After a farce ended, Elder let the members of the genius camp go back, and asked about Qingfeng Huanghao's news. Qingfeng escaped with the excuse of coma, and Elder stopped embarrassing him. Anyway, he was in Butian Pavilion , easy to find.

But I didn't know that I ordered to go on, but I found no such person, and I haven't seen anyone who looks like that.

Strange, is it haunted? Everyone saw the boy's face that day, but they couldn't find him?

Of course the Elder couldn't find it, because Huang Hao went to Qingfeng with the transformed appearance.

"He said that he doesn't care about the Genius Camp. Could it be that he is already a disciple of the Holy Court? But he has never seen such a person in the Holy Court. The number of people in the Holy Court can be counted with one hand. What went wrong. The Elder sat on the chair, puzzled.

Ask Qingfeng, Qingfeng just shook his head and said he didn't know, and couldn't ask anything.

Qingfeng's brother, following the Xiaoxitian cesspit incident, has become another strange story.

But no one dared not believe that he was Senior Brother Qingfeng. If it wasn't Senior Brother, no one would be able to do the maintenance that day.

Even the members of the Yu Clan dared to fight, so it was obvious that they were going all out.

"It's too much! How can it be reduced to the cesspit incident." Huang Hao patted the table.

Mao Qiu laughed at the side, obviously in a joke.

Among the Initiation disciples where Huang Hao was sitting, some people kept talking about it: "Did you hear that? There was one person who singled out almost everyone in the genius camp, and no one was his opponent."

"Your information is not accurate, I heard that this person not only singled out the talent camp, but also rejected the invitation to join the talent camp.

"Isn't he from the Genius Camp?"

"Of course not. I heard that this person is among our Initiation disciples, but unfortunately we can't find him."

"Good guy, whoever does good deeds without leaving a name is really giving us a prestige."

"If I know who he is, I will ask him to be Dage immediately! I heard that he chose the talent camp for his little brother. I also want to have such a big brother.

"On this day, the genius battalion will come to us to perform martial arts. Don't they feel ashamed if they say something to guide us and let us see the gap clearly?"

"I don't know if it's shameful or not, but I know that if the people in the genius camp fight, we won't be able to beat them at all."

"If you want me to say, the real genius depends on the people of the Holy Academy. Those are the real masters." Someone said enviously.

Speaking of the Holy Court, everyone was silent. If the people in the genius camp could still talk about it, set goals and strive to catch up, then the people in the Holy Court could only look up to the existence that they could not reach. He may not be able to catch up in his life.

In other words, they can't even afford to chase after them, because they are too strong and excellent.

They stopped talking and started to do what they were doing. Huang Hao heard their conversation, but looked in the direction of the Holy Court.

He knew that there was the place where Shi Yi stayed. He had outstanding talent, was born with Double Pupils, and had Supreme bones. No wonder the Holy Academy, which was opened only a few decades ago, made an exception for him.

The holy courtyard is mysterious and unpredictable, and it is difficult for outsiders to see its appearance. Huang Hao looked back, tomorrow is the day when the Genius Camp will come to perform martial arts.

I don't know who will come, if it's the same people from last time, then he might as well go up the mountain to find the master in his free time.

As night fell, the branch grass on Lingshan Mountain shone with brilliance. Cao Ye controlled the root system to explore the lifeless forbidden area. He had been curious about it for a long time, and today he finally took action on it.

The place where Cao Dian explored is the place where the official Butian Pavilion Jiling is.

The divine vine with green Calabash didn't notice it at all. He was already withered and looked lifeless, surrounded by fallen leaves.

It wasn't until Cao Ye's root touched its root that the divine vine trembled, as if disturbed.

As soon as Cao Ye touched it, he found that the vine was in a bad state. The inside was the same as the outside, and its vitality was exhausted, which was even worse than the first time he saw Liu Shen.

No wonder he didn't speak, and couldn't give any obvious reaction.

Cao Ye withdrew the rhizome, and did not plan to yell at this divine vine.

At this moment, his divine sense felt a faint consciousness sending him a message: "senior, save me!"

This consciousness is very weak, as if it is about to disappear at any time, it stubbornly conveys the message for help: "Help me, please!".

"Ah, no matter how I save it, I'm just a doppelgänger. Brother, you're looking for the wrong person!" Cao Ye planned to ignore Shenvine's plea for help.

As if sensing that Cao Ye was about to leave, the divine vine trembled for a while, and even the green Calabash swayed a few times, trying its best to wrap around Cao Ye's roots.

Then, as if afraid that Cao Ye would get angry, he only wrapped around one point, and moved forward bit by bit, until finally wrapped around an arm's length, and stopped moving.

As if he was satisfied with this, he happily rubbed Cao Ye with his rough root. Because there is no vitality, his vines and roots are extremely piercing.

Cao Ye struggled uncomfortably, but reluctantly let him go.

It's not that he can't break free from this weak entanglement, but that the divine vine looks too pitiful. He reckoned that Shenvine's actions were probably due to his magical influence, because he was feeling a steady stream of power feedback at this time.

Anyway, he's not losing money, so just hug him, Cao Ye thought helplessly. Cao Ye's attitude was a little slack, the divine vine was like a kitten who had seen catnip, hugging Cao Ye's root tip and not letting go.

The sacred fire of the vine was about to go out, like a candle in the wind, but it was unexpected that on such a night, he won the salvation of own.

He didn't know who Cao Ye was, and with his current state, he couldn't even see the whole picture of Cao Ye's branch. He just instinctively felt Cao Ye's strength and the infinite vitality in his body, so he knelt down and called Dad without hesitation.

As long as he is alive, dignity is nothing, maybe when he gets better (Qian Zhaozhao) and can communicate with senior, he will be able to find a breakthrough method to relieve the predicament of exhaustion of life energy.

Could this be the bright willow in Legendary? He is about to accept the fate of dying, and he can even imagine what kind of situation Butian Pavilion will fall into without his protection. I never thought that God has the virtue of good life and sent a senior to save him .

The divine vine was extremely happy, and it entangled Cao Ye's rhizome more and more tightly. This was his life-saving straw! No need to transfer energy, just emitting breath, it could keep his sanity clear and restore some strength.

They are also doing plants, so why is there such a big difference? Look at the seniors, they are so powerful, could it be that they are from the upper realm?

Shenvine thought vaguely, and fell asleep holding Cao Ye's rhizome.

Cao Dong moved the rhizome that was being held, and sighed speechlessly. Did he not escape the fate of the nurse when he arrived at Butian Pavilion?

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