In short, the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram is an imperial martial art.

Of course, it is ten million times more mysterious than the ordinary imperial martial arts that practice with the help of dragon qi and national fortune.

What it walks is the way of the God Emperor.

And it's not the God Emperor of One Realm, but the God Emperor of Ten Thousand Worlds.

The only one in all worlds, eternal existence, starry sky and cosmos, only me!

"I don't know if the person who created the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram has reached this realm... Having said that, the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Map in my hand is still incomplete, and it needs to be completed in the future..."

After understanding this, Gu Xuan suddenly felt that his road ahead was clear.

He has the four primordial seeds of time, space, destiny, and reincarnation.

These four origins, no matter which one they are, are the supreme avenues in the heavens and all worlds.

But because of this, for Gu Xuan at this stage, the difficulty of promotion is too high.

It's like a person who has just learned addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and he has to teach himself to solve the world's mathematical problems.

There is also the feeling of a child holding gold in the downtown area.

However, the path pointed out by the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram is different.

Despite the same hardships, the ultimate goal is to become the only emperor of all worlds.

But anyway, this road has a direction and a goal.

And every time he becomes the emperor of a court, Gu Xuan's strength can skyrocket, which is very comfortable.

"According to the description of the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court Diagram, the Emperor of the Divine Court also has a difference in rank.

The lowest level is to lead a small thousand domain realm, the intermediate level is to dominate a middle thousand domain realm, and the highest level is to suppress the great thousand domain realm and become the only emperor of the great thousand domain realm.

And what I just achieved, the position of the Nine Heavenly White Emperor, is not even the lowest level of the Divine Court Emperor position.

Therefore, it can only light up a small area on the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court map, and the strength of the increase is very small..."

You must know that the way of the Divine Court of the Ten Thousand Worlds.

As long as you can achieve the throne of the First Court, you can manifest the Emperor of the Divine Court that you have achieved.

It's not the Divine Court Phantom like Gu Xuan was before.

Imagine that in time, you will rule over the nine heavens and ten earths.

Fighting with people, countless divine courts manifested and suppressed.

Who can be your opponent?

This future makes Gu Xuan look forward to it incomparably.

"So it seems..."

Gu Xuan gently stroked the scabbard of the platinum long sword, and the light flashed in his eyes.

“... Over there, the position of the Son of the Cloudy Heaven, I have to fight..."

After all, the Court of the Underworld is also one of the Ten Thousand Worlds Divine Court.


Tianxuan Continent, Northern Regions.

Heavenly Song Dynasty.

As the first dynasty in the Northern Regions, the Tiange Dynasty was strong and strong, and the country was prosperous.

In the past few decades, the Tiange Dynasty has had two powerhouses in the life and death realm break through the king realm one after another, and the young geniuses below have also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

The strength of the country is even stronger than that of several holy land-level sects, and it is proud of the Northern Regions.

At this time, the imperial capital of the Tiange Dynasty, the deepest part of the imperial city.

In the small secret room, there is fine sandalwood.

On the wall, there is a portrait of a human figure.

The person on the statue is the portrait of Qingzong, the twenty-third emperor of the Tiange Dynasty.

Qingzong reigned for 80 years, laying the foundation for the prosperity of the entire Tiange Dynasty, which can be called a majestic strategy.

His personal strength is even more set foot in the royal realm.

And it was abdicating at the peak of his position and concentrating on attacking martial arts.

There have always been rumors in the outside world that the strength of Qingzong today has long been unfathomable, and the two new kings who have broken through in the Tiange Dynasty in recent years have all received the secret guidance of Qingzong.

At this time, in the secret room of this royal family.

A figure wrapped in a black robe was sitting upright in a chair.

In front of the black-robed man, a middle-aged man in a yellow robe knelt respectfully.

If a third person was present, he would definitely be able to recognize that the middle-aged man in the yellow robe kneeling on the ground had the same appearance and temperament as the portrait of Qingzong on the wall.

"Tell the envoy, I have personally arranged everything you ordered, everything is basically ready, as long as the envoy gives an order, all arrangements can be started at any time..."

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe said respectfully.

After hearing this, the black-robed man on the seat showed a look of satisfaction on his face, nodded and said, "It's a good job, you will be credited with this matter." When the army of the underworld is stationed in the Northern Regions, you will be the king of the Northern Regions.

When the time comes, don't say that if you break through the current realm, it will be the emperor realm, and it will be easy..."

Hearing this, the yellow-robed middle-aged man kneeling on the ground suddenly showed excitement and ecstasy on his face, and thanked him repeatedly: "Thank you to the envoy, thank you to the envoy for appreciation."

The black-robed man looked at the middle-aged man in the yellow robe who couldn't help but be overjoyed, with a hint of disdain and ridicule in his eyes.

This Heavenly Xuan Realm native, not only is his strength so poor, but even his brain is not very good.

Imperial Realm?

He said it casually, and he really believed it.

Don't look at it, he himself is only the strength of the king realm.

But then again, the more stupid the natives of the Heavenly Xuan Realm, the smoother their Netherworld invasion will be in the future.

If this underworld can be successful, it will annex several small thousand realms around the Tianxuan Realm in one fell swoop.

The resources of the entire few domain realms may be able to be promoted to the middle thousand domain realms.

When the time comes, their entire underworld people will be able to obtain great benefits.

Thinking of this, the black-robed man couldn't help but show a slight smile on his face.

What he didn't see was the location of the portrait hanging behind him at this moment.

A black void rift is opening silently.

A figure slowly stepped out of it.

"The Immortal Envoy..."

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe raised his head and was about to report something else.

I never thought I would see this scene.

"Hades.. The Immortal Envoy..."

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe opened his eyes wide, and pointed behind the black-robed man with a shocked expression, pointing and pointing without saying a word.


The black-robed man was startled and quickly turned his head.

And what was reflected in his eyes was a pair of white and slender green jade hands.

The palm of the hand gently stroked his head and neck like a caress between lovers, and then gently applied force.


The black-robed man's head took on a strange angle, tilted to the side.

In the next moment, a black shadow rushed out from the body of the black-robed man, staring at the person in front of him with an ugly face.

Only then was he able to see the whole picture of the other party.

This is a very beautiful woman.

The skin is fair, the facial features are beautiful, and the temperament is as mysterious and deep as the hollow valley orchid with the morning mist.

"You are...."

The black-robed man stared at the beautiful woman in front of him tightly, and suddenly seemed to think of something, his eyes froze, and he blurted out: "You are the remnant of the Yin Tianzi?!"

The beautiful woman didn't answer, but just reached out and grabbed the black-robed man with an expressionless face.

A hint of color flashed on the black-robed man's face, and he tore open the void and wanted to escape.

The beautiful woman's red lips opened lightly, and her five fingers were opened.

"The Poison of the Netherworld!"

As her voice rang out, countless dark silk threads shot out from each of her green fingers.

The black silk thread was like a spider web, quickly enveloping the entire secret room space.

The black-robed man's body rushed up, and he immediately sneered as if he had touched a soldering iron...

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