“Come, tell me why you came to challenge those disciples of the Heavenly Sect, don’t you know that I am leading the team?”

Lin Yuan glared at the Saint Sect disciples in front of him, and the Saint Sect disciples looked at Lin Yuan in fear and knelt in the castle.

They had never imagined that Lin Yuan would find such a castle here.

Moreover, the disciples of the Holy Sect found that the breath of death in this castle was too heavy.

They were just inside the castle, and they all felt like they were going to die.

They had always looked down on Lin Yuan, and they had always thought that Lin Yuan was just lucky, so they would improve so much in the realm.

But this time, after experiencing the battle with Lin Yuan, they knew that they had thought wrong.

That is, Lin Yuan himself has enough strength, Lin Yuan is not only a high realm,

Because when they were just around Lin Yuan, they obviously felt that the breath emitted by Lin Yuan’s body was a small witch compared to the breath emitted by their own deputy leader Lin Xuanji.

They felt the sense of oppression in Lin Yuan’s body, which made them directly begin to doubt life.

And they could feel that Lin Yuan’s desire to kill himself was really a blink of an eye.

So they are now terrified to the extreme.

After all, they also understood that they had done something wrong, not only challenging Lin Yuan’s sect, but also provoking people who Lin Yuan cared about.

Looking at Lin Yuan’s relationship with Qing Xianzi, they could feel that the feelings between them were really unusual. 、

Otherwise, Lin Yuan wouldn’t have had such a huge reaction.

Nor would he let himself be hurt so much just by just provoking the Green Fairy.

Thinking about this, the Saint Sect disciple slowly looked at his forehead body, and then saw the shocking wounds on his body.

“Lin Yuan, you must understand that we are disciples of the Holy Sect, and you yourself understand what the consequences of going out from here are.”

“I tell you, when you go out, Vice Master Lin Zongmen will definitely kill you.”

Lin Yuan had never imagined that the Saint Sect disciples were still hard-lipped at this time.

After all, did they all understand that the lives of the disciples of the Holy Sect were in their own hands, and that no one would find out if they killed these people.

Therefore, Lin Yuan thought of a solution.

“Since you think that I will be afraid of your sect, then I will show you what I have done.”

With that, Lin Yuan slowly began to accept the magic.

As the magic power in his body continued to grow, Lin Yuan’s body also began to change.

The two little magic horns began to change dramatically as their magic grew.

The two demonic horns above Lin Yuan’s head, and the wings behind him finally revealed their true faces.

Moreover, the skin on Lin Yuan’s body began to slowly fall off, and then there was magma flowing on his body.

Seeing this scene, the Saint Sect disciples stayed where they were in fear.


“What a monster! Lin Yuan is a monster! ”

“You’re not human!”


All the disciples of the Holy Sect felt the greatest crisis at this moment.

Because the death breath that erupted from Lin Yuan’s body was really too terrifying.

Moreover, these people could also clearly feel that the realm on Lin Yuan’s body had changed dramatically.

“Don’t you mean that I don’t dare to kill you, I’ll teach you what killing is?”

Lin Yuan’s hoarse voice was a perfect match for his image.

“Magic Sword”

Lin Yuan summoned his own magic sword and slowly walked towards the Saint Sect disciple.


“Are we going to stay here all the time?”

The Heavenly Sect disciple looked at the dark cave around him and said.

They feel like they’re having trouble breathing here, so they can’t take it anymore.

And Qing Xian Zi looked at the increasingly dissatisfied Heavenly Sect disciples, and she also felt that she had no way. 、

After all, this was the place where Lin Yuan had found, and Lin Yuan had said to let these people stay here.

But no matter how much these people respected Lin Yuan, they still felt that there was no use in staying here.

After all, they had come to look for treasure, but now that they were locked up in the cave, they would not want this to happen.

So now they have only one purpose, and that is to get out of the cave and find the treasure inside this secret realm.

“You don’t want this, Lin Yuan said to let you stay here, there must be a reason.”

“If you go out privately, there is a problem, Lin Yuan will not be able to find you, this place is close to Lin Yuan, we are also safe.”

The Green Fairy began to explain why Lin Yuan had let them stay here.

But these people’s hearts began to change.

“Why Lin Yuan can go out, we can’t”

“Did he go looking for the treasure himself?”

“Why don’t you take us with you, isn’t that safer?”

“Yeah, I feel too, I’m going out”

“I’m going out too”


The Heavenly Sect disciple walked to the door of the cave with a word, and the Qing Immortal found that he could not control these people, so he could only follow them.

After all, one more person will have one more way out.

Thinking of this, the Green Fairy walked out of the cave.

And because they don’t know the destination, they just choose a road, and this road is exactly the direction of the castle.


“Lord Demon King, this decision of yours is definitely the best decision”

Only to see that inside the castle, all the demons were brushed together and knelt on the ground.

Because the Lin Yuan standing in front of them had already turned into the form of a demon king.

And in front of him lay the corpses of the disciples of the Holy Sect.

“You clean up, my magic sword doesn’t like to drink this kind of blood, the realm is too low.”

Lin Yuan said and slowly walked towards his throne.

At this time, all the demons began to rush forward and began to clean up the battlefield.

After all, having these bodies here is a bad choice.

Watching them clean up the corpses, Lin Yuan once again felt his current strength.

He felt the magic flowing in his body, and he had a satisfied expression on his face.

Because this strength is exactly what he wants, pure and violent,

Moreover, Lin Yuan found that when he killed people in the form of the Demon King, he would have a sense of pleasure in his heart that he could not imagine. 、

Thinking about this, Lin Yuan slowly changed back into a human form.

At this time, at the entrance of the castle, a familiar voice sounded.

“Lin Yuan?”

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