Fantasy: Regenerated Into A Grass, Accompanied By A Willow God

Chapter 116: Pa, The Curse Of Finding The Sword Is Gone

Lao Teng was shocked by the child's audacity, he was the sacrifice spirit of Butian Pavilion, and the Elder of Butian Pavilion respected him very much when he saw him, where did this poor boy have the courage to talk to him like this.

If it weren't for the fact that his Talent was so rare, he easily broke through the formation barrier of the forbidden area. As soon as he entered the forbidden area just now, he would have directly expelled him.

Although he is weak and true, letting a brat ride on his face would really lose face, so he had a thought, and wanted to teach this ignorant brat a lesson.

Huang Hao is also on guard at all times, Milk White's Sword intent soars to the sky, Six Paths of Reincarnation Cultivation Technique is running, even if the opposite is Ji Ling, he will not allow anyone to say anything wrong about the Master.

At this moment, Lao Teng heard a "two seven three" and said to Dage who didn't like to talk to him: "Stop!"

At the same time, Huang Hao's surprised voice sounded: "Master!"

Lao Teng froze, what did he hear? This brat actually called Dage Master! The Master he said is Dage?!

If Lao Teng had a human form, his forehead would be covered with cold sweat at this moment. Think about it, what did he say just now?

Why is this brat Dage's apprentice!

He asked Huang Hao stiffly: "You said that voice just now was your Master?"

"That's right! How could I be wrong about the master's voice!" Huang Hao nodded earnestly, not knowing at all how much harm a small action could do to Lao Teng.

Lao Teng felt bitter, and originally wanted to get close to Dage, but now? Dage found out that he wanted to do something to his apprentice, but luckily he said some bad things about Dage.

This made him ask Dage to continue to help him, he finally understood why this stinky boy's painting style is so familiar, isn't it exactly the same as Dage in the appearance of Butian Pavilion To put in one's eyes?

Lao Teng sighed helplessly, and Dage stopped talking after saying a word, is he angry?

He looked at Huang Hao, and softened his tone: "Son, didn't you just say that you want to practice here, I also know your Master, so you can come here to practice in the future.

Huang Hao took the soft but not the hard, and seeing Lao Teng humiliating, he accepted it as soon as he saw it, and sat down to concentrate on cultivation.

After getting settled in Huang Hao, Lao Teng carefully said to Cao Ye: "Dage, are you angry? It was my oversight. I didn't know that this child is your apprentice. Please forgive me. If you know this is your apprentice, I definitely don’t dare to make a move.”

After waiting for a long time, I heard: "No problem."

Lao Teng's heart fell back to his stomach in an instant, he let out a long sigh of relief, and began to look at Huang Hao seriously. The result and the more startled he looked, this kid was quite talented, and what he was holding in his hand at this time should be the original true solution. Depending on the situation, he had already gained most of the Insight.

What a heaven-defying Talent this is, no wonder Dage accepts him as an apprentice, maybe in the future Dage will return to the upper realm and bring his apprentice with him.

I believe that even in the Upper Realm, this kid can still shine. In this case, it is better to show performance and save a little face in front of Dage.

So Lao Teng emitted light, and began to help Huang Hao comprehend the principle of rune on the treasure bone.

The sky lightened slightly, but the earth was still dark. Huang Hao finished his one-night practice, thanked Lao Teng, and prepared to leave the forbidden area.

On the dark road, a ghost suddenly appeared in front of him, muttering: "Give me back my sword, give me back my sword..."

Huang Hao was taken aback by the ghost: "What the hell is this!" The moment he saw this ghost, Huang Hao felt a biting cold enveloping him and something entangled him

A man with a sword stuck in his head quickly moved in front of Huang Hao, almost face to face, even though Huang Hao was so courageous, he was also horrified by this strange scene, because the man in front of him had obviously died long ago , not a living person!

But even if he is not a living person, this old man with empty eyes exudes a mysterious and unpredictable aura. He is far from being invincible, and Huang Hao will leave the forbidden area without hesitation.

At the same time, he shouted at the old vine: "Jie Ling! This old man is wandering in your territory, don't you care?"

Lao Teng pretended to be dead and refused to respond, Huang Hao didn't care about that much, and ran out directly...

However, the ghost lingered, appearing again and again in the void, no matter how Huang Hao ran, he would not let him go.

Huang Hao had no choice but to whisper: "Master, who is this old ghost ghost? Will it harm me?"

He believed that there was a reason why the Master didn't make a move. After all, Ji Ling wanted to make a move before, but the Master tried to stop it. It didn't make sense that this ghost appeared, but the Master was indifferent.


something hit the forehead,

Huang Hao felt the chill covering his body disappear, and when he looked at the ghostly old man again, he didn't feel anything scary about him anymore, the feeling of sensing the crisis of life and death just now disappeared invisibly, as if his body was shattered in one fell swoop. something.

Huang Hao bent down to pick up the thing that fell from his forehead, a piece of rhizome.

Then Master's voice sounded in his mind: "This is a ray of remnant soul, the remnant soul of the person who founded Butian Pavilion, he came to you because of his obsession, but don't worry, he is harmless to you now.

"Remnant soul? He really isn't human." Huang Hao listened to Master's words, and looked at the old man with empty eyes again.

"You go out and just report to the Elder that you saw the remnant soul. The Baiduan Mountain will be opened soon, and the Butian Pavilion should arrange for you to go." The Master's tone was firm, as if he was in control.

Huang Hao listened obediently, pretended to be panicked, and ran back to Elder's courtyard.

"Help! There is a ghost! Elder save me!"

There was a lot of chaos all the way, and everyone knew about it. Elder quickly came out to clean up the situation; "What's the matter, has the Mercury retrograde in Butian Pavilion recently?"

Huang Hao jumped on the back of an Elder and shouted: "There is a ghost, can't you see it? An old man with a broken sword stuck in his head!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar, and the Elder who was hugged by him looked terrified: "What are you talking about! That ghost has a sword in its head!?"

All the Elders looked pale. They remembered the curse about finding the sword. Every Hundred Years, the genius disciple of Butian Pavilion would be hunted down to ask him to find the curse of the sword. Because of this Legendary-level curse, Butian Tiange has lost countless talented disciples. .

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