one person, he defeated all the star monarchs of the rest of the tribes and became the new White Emperor of the West.

When the Divine Hunt Conference ended, the news spread like a hurricane throughout the Nine Heavens.

The Nine Heavens Shake!

The White Emperor who is less than thirty years old!

The youngest and most legendary Western White Emperor in the history of the Nine Heavens!

Just when everyone was talking about this new White Emperor, Gu Xuan was counting his gains.

Upper Pole Heaven, White Emperor Palace.

The upper triple heaven of the ninefold heaven.

Ascending Xuantian, Ascending Pole Heaven, Ascending Yuantian.

The Upper Xuantian is where the Star Monarchs and the Divine Officials are located, and the Upper Extreme Heaven is where the Imperial Palaces of the Four Directions are located.

As for the topmost Shangyuan Heaven, it is said that only the Nine Heavenly Emperors are eligible to move in.

Now that the position of the Emperor of Heaven is vacant, Shangyuan Heaven is naturally empty.

"What a rich aura concentration..."

Gu Xuan was located in the huge White Emperor Palace, and he could see with the naked eye that the spiritual energy condensed into liquid, condensed into frost, and turned into a stream gurgling under his feet.

Such a concentration of aura cannot even be reached in a first-grade holy land.

But if you think about it carefully, the entire Heaven and Earth Aura of the Upper Pole Heaven has been divided by the Four Great Emperors' Palace, and it can be understood.

The position of the White Emperor has been vacant for many years, and his qualifications as the new White Emperor are pitifully young, and it is estimated that such a concentration of aura is still barren.

God knows what the situation is like in the palace of the other three emperors.

Gu Xuan didn't care about this, but began to count the gains of his trip.

The first one is the token of Doubu Xingjun.

The token of Doubu Xingjun not only represents the identity of Doubu Xingjun, but also contains the inheritance of Doubu's highest combat technique that only Doubu Xingjun is qualified to access.

This part of the inheritance has long been accepted by Gu Xuan.

It is about the deep opening of the Nine Great Avenue Palace, as well as the ancient technique of stimulating the potential of the physical body.

This inheritance is of some help to Gu Xuan to tap the potential of his divine body, and he can study it well in the future.

Then, it is the inheritance that belongs to the White Emperor.

Gu Xuan's gaze shifted and landed on his right hand.

On his right hand side are two weapons.

A knife, a sword.

The blade is snow-white, the blade is as thin as a cicada's wings, and a trace of edge and aura circulates on the blade.

The sword is platinum, gorgeous and magnificent, and the sword body seems to contain endless blood light and killing intent.

Whether it is a knife or a sword, it is a first-class divine weapon between heaven and earth.

Gu Xuan's eyes flickered, and he reached out to pick up the platinum long sword in front of him.

The inheritance of the White Emperor exists in this White Emperor sword.


Ming Hongdao let out a burst of unwilling trembling sounds, as if he was dissatisfied because he was afraid that Gu Xuan would have a new love, and he was a little jealous.

Gu Xuanwan gently patted Ming Hongdao to calm down his emotions.

Then, he gently pulled out the magnificent platinum sword....

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