
With the long sword unsheathed, a clear dragon roar sounded in the main hall.

A cold, sharp aura instantly filled the entire hall.

In an instant, all the blades hidden in Gu Xuan's storage space were buzzing.

Gu Xuan could feel that these blades were trembling.

It was a kind of fear when a courtier met a king.

It's as if the Heavenly Sword Dao behaved when it sensed his presence.


The Ming Hong Knife, which had just subsided, jumped up suddenly, shining brightly in the void, and an astonishing sword aura bloomed from the body of the Ming Hong Knife.

Unlike the rest of the blades.

Ming Hongdao reveals a strong disobedience, as well as a challenge that is eager to try.


The platinum long sword suddenly became angry, and released a brilliant sword light that shot straight towards the Ming Hong sword.

This sword light was full of murder and coldness.

The following offenders, rebels and thieves, die!

Ming Hongdao did not show weakness, and also turned the blade, and was about to fight it.

But at this moment, a white and slender palm suddenly appeared, gently grabbed the blade of the platinum long sword, and pressed it hard.

"For my soldiers, how dare you be presumptuous!"

Gu Xuan snorted coldly, and the three major sword paths in his body were running, and he forcibly suppressed the platinum long sword.

The Ming Hung Knife is his companion knife, accompanying him from the rise of the micro end all the way to the present.

He is reasonable and reasonable, and he should be eccentric.

The platinum long sword was suppressed by Gu Xuan's three major swords, and he couldn't move, and after struggling, he chose to give up and fell silent.

The countless swords in the storage space also stopped.

It's as if nothing ever happened.

And Ming Hongdao saw that the platinum long sword was deflated, cheered, and flew to Gu Xuan's side, rubbing back and forth, looking extremely intimate.

It seems that he deliberately wanted the platinum sword to see how amazing it was with the support of its owner.

Gu Xuan's expression was cold, he held down the platinum long sword, and continued to look.

The platinum sword is extremely gorgeous, and I don't know who it is made of or what material it is made of.

On the body of the sword, there were still traces of blood, and Gu Xuan could clearly feel the powerful aura remaining in the bloodstains.

This sword has drunk the blood of the Imperial Realm!

And more than one!

When it comes to rank, this sword is still above Minghong.

Gu Xuan thought about it, and then released his divine thoughts, and slowly leaned into the platinum long sword.

Since the White Emperor is inherited in the matching sword, it is estimated that it is hidden in the sword, and only the divine soul can detect it.

Just when Gu Xuan's divine thoughts were about to touch the long sword, a sudden change occurred!

A black vortex suddenly appeared on the long sword, and a terrifying suction force came out from the whirlpool, sucking the untouchable Gu Xuan's soul into it...


At the same time, Shang Yuan Tian.

Heavenly Emperor's Palace.

In the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, a supreme and noble throne is located in the middle, but now the throne is empty and no one sits.

And at the head of the throne, there are four thrones.

On each of the three thrones sat a figure.

These three figures breathed like an abyss.

A blazing fire, three points stronger than the scorching sun, and countless traces of fire appeared and disappeared around the body.

A deep sea, emitting a deep cold air that has lasted more than 10,000 years of glaciers, and it seems that even the eyes can freeze.

A verdant green tree, revealing vitality, anyone can feel the vast vitality of its Wang Yang.

The three figures couldn't see their faces clearly, and could only feel the powerful momentum emanating from their bodies.

All of them enter the emperor's realm!

"I didn't expect that the position of the White Emperor would be taken by a person from the six-fold realm of the first district, which is really surprising...."

The cyan figure spoke slowly, and his voice was like that of an old man, calm and steady.

The red figure next to him immediately snorted coldly, and made a voice like a bell, and said: "And it's not a person from my Ninefold Heavenly God Clan, if you want to see it from this seat, it is better to abolish it one day and re-establish a new White Emperor..."

"That's not going to be..."

The cyan figure shook his head and said, "Although this person only has the sixth level of the king realm, he can't live in the normal king realm. I have found out that this son is the protagonist of this great world, and his qualifications are strong, and he is the best in ancient and modern times.

It's not necessarily a good thing to be able to use us now...

Besides, the White Emperors of the past dynasties were not all natives of the Nine Heavens. "

The red figure was silent, seemingly persuaded by the cyan figure.

At this time, the black figure who had been silent said lightly: "It's naturally a good thing that the protagonist of the Great World can be used by us, but it is precisely because he is the protagonist of the Great World that this seat is a little worried...

There are too many variables in the Child of Destiny, and everything may not be as we envision.

Don't forget, it's been active for thousands of years..."

The black figure pointed to the top of his head, which was meaningful.

The cyan figure said lightly: "It's okay, although this Fang Tiandao is obvious, many things can't interfere too much."

You know best what is hidden in the White Emperor's sword.

I don't believe that a mere king realm, even a king realm whose combat power is close to the emperor realm, can have the ability to break free. "

"Yes. "

The black figure nodded, seeming to agree with the cyan figure's statement.

"Since you all think it's okay, then I don't have anything to say. "

The red figure stood up directly and said, "The people of the underworld are eyeing this realm, this is the top priority..."

The cyan and black figures nodded.

The three figures disappeared into the hall almost simultaneously.

In the huge Heavenly Emperor Palace, only five thrones are left empty.


Gu Xuan opened his eyes and found that he had arrived in a strange space.

This space was filled with white-gold light, and the sword qi was vertical and horizontal, like an incomparably huge sword cage.

"This should be the space inside the White Emperor's sword, and I am now entering the Divine Soul Body..."

Gu Xuan looked at the surrounding situation calmly, thinking secretly in his heart.

At this moment, a flash of golden light suddenly appeared in the void in front of him, and large swaths of platinum light gathered together, and finally converged into a figure.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a white and gold imperial robe.

The man is handsome, his sword eyebrows fly obliquely into his sideburns, and his eyes are as sharp as a sword's edge.

"I am the White Emperor of the Nine Heavens West, who are you?"

The man in the emperor robe looked down at Gu Xuan condescendingly and spoke slowly.

The sound was as majestic as thunder, echoing in the vast space.

Gu Xuan didn't answer, just looked at the man in the emperor robe lightly, and at the same time looked around.


The man in the emperor robe suddenly became angry and shouted, "I am talking to you, don't you hear?"

With the anger of the emperor-robed man, the entire platinum space also trembled, and it seemed to change with the joy and anger of the emperor-robed man.

Gu Xuan's brows furrowed slightly, and he said to the emperor-robed man, "You are too noisy. "

As he spoke, the Ming Hong knife in his hand suddenly slashed out.

An extremely brilliant sword light pierced the void.

The man in the emperor robe changed color instantly, but before he could react, he was directly cut in half by the sword light.

"Rebel thief, you damn it! Damn it...."

The emperor-robed man who was split in two couldn't help roaring angrily, his face was distorted, and he glared at Gu Xuan fiercely, and then his figure gradually dissolved....

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