Lin Yuan could faintly hear the voice of the Green Fairy, and when he heard the voice of the pro-fairy, his heart giggled for a moment, what was the situation? Why can you hear the voice of the green fairy here?

“Am I already hallucinating?” Lin Yuan felt incredible.

If the Green Fairy had come to this place, he should have received the notice in advance, why did he hear the voice first now and not receive the notice first, and those who guarded the door were eating dry food?

“Lin Yuan, where are you, don’t you hurry out to see me?” The voice of the green fairy is crisp and bright.

The Green Fairy’s voice was recognizable, even if it was a group of people talking, as long as she opened her mouth gently, she could immediately know that it was her voice.

Because the green fairy’s voice is brighter and penetrating, plus when she says this, she shouts it out, so it will be louder and richer her distinctive uniqueness.


Lin Yuan was a little panicked, men will always have some good face, he is now like this, he definitely does not want the girls around him to see him like this.

Lin Yuan was now eager to dig a hole and bury himself in it so that he wouldn’t come out to see anyone, and at this time he wanted to find a place to hide.

Lin Yuan looked east and west, and when he was looking around for a hiding place, the Green Immortal suddenly jumped out from behind him.

“What the hell are you hiding, and why don’t you dare turn around in front of me?” The Green Fairy said domineeringly.

When the Green Immortal jumped out, Lin Yuan immediately turned around and covered her face, she was particularly afraid that the Kiss Immortal would see herself now become the Demon King.

He felt that his appearance now was particularly frightening, and it was not that handsome and dashing appearance, which would leave a bad impression on the Qing Fairy, and she did not want to have such an ugly image in the heart of the Qing Fairy, so he did not dare to face the Qing Fairy.

“Why did you suddenly appear?”

When Lin Yuan said this, his voice was relatively loud, he couldn’t say that he was angry, maybe he was covering up his anger, he didn’t want such a bad side of himself, showing in front of the Qing Immortal, he felt very embarrassed.

Because Lin Yuan was a little loud when he spoke, the Green Fairy was a little unhappy, and he was about to make a small mood immediately.

“Don’t talk to me about it, you just quickly turn around, what the hell is wrong with you, why are you hiding from me?” And nothing was done wrong. “The Green Fairy began to adopt the mode of spoiling.

In the end, Lin Yuan had no choice but to show his appearance to the Green Fairy. At that time, when Qing Xian Zi first saw Lin Yuan’s current appearance, she really couldn’t accept it, but she didn’t show it either.

Lin Yuan saw that the Qing Immortal was frightened, so he went to the front of the pro-fairy and carefully asked her.

“What to do, what to do.”

The Heavenly Sect disciple was anxiously stomping his feet at the door at this time, and he didn’t know how to go in to face Lin Yuan.

Because when the Green Fairy broke in, he did not see his obligation to stop the Green Fairy, go to the report first, and put the Green Fairy in so easily.

This situation is to be punished according to the law, and he also knows what kind of temper Lin Yuan is, so he is particularly afraid here, he does not dare to go in to report, but after hesitating for a while, he still decides to take the initiative to admit his mistake, otherwise his death will be even worse.

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