Uncle Ji lowered his head, step by step, and walked into the palace with great respect and humility.

As he entered the main hall, he sneaked a glimpse of the figure perched high on the throne.

It was a handsome man of great youth.

Wearing a white and gold imperial robe, he is extremely graceful and dignified.

The man's eyes were indifferent, his eyebrows were sharp, and he was beside him with a strange long knife that was as white as fat, and he was holding a gorgeous long sword in his hand and playing with it casually.

A momentum of self-esteem emanating from the sky and the earth emanated from the man, pressing Uncle Ji's name almost suffocated.

At the moment when he witnessed the death of the quasi-emperor realm void beast in the hands of a man, Uncle Ji had this expectation, and now the expectation has become a reality, and for a while, Uncle Ji has a feeling of being in a trance.

"Uncle Ji's name..."

An indifferent voice came down from the platinum throne, and Uncle Ji woke up suddenly, and he knelt down in a hurry, and shouted in fear and respect: "Uncle Ji, see His Majesty the White Emperor." "

Gu Xuan glanced at Uncle Ji's name lightly, and said, "Do you know what I summoned you for?"

Uncle Ji replied honestly: "I don't know." "

Gu Xuan casually took out a token and threw it in front of Uncle Ji.

Uncle Ji raised his eyes, and a huge word "fight" came into the eyes of Uncle Ji.

Doube Xingjun Token!

Ji Shuming's heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his head next.


Gu Xuan said slowly: "I intend to let you take over the position of the Star Monarch of the Doubu." "

A great ecstasy and excitement surged in Uncle Ji's heart, but he took a deep breath and said calmly: "Thank you Your Majesty for your appreciation, but..."

Ji Shuming said in a bitter tone: "Uncle Ji thinks that he is not qualified for the position of Doubu Star Monarch in his own talents, I am afraid that it will be difficult to convince the public, and I hope Your Majesty will think twice." "

"It's okay..."

Gu Xuan said lightly: "The original Doubu Xingjun was injured by me, and it will take at least a few years to fully recover. You can take advantage of this time to support your cronies, establish your prestige, and sit firmly in the position of Star Monarch..."


Uncle Ji had a wry smile on his face.

Having said that, he knew the most about his situation, and how could the gap between him and the original Doubu Star Monarch Chao Jie be smoothed out in just a few years.

"Don't worry..."

Gu Xuan saw his concerns and said, "Since I can let you sit in this position, there is naturally a way to make you sit firmly." "

As he spoke, Gu Xuan raised his hand.

A white and slender index finger stretched out from under the wide platinum emperor's robe, ignoring the distance of space, and gently nodded towards Uncle Ji.

Uncle Ji was suddenly startled, and in an instant, he felt that everything in the hall in front of him was quickly far away from him, and only that index finger was left in the whole world.

There is no way to avoid it.

But there's no need to dodge.

If Gu Xuan wanted to kill him, he would not be able to escape.

He simply calmed down, closed his eyes, and let the index finger point at his eyebrows.

A flood of memories passed into Uncle Ji's mind.

It contains a lot of insights into the mysteries of martial arts.

Uncle Ji swept his name roughly, and he felt that it was of great benefit to him.

If you can absorb and digest it all, the road ahead should be a smooth road.

At this time, Uncle Ji didn't know the purpose of Gu Xuan's move, this was clearly ....

gave him a great creation, so that he could completely sit in the position of the Doubu Star Monarch.

Uncle Ji held back the excitement in his heart, took a deep breath, and kowtowed in submission.

"Uncle Ji, thank you for your advice, Uncle Ji, from now on, Uncle Ji should go to the soup for His Majesty, and he will never give up!"

Gu Xuan nodded slightly.

He just picked out a part of the intentional perception of Uncle Ji's martial arts in all the memory inheritances of the White Emperors of the past dynasties and instilled them in the other party.

These insights are dispensable to him, but for Ji Shuming, they are enough to level the distance between him and Chao Jie, the star monarch of the original Doubu.

After all, no matter what, this part of the inheritance is also the "White Emperor Inheritance", most of which come from the peak of the King Realm and the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm, which is much stronger than the inheritance of the previous Doubu Star Monarchs.

"Alright, let's go down and digest it. I will announce the news that you are the new Doubu Star Monarch in the near future, I hope you will not disappoint me..."

Gu Xuandao.

"Your Majesty will not be disappointed. "

Uncle Ji bowed respectfully and nodded, and after receiving the token, he stepped back.

The reason why Gu Xuan chose Uncle Ji to sit in the position of the new Doubu Xingjun was mainly because he was the new White Emperor, so he naturally wanted to support his cronies in the Doubu.

And although Uncle Ji was Chao Jie's right-hand man before, he was suppressed by the dragon ring everywhere, which was relatively unwilling.

The most critical point is that when he was in the Boundless Void before, Gu Xuan encountered Uncle Ji.

Although Ji Shuming obstructed him, he did not kill him.

This point established Gu Xuan's impression of him, and also determined the fate of Uncle Ji.

Of course, Uncle Ji's name has not yet been completely recognized by Gu Xuan.

The predecessor of the Doubu Star Monarch Chao Jie was specially left by Gu Xuan to give Uncle Ji a test.

"With the inheritance of the White Emperors of the past dynasties, and with the help of my power, if this can't completely suppress Chao Jie, then it is not worthy of being my Gu Xuan's cronies..."

Gu Xuan thought lightly.

At this moment, Gu Xuan suddenly felt a series of throbbing movements in the New Heavenly Sword Dao in his body.

Thoughts sank.

Gu Xuan saw that in his New Heavenly Sword Dao, a brand-new divine court was quietly emerging.

This is an imperial court made of platinum poured throughout, and countless swords stand tall, as if it is a sword and soldier court!

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram that had been hidden in Gu Xuan's mind.

One of the corners was also quietly lit up.

Gu Xuanneng clearly felt that his New Heavenly Sword Dao had obviously improved by one point, and his power had also taken a big step forward, and he already had a tendency to catch up with the Nine Shadows Sword Dao.

"This is..."

Gu Xuan was a little surprised, and after carefully comprehending it, his eyes suddenly burst out with intense shock, and his expression became surprised.

"I see, I finally understand!"

"It turns out that this is the real way to open the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram!"

The Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram was the key to Gu Xuan's establishment of the New Heavenly Sword Dao.

But all along, Gu Xuan's comprehension of the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram was very slow.

Except for the first time after comprehending the vision of the coming of the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court, there was no new understanding.

And just now, Gu Xuan's comprehension of the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram suddenly skyrocketed.

If it was 1 percent at the beginning, it is now 2 percent.

And the reason for all this is because....

Gu Xuan became the new White Emperor of the Nine Heavens.

"When I become the Emperor of the First Realm, I will be able to light up an area on the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Map, and the stronger my control over the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Map..."

"In this way, the meaning of the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram is for me to establish a divine court, or to win the emperor of the divine court, and go there... The path of the God Emperor of the Ten Thousand Worlds!"

"And my New Heavenly Sword Dao, too!"

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