"Master Jiling, I wonder how far you have recovered? What do we need to do?" After the excitement, the Elder calmed down and began to ask about the situation of Jiling.

"It's just that I have regained some strength. If you could do something, you would have been able to do it for so many years. How can you wait until now?"

Elder's heart trembled. Didn't the situation improve this time, but a return to light? His idea was quickly denied.

Because finally an Elder remembered to ask Ji Ling about Dage.

"Ji Ling said just now that this matter is your... Dage?" After living for so long, I haven't heard that the Ji Ling of Butian Pavilion has a Dage.

"That's right, not only that, I can talk to you now, and I also want to thank Dage for lending a helping hand, so you should know what kind of existence Dage is. This time the matter ends here, whoever wants to spy on Dage's whereabouts, Don't blame me for the punishment." Ji Ling ordered loudly as if Cao Dian could not hear him.

He secretly said in his heart: "Dage, you see my brother's sincerity to you, but the sun and the moon can learn from each other!"

The Elders finally paid attention to the Dage in Ji Ling's mouth, which can help the dying Ji Ling recover, and even give the Ji Ling who has been unable to speak for many years the strength to speak. What a Tongtian method this is.

You must know that the disappearance and death of all things is the most irreversible, unless there are gods or Tongtian means, they can be brought back to life. How many people practice strong, all for a long lifespan.

Even Ji Ling, who lived for an unknown number of years, will disappear one day, but now there is an existence, which seems to be an understatement, and can make people return to life and prolong life. How can this not shock them.

Not to mention listening to the meaning of Ji Ling, the one who hurt Double Pupils was only the Sword Qi issued by Dage practicing sword.

With such an existence, it’s no wonder that Jiling doesn’t allow him to pursue it. Even if they wanted to, would they be able to do so? Didn’t Jiling call Dage?

The Elders had tens of thousands of thoughts in their hearts, and finally obeyed the meaning of the sacrifice spirit, and retreated silently. Ji Ling has just recovered, so it's better not to disturb her frequently.

It's just that the moment they walked out of the forbidden area, they immediately couldn't help discussing.

"Is there a Dage for offering sacrifices to spirits? Since the establishment of Butian Pavilion, has anyone heard of it?"

"You are stupid, if this Dage has always existed, how could the sacrifice spirits have gradually weakened over the years, why didn't they help out? I think that Dage only came recently."

"Thinking carefully, maybe it was the day when an accident happened in the trial? Phenomena of heaven and earth appeared frequently, and the earth trembled, as if some gods were born."

"God still favors me for Butian Pavilion. I never expected that the peak will turn around, the will will be bright, and the Jiling will be saved!" Thinking of this, the Elder couldn't control his joyful expression.

At this moment, the big Elder spoke: "This matter is the top secret of my Butian Pavilion, and no one should let it out. Many forces have infiltrated in these years, just to find out about the situation of Jiling."

"Now that the sacrifice to the spirit can be saved, if this news is spread, I don't know what kind of disturbance it will cause, and it may attract those enemies who have been waiting for many years to put all their eggs in one basket. Therefore, this matter is not allowed to be discussed again."

As soon as this remark came out, all the excited Elders were silent, yes [Butian Pavilion has become more and more infiltrated over the years. I really can't tell my disciples directly about this matter.

So all the disciples waited for a day, and the result was, "The matter has been found out, the injury of the Double Pupils was an accident, and this matter is not allowed to be discussed again." Such an order with unclear meaning.

Not to mention that the disciples were confused and couldn't figure out the truth, even the stewards of Butian Pavilion were kept in the dark, and all the Elders who participated in the sacrifice kept silent about what happened that day.

This incident happened unexpectedly, and after causing an uproar, it finally ended in such a strange state, making people have to think carefully about what the truth is

Therefore, even though Butian Pavilion forbids talking about this matter, the news still seems to have grown wings and spread all over the place.

"It's simply unreasonable! Butian Pavilion's explanation is such a vague sentence? Is it true that we, the Martial King Mansion and the Yu Clan, will not be To put in one's eyes?" Inside the Martial King Mansion

A woman slapped the table with an angry face.

A man in black robes beside him said: "Butiange's actions this time are inexplicable and not in line with their previous style, I think there must be something strange in it, why don't we wait and see for a while.

At the same time, many forces also made the same decision. The truth is complicated and confusing, and Butian Pavilion is secretive, maybe there is a bigger secret hidden, it is better to wait and see for a while, there will always be an answer.

Countless secret messages were sent from various forces and sent to the spies of Butian Pavilion.

Late at night, in Butian Pavilion, Huang Hao left his own house and walked towards the forbidden area.

Since that day, Butian Pavilion has lifted the upper and lower martial law, but Huang Hao can see clearly that it seems that the martial law has been lifted, but in fact it is loose on the outside and tight on the inside, not looser than before. Of course, it didn't bother him, he got into the forbidden area smoothly, and saw the withered old vine and a blue Calabash.

……… Ask for flowers……

"This green Calabash is a treasure at first glance, even better than the treasure in the Elder's hand. Now that I see it, it's mine!" Huang Hao's eyes lit up, and he was about to pick the Calabash.

Lao Teng looked at the child who broke into the forbidden area with a dark face: "You are so bold, you are a disciple of Butian Pavilion, don't you know where this is?"

Huang Hao was taken aback by Lao Teng's sudden sound, but he was not afraid: "So it's Grandpa Ji Ling, you're awake!"

"Nonsense, I'm not awake, you brat are you going to pick my Calabash?"

Huang Hao laughed when he heard the words, and even stepped forward to touch the green Calabash and said: "You must have heard wrong, I was sighing just now, so it turns out that the priest of Butian Pavilion is like this.


"Also, strictly speaking, I'm not a disciple of Butian Pavilion, and I haven't learned anything useful. With this skill, I might as well talk to the master, and I can improve the Cultivation Base. But your place is not bad [I will sit here and practice tonight.

Lao Teng was choked by Huang Hao's anti-customer attitude. This child has no respect for him as a sacrificial spirit. Why does this style of painting feel a little familiar.

"Boy, who is your Master? How can you say that Butian Pavilion is not as good as your Master? I think you don't know how powerful Butian Pavilion is."

"Grandpa Jiling, I think you don't know how powerful my master is, so you think I should look up to Butian Pavilion. Butian Pavilion has a rich collection of books and countless spells, but my Master, that is the sect of Wanfa, who can master endless A man of treasures."

When it comes to Master, Huang Hao can talk endlessly for three days and three nights.

"My child, listen to my advice. The water on the road of cultivation is very deep. If you can't grasp it, you still need to learn a lot. Don't think that the teaching of a Master will make you enter the realm of strong understanding."

"Don't you hear that there is a sequence of Taoism, there are specializations in art, and Taoism is superior to blueness. How can a person know everything about Wanfa and help the world? When you grow up and look back on the road ahead, you will find that you are now The Master I look up to is just a common practitioner, and even the Talent is not as good as you."

Although Lao Teng's words made some sense, if they were placed on Huang Hao, who was blown by the Master, it would be like lighting a bomb.

Huang Hao lost even the last remaining respect: "Old man, let me tell you about my master, pull out your youth!".

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