Hearing Cao Ye's voice, Liu Shen was flustered for a moment, and then forcefully replied: "Most of my injuries have healed, and my spells have also achieved some success.

After finishing speaking, he continued tentatively: "When did you wake up?"

Cao Ye secretly smiled in his heart, knowing why Liu Shen asked such a question, he gave Liu Shen the answer she wanted as he wished; "I asked you when I just woke up, what's wrong?"

Liu Shen unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words, she didn't even notice her nervousness just now. In fact, there was nothing strange about what she said just now, but her mind was confused, and she always thought that Cao Ye could see through her heart after hearing those few words.

Most of the injuries have recovered, and some memories followed, but in the vast sea of ​​memories, they are all fighting and cultivating, and Cao Ye has never been seen.

Could it be that she and Cao Ye had known each other earlier? Such questions kept circling in Liu Shen's mind, but Cao Ye never opened the middle. She must wait until she fully recovers to figure out her relationship with Cao Ye.

Liu Shen didn't ask, it doesn't mean Cao Ye didn't ask, Liu Shen never expected that Cao Ye would take the initiative to bring up the things she remembered.

"Most of your 27 injuries have healed, how much memory has recovered?"

"Not much, and I haven't thought of you yet." Liu Shen had no choice but to tell the truth.

"Don't worry, you will always know. If you are really curious, why don't you ask me a few more times, maybe I will tell you?" Cao said with a smile on his phone, very patient.

"No need, I will remember it myself." Liu Shen refused, although she did not deny that she was very moved by Cao Ye's proposal for a moment, but she still firmly believed in herself

Since I am a player in the game, why should I listen to others.

Seeing Liu Shen's refusal, Cao Ye stopped teasing her, but changed the question: "You said that you have a small success in magic, but can you transform into a clone?"

"It's never been tested before. Spiritual thoughts can be divided, but they don't have a carrier, so I don't know where they will come." Speaking of the business, Liu Shen's heart finally became much lighter, and he quickly answered Cao Ye's question.

"Since this is the case, do you want to go and see how our apprentice is doing now?"

"Didn't I make it clear? There is no carrier..." Liu Shen wondered why Cao Ye said that.

"Relax Divine Transformation and follow me. Make sure you're not going nowhere.

Hearing Cao Ye's determination, Liu Shen obediently differentiated his divine sense, and two cyan rays of light intertwined, like shooting stars across the sky.

Inside Baiduan Mountain, it was extremely dark. One month has passed, and the sky in Baiduan Mountain has not yet returned to light. The sky was completely destroyed that day, and all those who entered Baiduan Mountain were plunged into boundless darkness, never seeing the sun again.

Although the sun in the Baiduan Mountain was transformed from a Golden Crow corpse, it was already comparable to Zhenyang, hanging in the Baiduan Mountain for Ten Thousand Years without any accidents.

Therefore, its disappearance really made those who entered Baiduan Mountain panic for a long time. However, now that they have come here, the Baiduan Mountain Passage will not be opened in a short time, so they can only display their Supernatural Power and try their best to adapt.

This trip to Baiduan Mountain may become the most special time in Ten Thousand Years. No, it should be said that anyone who enters Baiduan Mountain after that must adapt to the long-term darkness in advance and bring lighting items. right.

And the chief culprit of this turmoil was lying motionless in Huang Hao's arms at this time, without any movement, only the streamer of fire red flowing in it was wrapped by a layer of jade-colored outer wall.

Huang Hao held this rhizome, like holding a small sun, with endless power pouring into his body, the seventh cave opened up, and the scorching energy lingered all over his body, melting the rock wall of the cave he was in.

When Liu Shen came down with Cao Ye's spiritual sense, what he saw was such a scene. And as soon as she arrived, she found that she was intimately intertwined with Cao Ye's spiritual sense at this time.

Although Baiduan Mountain has a barrier, it is only opened for Hundred Years, and it will be closed after opening, and it will not be opened again before the time. But it was of no use to Cao Ye. With Liu Shen's divine sense, he found Huang Hao's location exactly as if he had entered the land of no one.

From the barren village to Baiduan Mountain, the arrival of the divine sense is only a moment.

The carrier of the arrival is also very familiar, it is a pendant that Cao Ye wove with two people's rhizomes when Huang Hao traveled far for the first time.

Huang Hao carried this pendant with him, hanging around his neck and never taking it off. The pendant has never played a role, so Huang Hao often forgets that he still has such a thing.

"The carrier you are talking about is this pendant?" In the silence, Liu Shen asked with difficulty.

"That's right, does this pendant look like our main body in the deserted village? It's all in one place, which is very convenient." Cao Si laughed.

"The reason why you gave this child a pendant is to allow your divine sense to descend at any time?" Liu Shen was suspicious, she thought it was not that simple.

"Of course not. I didn't make this pendant for this purpose. You will know what it is for later." Cao Ye made a fool of himself.

Then he explained to Liu Shen: "You said that there is no carrier outside, so I remembered that the rhizome you gave me was here. It was just a coincidence that I followed the trend, and now it seems that the magic technique has a small success."

Having said that, Liu Shen still felt uncomfortable because of the close entanglement of the two people's spiritual thoughts. Just arrived here, she already wanted to turn off her divine sense and go back to the deserted village.

Huang Hao didn't notice the arrival of Cao Ye and Liu Shen at all, he was closing his eyes tightly, consolidating his own Realm, the seven caves were wide open, and the divine light was shining "His aura is constantly rising.

Liu Shen finally realized what was wrong. Ever since she and Cao Ye came here, she hadn't seen a ray of light. Although Huang Hao 353 exuded divine light, he was still in darkness.

There is also something exuding endless power in his arms, and the breath on it is very familiar, which is exactly the same as the carrier that is entangled with her kissing you at this time.

"The one in Xiao Budian's arms is your rhizome? What did it do? It made Baiduan Mountain see the light of day.

She is still clear about Baiduan Mountain, but it is not like this at all in her memory. Although she has never been here, she also knows its structure very well.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial matter, but then again, is there anything uncomfortable about your divine sense coming this time? How much strength can you display? Cao Dian asked Liu Shen.

"There is no discomfort, but the strength that can be exerted is limited, what's wrong?"

"Just asking, there's nothing wrong with it, these days we might as well follow the little one, and return to the deserted village after a while. Anyway, the deserted village itself can also be cultivated, so there's nothing wrong with us doing other things." Cao Ye suggested.

Although coming here is just a temporary idea, to test the level of Liu Shen's cultivation, but it has come, it is better to wait for a while before leaving.

Liu Shen seems to be thinking, after all, such an intimate state makes her very uncomfortable, but thinking of the root system of the two of them in the soil of the body, it doesn't seem to be any better.

So she said to Cao Ye: "During this time, it's good to watch the children.",

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