Cao Ye and Liu Shen happily decided on the next itinerary, and would not help Huang Hao if there was no accident.

And Huang Hao finally opened his eyes and ended his practice.

A month before that, he killed the Primordial remnants and fought against nine lions, until two days ago he opened the seventh cave under the influence of the Master rhizome. Now that his Realm is solid, it's time to go out and continue training.

As for finding the sword for the ghost? After the life was not in danger, Huang Hao also kept it in mind, but he didn't care so much. After all, cultivation is the most important thing, and all other things stand aside.

Thinking of this, he touched the patterns on his fingers. Since the Master's branch grass took root in Butian Pavilion, his habit of touching the grass in his hair has become the ring pattern of the grass ring.

As long as he thinks of the Master, he thinks of the deserted village and these existences like his family.

No matter where he is, there is his destination, and someone is waiting for him to go home.

"With the Grass Ring given by the master, I can bring some precious Blood Essence back to the deserted village. The pure-blood beast that I promised them has not been caught yet, and I will catch one and bring it back to the village. There are also precious medicines. In short, the more the better. "

Huang Hao talked to himself and walked out of the cave. Thinking about what to do next day.

Liu Shen noticed Huang Hao's actions and his words and talked about the topic they had talked about before; "You are really competent as a Master. Every time an apprentice goes through training, he stuffs a lot of things. How can he be tempered like this? Then progress ~ "."

Cao Ye teased Liushen: "People say that a loving mother is strict with a father, but a loving mother has many failures. Why are you so strict as a teacher's wife? Your branches are soft, but your temper is strong."

"Even if you are a mother, you can't indulge in spoiling and hinder your practice. There are so many mothers in this world who personally whip their children to improve their practice. It is rare for you to protect them everywhere.

Liu Shen was busy refuting Cao Ye's words, and ignored the title of Mrs. Huang Hao in Cao Ye's phone call.

"That being said, the little guy has the talents of heaven and will not be spoiled. He knows exactly what he should do. As elders, we should take care of what's going on and not interfere with his experience." Cao Ye The tone is light and relaxed.

"It is because the Talent is good that it is necessary to continuously polish it." Liu Shenyu said earnestly.

Cao Ye understood Liushen's meaning, and he discussed this parenting experience with her more than once.

She is worried that the little one will become dependent, and she will find the Master if she has something to do. She will not be able to develop the fierceness to risk her life, and lack the determination and courage to face difficulties.

When in danger, you will think; "Master will save me."

But Cao Ye, who is familiar with Huang Hao's life, understands that what Huang Hao lacks most is the courage and determination to fight to the end. What's more, what he gave was not something to save his life at all times, but something to help him practice.

It was a bit troublesome to explain these things, and Cao Ye didn't want to explain them. Due to the misunderstanding caused by the two people's information difference, it can't be blamed on Liu Shen's mouthful reminders.

It's useless to talk too much, Cao Ye simply said to Liu Shen: "This time the child came out, and I gave him a sword, why don't we bet, when he encounters a life-and-death crisis, will he turn around and run away, or face the difficulties?"

"This sword can cut pure-blooded beasts with one blow. I will suppress the power of the sword to the same level as that of Suanni's mirror. It's not considered cheating power. What do you think?"

"What's the bet?" Liu Shen seemed to want to test the little one, and readily agreed to Cao Ye's proposal.

Anyway, the spiritual thoughts of both of them are here, and nothing will happen to the child, but it doesn't hurt to try.

During the conversation between the two, Huang Hao had gone far away and met nine lions.

He jumped up and jumped onto the backs of the nine lions: "Little brother, so you are still waiting here! You are very enlightened! Let's go, let's continue to look for the fountain of immortality, and I will let you go when the time comes."

Nine-headed lions raised their heads to the sky and roared loudly, and led Huang Hao away from this place, showing their majesty along the way, and no one dared to offend. The whole forest was shocked by the fact that the nine lions were subdued as mounts.

It is also rare for Liu Shen to praise Huang Hao aloud. At his age, being able to subdue nine lions is indeed worthy of praise.

In the next few days, Huang Hao did not encounter any battles. There were nine lions along the way to frighten the creatures, and no one dared to provoke them.

Until they left the area, the nine-headed lion stepped into a large formation with a flashing talisman (Li Nuohao).

This is the killing formation specially set up by the Yu Clan for Huang.

One and a half months ago, Huang Hao's identity information was placed on the case of the Yu Clan people. The three pieces of information were particularly conspicuous: he got the Token of Butian Pavilion in the Great Wilderness, broke the record in the False God Realm, and disappeared after entering the Butian Pavilion.

Of course, they only found these information villages.

But this is enough for them to be 80% certain that this child may be the real owner of the natural Supreme bone.

For this reason, they did not hesitate to send a large number of sealers to enter Baiduan Mountain with the geniuses in the clan to find the child and test it out.

An order was issued to kill him on the spot, regardless of whether it was true or not.

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