When Huang Hao rode the nine-headed lions into the formation set up by the Yu Clan, Liu Shen and Cao Ye noticed it.

It can also be said that they have noticed it long ago, but did not make a sound to remind them.

"The strength of these people is still very strong for this child. It seems that it is not enough to solve this crisis without using the sword you gave me." Liu Shen looked at the situation in front of him and analyzed.

With her and Cao Ye's Realm, it is natural to see the situation of the battle at a glance. Whether it is the killing formation set up by the Yu Clan, or the real strength of the Yu Clan people outside of formation.

They looked at the spells of the Rain Clan as if they were watching a child at play, there were flaws everywhere that could be broken. In the face of absolute strength, any moves and spells are useless.

As the so-called one force reduces ten meetings, the impact of high Cultivation Base on low Cultivation Base is dimensionality reduction, which cannot be compared at all.

Of course Cao Ye also saw it, he smiled and said: "This is not right, let's start the game from this battle."

"Start? Could it be that the bet you are talking about is not the first battle, but the child's performance in a longer period of time?" Liu Shen was surprised.

"How can it be counted once? The experiment needs data, and the data is insufficient, so the results obtained are not accurate. Of course, we need to observe more times." Cao Ye said as a matter of course.

In his opinion, no matter how many times, Huang Hao is the same Huang Hao and will never change. Even with his connivance now, he will still become the Heavenly Emperor223 in the future who will shake the past and shine the present and arbitrarily rule the ages.

"Although it's a matter of experience, it doesn't need too much polishing. He is already a top-notch jade." Liu Shen thought that it only needed one battle.

"Are you still distressed? Don't worry, this kid is extremely strong. Believe it or not, even if we don't make a move, and the sword doesn't show its true edge, he can still pass through the trial of Baiduan Mountain with his own strength."

Liu Shen's hesitant tone made Cao Ye laugh, he said that he wanted to temper Huang Hao, but he just stopped after one fight, and he still felt sorry for this little guy in his heart.

Could it be that Liushen still has the attribute of being hard-spoken and soft-hearted? Why didn't I realize that she has this side before? Although it feels a bit inconsistent with her tough style of painting, it's just cute.

The more I get along with Liu Shen, the more lively and interesting she feels. Although he is powerful and has a thorough understanding of some human relationships, but in some respects he is like a toddler

Clumsy blank.

It should be said that her so-called transparency is the accumulation of experience established from the perspective of a bystander.

Because the years of living are too long, it is natural to see through the principles of human relationships in the world.

Love, lust, greed, anger, and ignorance, wine, sex, food and lies. Although she understood the truth, she didn't experience it personally, so she showed such a contradictory temperament. (chfg)

In Cao Ye's view, in the long years of Liushen's war, no one has really walked with her all the way and talked with her best friends.

Of course she has friends, but there are very few, or even none, who can talk about the Tao at the top and fight shoulder to shoulder with the bottom.

She, Yu Yu, has been walking alone for a long time. There are several reasons why a person is mysterious, or they are powerful and no one dares to spy on them, or they are cut off from Legendary, no one praises them, or they are alone

Do not speak other people's language.

No one knows how Willow God grows from a fairy root to a towering tree, and no one knows how she feels when she enters a foreign land alone. She is like a treasure, and there are many unknown sides.

As for Cao Ye, he has patience, strength, and endless years to come - read Liu Shen's long and lonely Epic.

In a land of swamps, the sky is full of heavy rain, desolate, and the constant darkness makes people only hear the sound of rain.

Although during this month, Huang Hao has become familiar with the darkness, but this kind of environment still brings him a lot of obstacles in fighting.

In particular, the rain clan's spells had the upper hand in the rain. Huang Hao and the nine lions struggled to resist the power of the big formation, and the rune formation shone with divine light, turning the land into scorched earth.

Standing on the nine-headed lions, Huang Hao looked down at the formation, and finally found the eye of the formation. Milky White's Sword intent soared into the sky, divided into eight streamers, and hit the eye of the formation where the treasure bone was buried respectively.


The treasure bone was shattered, and the formation was broken.

Huang Hao was not in a hurry to be happy, because he understood that this was just the beginning, if the enemy deliberately ambushes, they definitely would not have only this set of killing arrays.

Sure enough, as soon as the formation broke, another light would shine.

"It's a cascade." Huang Hao let out a light snort, becoming interested in research.

Formation is superimposed, and the power is doubled. If new formation is added to the own formation to make a stack, will there be new discoveries?

But this is not the time, he needs a quick battle, the enemy does not know when the real attack will happen, the matter of formation can only be discussed after this matter is over.

Jin Jiaojian and Suanni Baojing were sacrificed at the same time, and he chose to break the formation violently.

Boom! The second set of formation is broken.

However, what awaits Huang Hao is not the enemy who reveals Lushan's true face, but a dazzling light!

"There's no end to it! Where did the shrinking turtle come from, only dare to use the killing array to ambush."

No one answered, only his own voice echoed between the world.

The torrential rain made the already unclear vision even more blurred. Under the light of the talisman array, Tokushima and the nine lions continued to break through the array.

"One formation after another, but not enough to hurt the little ones, but the Yu people outside the big formation are a little troublesome." Cao Ye commented on Huang Wu's increasingly proficient formation breaking movements.

He seemed to realize something in the process of breaking the formation, which Cao Ye could see clearly.

"The Yu clan is the deadly enemy to this child. It's rare for him to be able to hold his breath when he knew the truth back then, which shows that he has a good heart." Cao Ye recalled that nurse boy when he first heard the truth.

"The Yu Clan is clearly prepared this time. It seems that the child's identity has been determined by them. Whether they are guilty of thieves, or cutting grass and roots, they can't stop this child from growing up." Liu Shen said, speaking to Huang Hao [She is very troubled.

"Haha, that's right, the little one has me as the Master and you as the teacher's wife, so why not Nirvana can regenerate, his Supreme bone will always grow back."

As Cao Ye said, he heard the members of the Yu Clan talking about the past in front of Huang Hao very deliberately.

"Back then in Western Xinjiang, we chased and killed a couple, and blood stained the land..."

Hearing this, not to mention Cao Ye, even Liu Shendu, who has always been strict with Huang Hao, was a little angry. After all, although she didn't say anything, she already regarded the child as her own half-disciple in her heart.

"If you don't kill these people, the hatred will never end. The Yu Clan and this child will never reach a reconciliation. Let him kill him to his heart's content. The game of gambling will be settled in the next game." Liu Shen sighed and signaled Cao Dian to release The seal of Shu Shanzi Sword.

"After all, you are still soft-hearted, but you don't have to worry. Let's see how our good apprentice can relieve the hatred in his heart. He will not lose this battle."

As soon as Cao's phone tone fell, a large overlapping formation suddenly rose up, sealing the entire area.

The endless rain finally stopped, and the treasure bones used by the Yu Clan people flew up and smashed into various places.

With a thought in Huang Hao's mind, the sharp sword in the ring was unsheathed, flew into the air and became infinitely larger, hanging above everyone's heads, emitting light like the sun.

The entire enclosed area of ​​the formation was as bright as day, becoming the biggest ray of light since Baiduan Mountain fell into darkness.

Huang Hao looked at this group of people with cold eyes, and there was infinity in his eyes. The duel with the experts of the Rain Clan is only now beginning. .

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