In the genius camp, without hesitation, Huang Hao beat Qingfeng's besiegers to serious injuries, and he returned all the injuries Qingfeng suffered.

The battle situation became more and more troublesome, and many unidentified genius camp disciples also joined in. They heard that a person from the Outer Sect dared to go to the talent camp to challenge alone, and they all came to watch the excitement.

Huang Hao stepped on the head of the leader of the Yu clan, and said to the onlookers who came behind: "You can see clearly, this person is my fellow apprentice, whoever dares to bully him, hit him, hit him, It will end like this person!"

"I see that you have grown a few hands. You have nothing to do to deal with my junior brother." After speaking, he crushed the hands of the people under his feet.

There was a cry of pain, Huang Wu showed no mercy, thinking of Qingfeng's injury, he wished to kill these people cleanly.

There was a pool of rotten meat under his feet, Huang Hao moved his feet away boredly and walked towards Qingfeng, his murderous aura had not dissipated, and the onlookers involuntarily backed out.

"Which character is this, why have I never seen him before?"

"Didn't you say that? He's not from the Genius Camp, he seems to be an Outer Sect disciple."

"Outer Sect disciple!? Are the Outer Sect disciples so fierce now? With his strength, he should stay in the genius camp."

"He said that was his younger brother. Who is his younger brother? A student from the Genius Camp?"

"I know his junior brother, his name is Qingfeng, he is indeed a student of the genius camp, he came in with a badge, he doesn't have much sense of presence on weekdays, and he doesn't like to talk, I heard that he is very gloomy.

"No, it seems that he is a bit shy, but I don't know why some people in the genius camp often bully him."

"Did you see it? When? Why didn't I know?"

"He walks alone. I heard that he has no identity background and low strength, and he came in with a token. Don't you know that this kind of person is the most likely to be bullied?"

"Being beaten and still accepting it obediently is really spineless! His senior brother is a man!"

"Stop making sarcastic remarks here. If this happened to you, what would you do? It's not because you are from the Yin clan."

The people in the genius camp were either in groups or fighting on their own. They reacted indifferently to Qingfeng's encounter, and at most they just watched the excitement.

Listening to these people's words, Huang Hao finally knew what Qingfeng lived every day. The perpetrators, bystanders, and those who hurt others with vicious words were all gathered together.

He said angrily: "Whoever said that Qingfeng in my family has no backer, let me tell you, I am his backer, not only me, but also my master! You can see clearly with your eyes wide open, he is my junior brother! Otherwise, one day you will die. Don’t blame me for not reminding you!”

Unexpectedly, these words immediately aroused the rebellious hearts of many disciples in the genius camp. As geniuses, they are naturally proud of their own. Why should an Outer Sect disciple yell at them.

"What are you yelling at us? If you have the ability, you can enter the Holy Academy to show your excellence. It's just defeating a few genius camp disciples, and you are backing your junior brother? I don't think so!"

"That is, if Shi Yi from the Double Pupils was here and said that Qingfeng was his Little Brother, that would be more or less the same. Only one word can be called a backer. You two don't know where you came from, and you don't report your family, just say you have A master. Is it the backing of the background? I really laughed out loud, I don’t know which wild place can raise a kid like you.”

"You injured someone from the Yu Clan today. Do you know that the Yu Clan has something to do with the Ten Yis of the Martial King's Mansion, and when the time comes, blame it and see what you do!"

"I don't think he even knows who the Double Pupils are. He is a god-like existence. How could he pay attention to an ant like him?"

Qingfeng shouted angrily, saying that he can, how could he be called little big brother!

"What do you know? My little big brother is a genius even stronger than that Double Pupils, and his master is even more powerful in the world. My big brother is willing to talk to you, which is a blessing that you can't cultivate in eight lifetimes!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone retorted: "I'm not afraid that the bullshit will blow the sky, and you are better than the Double Pupils. You big brother, I'm afraid you will kneel down immediately when you see the Double Pupils!


Lao Gao's face was swollen, and a few teeth spit out from his mouth. Huang Hao wiped his hands in disgust, as if he touched something dirty.

That's not bad, this slap didn't delete one person's face, but the face of the entire genius camp. All the disciples of the genius camp were furious. They forgot how Huang Hao showed his supernatural power just now, and directly surrounded Huang Hao stand up.

An excited smile appeared on Huang Hao's face because he was afraid that you wouldn't do it.

"Bang bang bang!"

Another group of people fell down, Huang Hao blew his fist, but there was no one who could hit.

"What are you doing! Who did this!" Elder came late and shouted angrily as he watched the disciples from the genius camp who were lying on the ground.

"Fight at will, don't you know the rules of Butian Pavilion?" Another Elder came.

"It's shameful to make a small report if you can't beat it." Hao muttered.

Unexpectedly, the Elder had good ears, and immediately looked at Huang Hao: "What did you say?"

Huang Wu looked back confidently: "I said that these people bully the disciples of the same sect, it's really shameful!"

"You are the only one standing there, how dare you say that others are bullying your fellow disciples?" Elder blew his beard and stared angrily, but being able to defeat so many genius camp disciples also made him love talents, so his tone was stern but Not to blame.

"Why should I be ashamed, they bully people, you must know that bully people always bully!"

Elder was choked by him, and angrily cast his anger on the disciples of the genius camp: "You people, I have heard about it on the way here, and when the martial arts performance is over, you can go and get it yourself."

Facing Huang Hao, he said another way: "My child, why don't I make an exception and include you in the genius camp?"

"I don't care about this shitty place! Remember, if you bully my junior brother again, you will know what happens to you!" After Huang Hao finished speaking, he slipped away under Elder's eyes.

"You..." Elder was speechless, what kind of strange child is this, how many people are desperate to get into the genius camp, and it is the first time someone despises the genius camp like this, the treatment of the genius camp is not comparable to that of Common Initiation disciples .

"Does anyone know who that kid was? Where did he come from?" Elder asked.

The people in the genius camp looked at each other, and then looked at Qingfeng in unison, and Kunkou said in unison: "His teacher said!"

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