The Yin & Yang qi intertwine like a net, covering the entire Cangwu mountain range, and all the people in the deserted village fell into a deep sleep, even if they were as powerful as the Willow God.

This is a dream, and those who enter the dream are clearly aware that it is a dream.

But no one can break free from this dream.

This is a strange world. Spiritual Qi is exhausted, and you can't feel anything. You can even say that there are no people. In everyone's eyes, you have arrived in this strange world alone.

Desolate, vast, silent, even the rushing river is silent.

In a world without any living beings, they are like guests intruding from outside, glimpsed a magical dream by chance.

Familiar boundless mountains, but no familiar beasts, a rushing river flows from the invisible to the unknown.

This river is very distorted, disharmonious, exists in a state of no order and rules, bends, sometimes falls from the sky, and then spews out "950" from the ground

There is also a ruin in the distance, suspended in mid-air, at first glance it looks like a city with a hanging roof, and then it looks like sand in the deep sea, it seems real and fake, and it is difficult to distinguish the real face.

The light of the world is flickering, there is no wind, and the silence is scary.

Sometimes the sky looks like a painting with splashed ink, and sometimes it looks like a white sky facing the sun. The two breaths blend and intertwine like fish, rampaging in this world.




The melodious bells came from the sky, like the ringing of a great avenue, the world came alive, the strong wind blew, and the sound of the water flowed endlessly.

A phantom bird screams Nine Heavens, its wings spread like clouds hanging from the sky, its eyes are like the scorching sun, with divine fire burning, this phantom lasted for a long time, and then turned into a round of sun hanging in the sky

The two streams of qi finally subsided, and finally merged into a fog that melted into all parts of the world.

So the person trapped in the dream woke up.

In the deserted village, Liu Shen was in a daze, looking at the shimmering grass beside him and murmured: "Just now, did I watch the birth of a world? Are you creating a world?"

Naturally, Cao Ye couldn't answer her, he was in the process of breaking through, this time the check-in was very sudden, and the breaking through was also unexpected. So even though he heard Liu Shen's question, he didn't answer, and everything waited for him to finish his training.

Liu Shen didn't expect Cao Ye to answer her now, she saw whether Cao Ye would be over for a while, so she calmed down and concentrated on practicing the ten qi transformation and three cleansing techniques Cao Dian taught her.

In the deserted village, the villagers looked at each other in silence, and no one spoke.

After a while, a child spoke out first: "Grandpa patriarch, I just had a miraculous dream!"

This sentence is like a primer, igniting everyone's chatterbox.

"I also had a dream! There is a great river rushing, because of the water above!"

"Me too! There is a floating city in the dream, which is both fantasy and reality."

"Is there still a divine bird flying above Nine Heavens? The Shadow of the Sun?"

"There is the sound of bells ringing in the avenue!"


The people in the deserted village talk to each other, and quickly finish their own knowledge.

"It seems that we went to the same place." The patriarch concluded.

"It has been heard for a long time that the mind travels to the void, Nanke Yimeng, maybe this is not a dream, but a special Taoism.

"The willow god is full of vitality, and the sword god is also shining brightly. Maybe the two Lord Jiling are breaking through, and we are unintentionally affected, that's why it happened." A clan elder said.

"No matter what, wait until the noise disappears and ask the sword god, everyone can leave."

After the patriarch's voice fell, the villagers were all about to leave, and something unexpected happened.


Everyone's body was flickering, and they all broke through!

A dream, a Good Fortune, all dreamers have broken through a small Realm.

Most of the people in the barren village are in the blood-moving state. If there is no accident, it should be difficult to improve. The children may continue to make progress. Many adults have stagnated for a long time

Today, the Cultivation Base of a dream from the sky has been improved!

Even the patriarch with old wounds exudes a breakthrough aura. And with this breakthrough, all the hidden wounds on his body disappeared. Complete recovery means that he can use the power of the bone script!

Thinking of this, the patriarch turned around and worshiped Willow God and Sword God, with endless gratitude in his heart. As the head of the clan, he often fell into self-blame for not being able to make the village really strong, and he felt ashamed that he was not strong enough to protect the people in the village.

He didn't dare to imagine what kind of life they would live if there were no two sacrificial spirits in the village. One day when foreign enemies came, he could only arrange for the villagers to abandon the village and flee, but he was powerless to fight the enemy.

Now Xiaobudian has come out of the wilderness, and his Talent is bound to reach the top, as the village he cares about, his home, how can it become his weakness.

Therefore, since the little boy left, the people in the deserted village practiced hard day and night, and never slack off. Now all the members have breakthrough, and even the women have certain abilities, which makes the patriarch can't help but shed tears.

"Thank you Jiling for giving the deserted village such Good Fortune!"

In fact, not only the people in the barren village, but also the ferocious beasts in the entire Cangmang Mountain Range have evolved their combat power. Several Primordial remnants have even condensed a drop of pure blood, evolving towards the ancestors, and the inner treasure bones are extremely powerful... ....

In addition to the Primordial remnants, other ferocious beasts also have their own changes. It can be said that if they act in a disciplined manner, they will be an extremely powerful and brave army.

While the people in the deserted village fell to their knees to thank them, there were also a few dazed people at the passageway of the False God Realm. They were also affected and fell into a dream.

But such opportunities are not enough for outsiders, so these people hide what they see and feel in their hearts, and return to the real world in a hurry to see how their own has changed.

After another half a month, Cao Ye finally finished his cultivation and completely stabilized his own Realm. Yin & Yang are full of vitality, lingering on his body, showing the light of Purple.

The voice of the system sounded at the right time: "Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through, the influence has increased, and the cumulative influence is 1000, please continue to work hard for the host.

At the same time, Liu Shen also woke up from the state of cultivation, and the first sentence he said was to sigh to Cao Dian, who was not awake or not: "One breath transforms three cleanses, it really is very mysterious!"

Cao Ye laughed and said nothing, Liu Shen said again: "This time your breakthrough made me recover from my injury, I also want to thank you.

Seeing that Cao Ye still didn't answer, Liu Shen thought that Cao Ye was still practicing, so he let go.

"I don't know how much of your words are true and what's not. I may not know all of this until I fully recover."

"I have always been unable to see through you in 2.4. When I was asleep, you were by my side and took care of me a lot. Although I didn't feel it, I felt it after waking up.

"Teaching me such a mysterious spell shows your heart. Even if your companion's words are deceiving me, I believe you have no bad intentions."

"If true, then...

Liu Shen didn't finish her words, she stopped in time, panicking her own thoughts, she subconsciously wanted to believe that she and Cao Ye were dao companions. Even though she was vaguely aware of some gaps in words, she rejected another possibility.

At this moment, Liu Shen was in a state of confusion. She had never experienced this kind of situation before, and she, who had never known what to escape, chose to put this inexplicable feeling aside and not think about it.

Liu Shen didn't speak anymore, and Cao Ye was silent for a long time after listening to Liu Shen's words. After a long time, he pretended to wake up and said to Liu Shen: "Is the Closed Door Training over?".

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